San Francisco Local Homeless Coordinating Board


Bidders’ Conference

2012 NOFA Competition

2012 Local Materials Packet

For Agencies Applying for Renewal Projects

That Are Subrecipients of HSA

November 16, 2012

Table of Contents


I. McKinney Vento CoC 2012 Local Community Review Process...... 3

II. Appeals Policy and Process...... 5

IV. Project Application Help Sheet...... 7

V. Proposal Submission Checklist for Renewal Projects...... 9

VI. Renewal Project Scoring Tool...... 10

VII. 2012 Project Narrative...... 13

VIII.Local Application Materials...... 15

IX.Other Resources and Assistance...... 16

2012 McKinney-Vento Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Grants



  • CoC designs a project review process and LHCB approves it prior to NOFA release.
  • HomeBase completes assessment and review of renewal legacy Supportive Housing Program (SHP) projects. LHCB staff review final assessments and address any concerns, comments, or thoughts to relevant projects. LHCB members may also review final assessments and address any comments to relevant projects.
  • After the NOFA is released, all application documents will be updated.
  • Legacy SHP projects will have a final opportunity to address any aspects of their assessment that may be impacted by the updated application documents and scoring tool.
  • Renewal applicants will attend a Bidders’ Conference, and have time to complete and submit their applications.
  • HomeBase will complete APR summaries for renewal legacy Shelter Plus Care (S+C) projects.
  • LHCB staff will recruit between five and seven Priority Panel members, prioritizing members who have served as Priority Panelists in the past or who have other relevant experience. Priority Panel members will sign “no conflict of interest” and confidentiality statements.
  • LHCB will approve the application materials as amended post-NOFA. Any changes to this application process, the scoring priorities, or the materials distributed at the Bidders Conference will be communicated to persons submitting a contact form at the Bidders conference. If the LHCB approval changes the application packet, projects applying for funding should submit their original application on the original due date. In that situation, projects would be given additional time and directions about changes. If the LHCB resolution changes anything that does not impact the application package, projects will ONLY receive notice.
  • All renewal projects will submit HUD required materials, including a HUD Project Application (formerly known as Exhibit 2) to LHCB staff. Direct grantees will also submit an Applicant Profile and related documents. Renewal projects will also be asked to submit a local project narrative, documentation of all match resources, and all leverage letters that they have already collected. All documents should be submitted in-person to Megan Owens at 1650 Mission St.
  • Late applications received within 48 hours of the due date/time will receive a 15-point score reduction. Incomplete applications cannot be cured for Priority Panel scoring, but, if selected by the Priority Panel, must be corrected prior to HUD submission. The original application (not the copies) will be examined to determine if all pieces of the application have been submitted.
  • Priority Panel members are trained, as appropriate, and receive applications. Panelists review applications over a 1-2 week period.
  • LHCB staff and HomeBase review renewal project applications and provide technical feedback.
  • Priority Panel meets to review and discuss applications together. Priority Panel members then score projects using the 2012 Renewal Scoring Tool. Each panel member’s scores are added together to create the project’s total score. All projects are ranked and placed into either Tier 1 or Tier 2, per HUD requirements. The Permanent Housing Bonus Project and CoC Planning Funds will be placed at the bottom of Tier 2 unless the Panel recommends that a renewal project be ranked below those projects because of poor performance. Priority Panel may also identify projects that should be reallocated, in whole or in part, in favor of a new project. (Later in the process, LHCB will consider the recommendations of the panel, the performance of such projects, needs and gaps in the community, and will then make the final decision about the ranked list and reallocation.)
  • Preliminary scoring results are delivered to applicants with a reminder about the appeals process, followed by appellate hearings, if any.
  • Applicants can request feedback from the Priority Panel or threshold reviewers. They can also report any discrepancies in their score sheet, although this is not considered an official appeal.
  • LHCB meets to consider and approve a final CoC ranked funding list. If any renewal project does not apply for funding or is identified by the Priority Panel as in need of reallocation, that funding may be reallocated to a new project. The LHCB will make all final decisions about reallocating funding from any project. In addition, if the Priority Panel recommends prioritizing Bonus funding or CoC Planning funding above a renewal project because of the renewal projects poor performance or for any other reason, the LHCB will consider the needs and gaps of the community, the performance of the project, and determine if the Panel’s recommendation should be followed.
  • If funding is reallocated but is not enough funding to support permanent supportive housing, an application for HMIS or other eligible cost that could use that funding may be created and submitted outside of this competition. It would be approved by the LHCB.
  • Projects will submit copies of letters or documentation for all match/leverage resources listed in their application.
  • Applications will be submitted with the City-wide application and applicants will be invited to attend the 2012 Debrief.

The process must be conducted in a manner that is effective for persons with disabilities and persons with limited English proficiency. If you need any accommodations, please contact Megan Owens at or 557-6007

2012 McKinney-Vento Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Grants



Applicants may appeal if: the project is not funded or receives less funding than the amount in the application; the project is ranked in Tier 2 of the CoC application (in which the applicants funding may be at risk); or if the project is ranked in the bottom third of Tier 1 (as an appeal from Tier 2 could displace the project). All notices of appeal must be based on the information submitted by the application due date. No new or additional information will be considered. Omissions to the application cannot be appealed. The decision of the Appeal Committee will be final.

The Appeal Committee will be made up of three (3) members of the Local Homeless Coordinating Board. The Board members will not have participated on the original Priority Panel or have a conflict of interest with any of the agencies applying for McKinney funding. The role of the Appeal Committee is to read and review only those areas of the application that are being appealed.


  1. A preliminary ranked McKinney funding list is posted.
  1. Each agency will have five (5) business days to pick up copies of their score sheets. Score sheets may be picked up beginning on December 20, 2012 between the hours of 9:00 am – 4:30 pm at 1650 Mission Street. Please contact Megan Owens at (415) 557-6007.
  1. Eligible Appeals: Any project that is not funded or receives less funding than the amount in the application, that is ranked in Tier 2 of the CoC application (in which the applicants funding may be at risk), or that is ranked in the bottom third of Tier 1 may appeal the application’s score based on their score sheets. The preliminary McKinney project funding list will indicate which applications fall into these categories at the time it is posted. Applications subject to losing funding as the result of the appeal of another application will be notified and given time for such project to file an appeal.
  1. Any sponsor agency may report any discrepancies in their score sheet to Megan Owens at (415) 557-6007 for the purpose of avoiding such errors in scoring in future years, but such report will not constitute an appeal.
  1. Any and all appeals must be received in writing within the five (5) day appeal period; therefore, all written appeals for applications that are eligible to appeal at the time the preliminary McKinney project priority list is posted must be received by 4:00 pm, December 28, 2012.
  1. All notices of appeal (one original and three copies) must be submitted in-person to Megan Owens at 1650 Mission Street.
  1. The notice of appeal must include a written statement specifying in detail each and every one of the grounds asserted for the appeal. The appeal must be signed by an individual authorized to represent the sponsor agency (i.e., Executive Director) and must include (highlight and cite) the specific sections of the application on which the appeal is based. The appealing agency must specify facts and evidence sufficient for the Appeal Committee to determine the validity of the appeal. That is, the notice of appeal must have attached the specific areas of the application being appealed and must also clearly explain why the information provided is adequate enough to gain additional points.
  1. The Appeal Committee will review and evaluate all notices of appeal and decide whether or not the appeal has any validity based on the appeal policy.
  1. All valid appeals will be read, reviewed and evaluated by the Appeal Committee.
  1. Appeal Committee deliberates.
  1. Agencies will receive, in writing, the decision of the Appeal Committee within 10 business days. The decision of the Appeal Committee will be final.
  1. Final Funding List is submitted for consideration and approval by LHCB.


HomeBase/ Legal & Technical Assistance Advancing Solutions to Homelessness November 16, 2012

2012 McKinney-Vento Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Grants


All projects should download the appropriate Project Application (formerly Exhibit 2) Training Module(s) for their project at

Remember: Project Applicants will not be able to import data from previous years' Project Application(s). All information will need to be reentered, except for some information that pre-populates from the Applicant Profile. We still recommend that you download your 2011 Exhibit 2 from e-snaps and review that prior to completing your 2012 Project Application.

Page 1A. Application Type, Question 5b. Federal Award Identifier: For renewal projects, use expiring grant number found in the list of Renewal Projects in the Bidders’ Conference packet. New projects, leave blank.

Page 1B. Legal Applicant. This information should reflect the name and contact information of the applicant/recipient (NOT the subrecipient (or sponsor)). Because HSA is your recipient, use: Ms. Joyce Crum, Director of Housing and Homeless Programs, City and County of San Francisco, phone: (415) 557-6444, fax: (415) 557-6033,

Page 1C, Application Details, Question 11, Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Title: The answer is: 14.267 CoC Program

Page 1C, Application Details, Question 12, Funding Opportunity Number: The answer is: FR-5600-N-41, Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Competition

Page 1D, Congressional Districts, put both:

Representative / District / Web address
Nancy Pelosi / CA-8 /
Jackie Speier / CA-12 /

Page 1D, Question 17, Proposed Project Start Date End Date: Renewal projects, see the List of Eligible Renewal Projects.

Page 1E, Compliance, Question 19“Is the Application Subject to Review By State Executive Order 12372 Process?”: The answer is no.yes.

Page 1F, Declaration: Please use the recipient representative information. Because HSA is your recipient, use: Mr. Trent Rhorer, Executive Director of Human Services Agency, phone: (415) 557- 5000, fax: (415) 431- 9270,

Page 3A, Project Detail:

  • Continuum of Care Name and Number: CA-501- San Francisco CoC
  • Question 4, Project Status: Leave as “Standard”
  • Question 7, Does this project use one or more properties that have been conveyed through the Title V process?: This question refers to properties that were categorized as unutilized, underutilized, excess, or surplus for use to assist homeless persons, please answer as appropriate for your project.

Page 3B, Project Description:

  • Please read the instructions and answer these questions completely and carefully.

Page 4A, Questions 1-3, Supportive Services for Participants:

  • Projects serving families with children or youth should answer these questions with Yes or No. An answer of ‘Yes’ would indicate that the applicant/sponsor’s policies and practices are compliant with educational laws at the time of application
  • Project serving only adults should answer Not Applicable.

Page 4b, Housing Type and Scale Detail:

Possible Geographic Areas:

Jurisdiction / Code
San Francisco / 063228

Page 4C, Homeless Management Information Systems (HMIS) Participation:

Renewal Projects: Please put zeros in this chart; HSA will complete it for you.

Pages 6A & 6B, Standard and Additional Performance Measures:

  • Locate your 2011 Exhibit 2 and enter the same Performance Measure data into the 2012 Project Application.
  • This data was developed through a community process during last year’s competition and has been collected incrementally by programs in 2012 as their new operating years begin.
  • Once all programs have had the opportunity to track the performance measures for at least one year, we may engage in another community process to adjust them based on our collective experience.
  • For questions, contact Alison Schlageter at 415-557-6451 or .

Page 8B, Certification: If HSA is your grantee, the Authorized Certifying Official on page 8B is Trent Rhorer, the Authorized Certifying Official for the grantee organization.

Budgets: As needed, the "Name of metropolitan or non-metropolitan Fair Market Rent (FMR) area" for you is: San Francisco County, California. FMR amounts are:


HomeBase/ Legal & Technical Assistance Advancing Solutions to Homelessness November 16, 2012

SRO: $928

0 Bedroom: $1238

1 Bedroom: $1522

2 Bedroom: $1905

3 Bedroom: $2543

4 Bedroom: $2688


HomeBase/ Legal & Technical Assistance Advancing Solutions to Homelessness November 16, 2012

2012 McKinney-Vento Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Grants


Renewal Projects for which HSA is the Recipient



Hand deliver items listed below to Megan Owens at 1650 Mission St.

NOTE: Please place a sheet of colored paper between each packet.

All copies must be double-sided and collated!

 enclosed / Number of copies
 / This Proposal Submission Checklist / 9 copies
 / HUD Project Application (Formerly Exhibit 2) / 9 copies
 / Local Project Narrative / 9 copies
 / 2880 Applicant/Recipient Disclosure/Update Report (leave signature line blank) / 2 copies
 / Most Recent Financial Audit (legacy Shelter Plus Care projects only) / 1 copy
 / Documentation of match resources / 1 original (with signature) and 8 copies
 / Completed leverage letters (outstanding leverage letters due by February 15) / 2 copies
Contact person’s name:

For Department use only: DATE received: ______TIME received: ______

Application received by (name): ______

2012 McKinney-Vento Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Grants



Item / Maximum Available Score
THRESHOLD CRITERIA (Required but not scored; if “no” for any threshold criteria, the project is ineligible) / N/A


/ HMIS Implementation – Projects which do not participate, or have not agreed to participate, are not eligible for funding
Project has agreed to participate in the HSA-administered HMIS and has signed a local Certification of Intent to participate, unless it is a victim-service agency, serving survivors of domestic violence, or a legal services agency. / N/A


CoC Strategic Plan Compliance
Project aligns with the San Francisco CoC Strategic Plan.
/ N/A
SCORED CRITERIA / Maximum Available Score



Program Performance and Client Outcomes

/ 50



Performance compared to other similar programs. (See APR summary (for legacy S+C) and HomeBase effectiveness analysis (for legacy SHP).)

/ 10 points to be awarded based on scale[*]



Program is responsive to clients’ needs. (For legacy SHP, see client feedback and HomeBase analysis of Reliability and Responsiveness. For legacy S+C, see project narrative.)

/ 10 points to be awarded based on scale*



Projects may receive points under any one of the following criteria based on outcomes reported in the APR:

/ 10 points to be awarded based on scale*



If legacy SHP-PH, legacy S+C, or a legacy SHP services-only project to people in PH: The percentage of formerly homeless individuals who remain housed in the HUD permanent housing project for at least six months is at least 80% (HUD’s goal).


/ If transitional housing: The percentage of homeless persons who have moved from the HUD transitional housing project to a form of permanent housing is at least 65%. (HUD’s goal)


/ If services-only employment program: The employment rate of persons in the HUD homeless assistance project is at least 20%. (HUD’s goal)


/ If other service-only program or safe haven: The percentage of homeless persons who maintained or increased income is at least 75%.


/ Income: Project’s APR demonstrates success in maintaining or increasing client income. / 10 points to be awarded based on scale*


/ Mainstream Services: Project’s APR and/or supplemental information provided demonstrates the program’s history of success in connecting clients with mainstream resources. / 10


/ Budget & Cost Effectiveness / 20


/ Program is cost-effective compared to other comparable programs, considering program design and population served. (For legacy SHP, see HomeBase analysis of cost effectiveness. For legacy S+C, award full points.) / 8


/ Budget is clearly articulated, with no unnecessary or unexplained items. (For legacy S+C, award full points.) / 2


/ Program provides the required match and leverages additional resources as part of overall program budget / 10 points to be awarded based on scale[*]


/ Administrative Efficiency / 20


/ Self-evaluation: Program has effective methodology in place for periodic self-evaluation and response to participant feedback, including staff training as appropriate. (For legacy SHP, see HomeBase assessment section “Program’s Quality Assessment”. For legacy S+C, see project narrative.) / 3
