Kaiser Medical Center

Volunteer Training/Competency

Pet Therapy

Sample Volunteer Competency List

Name: ______Date: ______

Age specific Population:

The Volunteers in this service area encounter following check- marked populations

X pediatric (1 – 12 years)

X adolescent (13 – 17 years)

X adult (18 – 64 years)

X senior (65 years or over)

Date Competency
Observed (O) or Informed (I)
i.e. 01/01/09 (O) or (I) / Trainee’s
Initials / Trainer’s Initials
General Tasks

Arrives and leaves at assigned time.

-  Varies and when requested. Notifies MOB or Hospital Site Coordinator regarding changes in availability.
-  Sign in and out of the Volunteer office, prior to and after all visits.
-  Check Pet Therapy mailbox and PT log for patients requesting a visit.
-  Document areas visited and requested visits on logs.
Dresses in KP uniform - Polo shirt with ID badge.
Dog wearing KP vest with ID badge.
Door codes:
Reviews and understands procedure for time off and illness.
- Absence line:
- Calendar in Volunteer Workrooms
Safety Locations:
·  Identify locations of fire extinguishers, pulls and routes
·  Locates the Environment of Care Binder/MSDS sheets (Volunteer offices and Intranet)
·  Locates meeting place if a disaster occurs.
Timecards (changed every six months, Jan. – June, and July – Dec.)
·  Identifies the location of timecards.
·  Reviews and understands the procedure for completion of timecard(s). Use pencil only.
Work Place Safety Information
·  Monthly Safety Topics/Drawing in Volunteer workrooms
·  Process for reporting injuries
Date Competency
Observed (O) or Informed (I)
i.e. 01/01/09 (O) or (I) / Trainee’s
Initials / Trainer’s Initials


·  Avoids receiving tips and gum chewing.
·  No food or beverage allowed during duty in patient/member areas
·  Avoids use of cell phone, texting, iPod during shift
·  Pet Therapy dogs should access patient care areas utilizing stairwells whenever feasible.
·  Dogs are to be relieved in areas outside the hospital footprint with minimal member visibility. Dogs are to refrain from being relieved in the following areas: MOB Courtyard, near the main entrances of both the MOB and hospital, all courtyards within the hospital footprint on any floor.

·  Respects confidentiality

Cultural considerations

·  Respects member cultural and religious beliefs in providing volunteer services.
·  Avoids patients, visitors and staff who react fearfully to dog.
·  Reports any occurrences to RN Unit manager and Volunteer Services manager immediately and completes a Responsible Reporting Form (RRF).
·  Uses interpreter services as necessary (e.g., AT&T Language Line Services or Qualified Bilingual staff found on the Intranet – QBS I or II)

Service Standards

·  Smiles, introduces self, makes eye contact
·  Speaks in appropriate volume
·  Upholds patient confidentiality
·  Engages in positive, appropriate interactions and conversations throughout medical facility to maintain optimum representation of Kaiser Permanente.
Date Competency
Observed (O) or Informed (I)
i.e. 01/01/09 (O) or (I) / Trainee’s
Initials / Trainer’s Initials
Infection Control:
·  Volunteer washes/degerms hands before and after each visit. Reminds patient to use gel too.
·  Checks with the nurse to ensure visitation of appropriate patients and any patient wounds are covered prior to the dog entering the patient’s room.
·  Restricts the pet from any areas where there is food preparation, medication preparation, and/or cleaning supplies.
·  Provides clean up supplies/equipment and immediately cleans up animal waste during each animal visit. Contacts EVS X14949 for any follow-up cleaning.
·  Provides clean hospital gown over current patient’s gown when dog is requested to sit on patient’s lap.
·  Provides a clean sheet, towel or appropriate cover to be placed on bed prior to allowing dog on the bed. Dispose of the cover in the appropriate receptacle after visitation.
·  Refrain from pet visitation if dog has any illness (diarrhea, open wound, infection, or in heat.


·  Team Alert – STAT medical attention
·  Code Blue – cardiac or respiratory arrest
·  Code Pink – Infant/child abduction
·  Code Red – fire: use RACE procedure
·  Code Orange – Chemical spill (ID if known)
·  Code White – Computers are down
·  Code Yellow – Bomb Threat
·  Code Gray – Security STAT
·  Code Silver – Security STAT, weapon or hostage involved
·  Code Dry – Implement emergency H20 supply
·  Code Wet – H20 spill
·  Code C – Emergency C-section
·  Heart Alert – STEMI heart attack
·  Stroke Alert – Stroke
·  Triage I and II – Disaster
·  HCC – Hospital Command Center
·  Labor pool location
Date Competency
Observed (O) or Informed (I)
i.e. 01/01/09 (O) or (I) / Trainee’s
Initials / Trainer’s Initials
Reads service description and discusses the following guidelines:
·  All visits by pets will be coordinated with hospital personnel (i.e., charge nurse, manager, and supervisor or unit designee).
·  Nursing staff will supervise the Pet Visitation Program visit to ensure all volunteers and dogs are in compliance with departmental policies and procedures.
·  Pet Therapy volunteer must be in control and in attendance with dog at all times during every visit.
·  Dogs are the only pets allowed in the Pet Visitation Program.
·  Dogs must remain on leash at all times.
·  Ensures the requirement that the dog must be registered with a hospital-approved organization (i.e. TDI, Therapy Dogs International, Inc.).
Incident Reports: verbalizes the following guidelines for incident reports:
·  Hospital personnel will immediately report any incident as a result of the pet visitation to the supervisor/manager and complete a Responsible Reporting form.
Supervisor/manager receiving any incident report must notify Volunteer manager and forward associated RRF.
Patient Safety:
·  Provides proof of current vaccinations from the veterinarian/TDI for all visiting pets. Submits proof of vaccinations from the veterinarian to the Volunteer Manager on an annual basis.
·  Remains with the pet at all times.
·  If patient has roommate, checks with the nurse prior to the animal visit for permission to avoid potential issues/concerns such as pet allergy or contraindication to the roommate and his/her medical condition.
·  Refrains visitors and patients from feeding the dog while volunteering.
Communication via e-mail and Internet
·  Any and all e-mails sent to PT volunteers regarding requests for patient visits will only include 4 digit room numbers.
·  All communication between PT volunteers will comply with HIPAA and Confidentiality Regulations.
·  Any photos taken within the medical center, prior to distribution or posting, must be approved through KP’s Public Affairs department.
·  Patients and families may take photos within patient rooms but must not contain any staff without their consent.
Date Competency
Observed (O) or Informed (I)
i.e. 01/01/09 (O) or (I) / Trainee’s
Initials / Trainer’s Initials
Patient Communication/Interaction
Demonstrates good listening skills. Able to explain the benefit of Pet Therapy (i.e., lowering blood pressure, recovery) to visitors, pts, and staff.
For pediatric patients (1 – 12 years):
·  Uses familiar terminology to communicate at the child’s level when communicating and interacting with the child.
For adolescent patients (13 – 17 years):
·  Avoids authoritative approach when communicating and interacting with the adolescent.
For adult patients (18 – 64 years):
·  Speaks clearly and calmly when communicating and interacting with the adult patient.
For senior patients (65 years and over):
·  Faces the senior member and speaks slowly and audibly when communicating and interacting with him/her. Allows times for the senior member to respond or ask questions. Repeats as necessary to ensure clear communication.


I have completed the above service orientation and feel comfortable to proceed alone.

Signature: ______Date: ______
Validator’s Signature: Title: ______Date: ______