Town of New Gloucester


Sand & Gravel

The Town of New Gloucester is accepting bids for sand and gravel that will be used for summer road projects and winter sanding. The Town will pick up the sand and gravel. Bid specifications may be obtained at the Town Office, by calling 926-4126 ext. 1, or by emailing .

Bids shall be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked, “Bid Sand & Gravel” to the Town Manager, New Gloucester Town Office, 385 Intervale Road, New Gloucester, Maine, 04260, by 6:00 p.m., Monday, July 2, 2012. Bids will be opened and read at the Board of Selectmen’s regular meeting at 7:00 p.m., Monday, July 2, 2012 at the New Gloucester Meetinghouse. The Town of New Gloucester Board of Selectmen reserves the right to reject or accept any bid if it deems it in the best interest of the town to do so.

Town of New Gloucester

Sand and Gravel Specifications

This is an invitation to submit a bid to the Town of New Gloucester for a twelve month contract (July2012 – June 2013) to furnish Sand and Gravel. It is the intent and purpose of this specification to describe material to be used for both summer road projects and winter sanding needs. The Town of New Gloucester will transport the sand and gravel from the company’s location to the Town of New Gloucester storage facility.

The Town of New Gloucester may purchase any of the following.

A.Aggregate Sub-base shall consist of hard, durable sand or gravel particles with no vegetative matter, lumps, or balls of clay. The gradation for base gravel shall be in accordance with the following:

Sieve Design Percent by Weight Passing a Square Mesh Sieve ¼ inch 25-70%

No. 40 0-30%

No.200 0-7%

No rock shall exceed six (6) inches in any dimension.

B. Base Aggregate shall be sand or gravel of hard, durable particles free of vegetative matter, lumps, or balls of clay.

Sieve Design Percent by Weight Passing a Square Mesh Sieve

½ inch 45-70%

¼ inch 30-55%

No.40 0-20%

No.200 0-5%

No rock shall exceed two (2) inches in any dimension.

C.Surface Gravel shall meet a minimum specification as follows. Free of vegetative matter, lumps, or balls of clay. Gravel shall be of hard, durable, angular particles with enough fines to bind material together for compaction. If cleaner gravel is needed, the Town may use M.D.O.T. Type A specifications.

Standard Surface Gravel:

Sieve Design Percent by Weight Passing a Square Mesh Sieve

2 inch 95-100%

½ inch 30-65%

No.200 7-12%

D.M.D.O.T. Type A Gravel

2 inch 100%

½ inch 45-70%

¼ inch 30-55%

No. 40 0-20%

No. 200 0-5%

E.Winter Sand

The Town of New Gloucester will also purchase winter sand throughout the winter. The winter sand must be free of vegetative matter, lumps of any type, and screened according to the chart below.

Clean, sharp sand with a maximum size of 3/8 inch and 0-3% passing the 200 sieve. Clean, course sand meeting the following gradation:

Sieve % Passing

3/8” 100

# 4 80-100

# 50 0-35

# 200 0-3

If,while using the sand during the winter months the Town of New Gloucesterbreaks any equipment due to rocks or lumps of material, replacement of the equipment shall be the responsibility of the entity supplying the sand.

The Town of New Gloucester will perform tests on material for gradation using a lab of the town’s choosing. Documentation of lab results will be provided to the supplier upon request. If the tested material passes, the Town of New Gloucester will pay for the test. If the material fails, the supplier will reimburse the Town of New Gloucester for the cost of the testing procedure.

Any additional tests shall be at the supplier’s cost.

Bidding Instructions

Bidders shall submit sealed bids on the attached bid tab in a sealed envelope marked, “Bid Sand & Gravel” to the Town Manager, New Gloucester Town Hall, 385 Intervale Road, New Gloucester, Maine, 04260 by 6:00 p.m., Monday July 2, 2012. Bids will be opened and read at the Board of Selectmen’s regular meeting at 7:00 p.m., Monday, July 2, 2012 at the New Gloucester Meetinghouse.

Bidders shall provide a certificate of liability insurance with their bid that names the Town of New Gloucester as an additional insured and provides at least $1,000,000 liability insurance. If applicable, bidders shall also provide a certificate of Workers’ Compensation insurance.

The Town reserves the right to accept or reject any bid if it deems it in the best interest of the Town to do so.

Town of New Gloucester

Sand & Gravel

Bid Form

Quoted prices are as stated below from July2012 through June 2013.


Estimated QuantityCost per Cu Yd Total Cost

Sub-baseup to 1,000 cu yd$______$______

Base up to 2,500 cu yd$______$______

Standard Surfaceup to 3,000 cu yd$______$______

M.D.O.T.Surfaceup to 3,000 cu yd$______$______

Winter Sandup to 8,000 cu yd$______$______

Bid submitted by:

Company: ______

Address: ______


Contact Person: ______

Printed Name Signature

Telephone Number(s): ______

Email Address:______

Date: ______