Westpac web analytics– microsite and landing page implementation

To participate in Westpac web analytics reporting, the following code must be added to each page, close to the closing body tag.

1. Standard tracking –

The standard tracking will collect basic information about the page and visitor.
E.g. -

<script src="//info.westpac.com.au/furniture/scripts/analytics.js"></script>

2. Customised tracking –

This format should only be used when specified, or for mobile experience pages that don’t conform to the common mobile URL pattern for the domain (to be confirmed, i.e. - /mobile/, /m/.)
E.g. –

var pageDetails = {
"pageName": "wbc:site:custom name",
"experience": "mob"
<script src="//info.westpac.com.au/furniture/scripts/analytics.js"></script>