San Gabriel Valley Consortium

Early Completion Option (ECO)


Name of Induction Candidate District

Eligibility Criteria:

·  Hold a California Preliminary Credential

·  Minimum of two years’ experience as a full-time teacher of record in a public or accredited private school at initial date of hire

·  Minimum of two consecutive satisfactory evaluations as a contracted teacher in a public or accredited private school

·  Must currently be a full-time teacher of record in one of the San Gabriel Valley Consortium (SGVC) districts

·  Written recommendation by site administrator

Program Requirements:

·  Induction consent form, year one

·  Induction IC/Mentor workshops

·  SGVC IC Memo of Understanding

·  Completion of local and state induction program surveys

·  Maintenance of an induction portfolio documenting evidence of demonstrated competencies as agreed upon with SGVC program director. The portfolio shall include:

o  A complete set of Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) documents, including two IIPs (Module C)

Failure to complete the ECO requirements may delay recommendation for the professional clear credential. Participating teachers unable to complete the ECO requirements will remain in the standard two-year induction program. Final recommendation for the professional clear credential is made by the SGVC induction program coordinator.


Signature of Applicant Date


Signature of Program Coordinator Date