San MateoCountyFall Prevention Task Force
January 15, 2009
Attendance: Marjorie Marchant – Community member,Katie Flynn – Community member, Patrice Christensen – San Mateo County Health Dept., Kitsum Li – Mills Peninsula Hospital, Marie Violet – Sequoia Hospital, Francine Serafin-Dickson – Hospital Consortium, Martin Simenc – Home Safety Services, Lorie Loguori- Rehab at Home, Cristina Ugaitafa – San Mateo County Aging and Adult Services, Barbara Liedtke – HIP Housing, Lois Glover – CID, Terri Neill - Senior Assist, Cari Pang Chen – Rebuilding Together Peninsula, Ellen Corman – Stanford Hospital Trauma.
Agenda Item / Discussion / Action Items- Committee Reports
- Writing letters of intent for grants. Distributed sheet on funding sources.
- Patrice reported that she’s working on the application for Aging and Adult Services (AAS) for funding for 4 year cycle. Funds being requested for maintenance and improvement of website, order forms to be designed and translated into Spanish and Chinese for Sit and Be Fit video, and funds for fall prevention week activities.
- Committee Report
- Web matrix report distributed – usage continues to grow.
- Guidelines for posting on website distributed.
- News and events sections being changed to Local Happenings.
- Local resources list was developed. Any changes or additions should be emailed to Kitsum. The revised list will be sent out to Task Force members.
- Committee Report
- Recently updated membership list. Next will look at yearly renewal.
- Potential new members attending meeting today.
- Committee Report
- Mission of group is to target disconnect between seniors who say they talk to doctors if they fall and doctors who say they have no resources to deal with fall prevention.
- Planning grand round seminars with Dr. Larry Rubenstein as speaker at at least 2 hospitals.
- Working on information poster for doctors offices.(Ellen)
- Working on tear sheets for doctors to give to patients (Katie)
- Community Presentations
- Patrice distributed list of request for speakers. Most venues already have volunteer speaker.
- Power point presentation – will show updated version at March meeting.
- SSFSeniorCenter having health fair on March 20th. Adding evaluation component.
- Checking on space for possible balance assessments (timed Get up and go) and whether Kaiser already doing this at fair.
- Strategic Plan (Francine)
- Plan has been reviewed and commented on by Archstone Foundations. Francine and Patrice have made changes.
- Membership goal somehow omitted from distributed plan.
- New objectives added to goal 3. Task force will work with Stanford Prevention Research on improving environment in order to increase activity for seniors.
- Archstone Grant
- Officially ends at end of March ’09. Francine has requested extending date to have funds available for Grant Rounds programs.
- Letter from Archstone after 4th quarter summary distributed.
- Listed accomplishments in 5th quarter, which has been a little slower than others. Will add work on sustainability/grant applications, Medical Providers workgroup progress and presentation/event list.
- Strategic Plan
- Reviewed latest version of goals and objectives and made a few small changes.
- Announcements
- Rebuilding Together (Cari) announced that they will be doing their home renovations in April, and hope to work with us to provide resources to seniors and perhaps OT home evaluations prior to the construction day.
Next meeting of Fall Prevention Task Force is scheduled for Thursday, March 19, 2009 at 1:00 -3:00 pm at SequoiaHospital Health and Wellness, 749 Brewster, Redwood city, CA94063.