Proposed Minutes of April 11, 2012
Buellton Recreation Center, Buellton, CA
I. Welcome
· Chair Flo Furuike called the meeting to order at 10:14 a.m. Introductions followed.
II. Approval of the Minutes of March 14, 2012
Dan Fontaine moved to approve the minutes of March 14, 2012 as presented. Michelle Graham seconded the motion. MSC.
III. General Public Comment
· There was no public comment at this time.
IV. Presentation of “Potter the Otter” Campaign
Katie Corda from First 5 Santa Barbara gave a PowerPoint presentation of the “Potter the Otter” campaign sponsored by First 5 to encourage children to drink more water and less sugary beverages,
· Katie distributed copies of the book, “Potter the Otter: A Tale about Water,” which is a bilingual English and Spanish book, to all of the members. She also agreed to provide books for the attendees at the Child Development Conference on April 14, and to supply books for an upcoming CPIN workshop.
V. Action Item: Approve AB 212 Plan for 2012-13
· Joyce Stone presented the AB 212 Plan for 2012-13, which contains few changes from the plan for 2-11-12, as the AB 212-eligible staff are following the guidelines for CARES Plus, which will start its second year in 2012-13.
· Jennifer Bergquist moved to approve the AB 212 Plan for 2012-13. Debi Badger seconded the motion. MSC.
VI. Review of Council Bylaws
· Joyce Stone presented the draft bylaws in the absence of ad hoc committee members Eileen Monahan and Karin Dominguez.
· The bylaws will be brought back to Council in May for approval.
VII. Report from Nominating Committee
· Members discussed outreach to potential new members at the Child Development Conference on April 14.
· Joyce Stone will update the member application and job description to have at the CCPC table.
· Jennifer Bergquist will promote Council membership at the plenary session at the conference.
VIII. State Budget and Local Impacts
· Update on Local Efforts: There was a discussion about renewing the advocacy campaign around the theme of “spring flowers.”
· May Advocacy Event: Joyce Stone confirmed that Camille Maben has agreed to make a presentation on May 9. A discussion followed about possible venues. Susan Walsh suggested the gymnasium at the Buellton Recreation Center.
· Flo Furuike suggested talking with Superintendent Bill Cirone to get the assistance of the SBCEO in creating a press release and promoting the event.
· It was suggested to approach First 5 Santa Barbara County and PCAEYC as possible partners for co-sponsorship.
IX. Review of Funding Priorities for 2012
· Joyce Stone presented spreadsheets on the zip code funding priorities due to CDE/CDD on May 30.
· There were no changes to the funding priorities from the 2011 submission. This item will be brought back to Council for approval at the May 9 meeting.
X. Coordinator’s Report
· Joyce Stone distributed a written report that included updates on her work on Council activities, the Leadership project, CPIN, CARES Plus and AB 212, and other activities.
XI. Member Appreciation at May Meeting
· Several members agreed to stay after the Council meeting to form an ad hoc committee to discuss details of planning and promoting the event.
XII. Convene 2012 Retreat Planning Committee
· Flo Furuike asked interested members to develop an ad hoc committee for planning the retreat for September 12, 2012. Jennifer Bergquist will chair the committee; Theresa Embry and Flo Furuike also agreed to serve.
XIII. STAR and Workforce Grant Updates
· Sharol Viker reported that advising sessions will take place from April to June.
· There will be an added component for CARES Plus in 2012-13, the My Teaching Partner coaching component.
· The Higher Ed Fair was held in Santa Barbara March 31.
· Joyce Stone mentioned that the SBCCCP Research Based Practices Ad Hoc Committee has provided input on developing a training survey, which has been sent out to the field. The responses will be used to determine the training needs for CARES Plus participants and the community at large. A training plan will be developed for 2012-13.
XIV. Program Coordination Update
· Debi Badger reported that her programs are in a holding pattern until the state budget is finalized; it is difficult to plan without knowing what the funding level will be for next year.
XV. Other Business/Announcements
· Susan Walsh announced that the next CPIN training will be on Physical Development and will be held at the SBCEO Auditorium on September 15. She also said that the University of LaVerne will start a new cohort in Santa Maria in the summer.
· Debi Badger reported that the Junior League of Santa Barbara has adopted the Franklin Children’s Center. They are purchasing new computers, furniture and books, which will help with family literacy programs. They are holding an open house on April 28.
· Theresa Embry announced that some programs have started the parent component on nutrition as part of the Preschool Food Initiative. The Outdoor Classroom Project is co-sponsoring a free event with Richard Louv at the Granada Theater on May 15, with UCSB Arts and Lectures, the Orfalea Foundation, the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, and the Wilderness Youth Project. There also will be an invitation-only luncheon at San Marcos Camp during the day.
· Sharol Viker reminded members that there is a community meeting for the Race to the Top QRIS project on April 17 from 9 am to 12 pm at the Hotel Corque in Solvang; there is also an online survey on the First 5 Santa Barbara County website. Sharol also will attend the next RTT/QRIS meeting in Sacramento on April 16.
XIV. Adjournment
· Chair Flo Furuike adjourned the meeting at 11:45 a.m.