751 Locust Street
PO Box 103
St. Michael, Pennsylvania 15951
Rev. Charles F. Bodziak, PastorSaturday Vigil 4:00 pm
Deacon Dave HornickSunday Morning 8:00 am
10:30 am
Secretary: Susan PoldiakDaily Mass See Bulletin
Bookkeeper: Christine SmayHoly Days See Bulletin
Religious Ed.: Laurie Sloan
Office Hours:
PHONES: 8:30 am to 3:30 pm
Rectory / Office: (814) 495-9640Monday, Tues., Thurs., Friday
Fax: (814) 495-9424
Rel. Ed Office / Confessions:
Parish Hall: (814) 495-4873Saturday 3:30 pm to 3:45 pm
YEAR: 2013 NUMBER: 45Sunday 7:30 am to 7:45 am
Parish Website 10:00 am to 10:15 am
Anytime Requested
Secretaries’ E-mail:
BAPTISM:By Appointment. Reserve at least one month in advance.
Preparation classes are necessary.
MARRIAGE:Make arrangements at least nine months in advance.
Preparation sessions are necessary.
FUNERALS:Arrangements are made in conjunction with the funeral home.
Eulogies must be given at the funeral home at the time of the wake service
or at the luncheon. No eulogies at the funeral liturgy, please.
REGISTRATION:Every family must be properly registered. New parishioners should
register as soon as possible.
MEMBERSHIP:Every parishioner must be registered. This is a condition for admission
to our Program and reception of the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation,
First Penance, First Eucharist, and Matrimony; also, for testimonial letters or
sponsorship of Baptism and Confirmation outside the Parish.
VISITATION:We are concerned and want to be advised when someone is ill at
home or in the hospital. Call the rectory to have the shut-in placedon
our monthly Holy Communion calls or seriously ill prayer list.
SACRAMENTALRequires a six-month parish registration and active Mass participation
POLICY:for Baptism and Marriage.
November 10, 2013 32ndSunday in Ordinary Time
Month of the Holy Souls in Purgatory
MASS INTENTIONS: (November 4 – November 10, 2013)
Monday8:30 AMJoseph Lazor req. by Dolores Mucko
Tuesday8:30 AMFritzie Beaver req. by Remy Beaver & Family
Wednesday6:30 PMMagdalene Plummer req. by Camillus & Betty Long
Thursday8:30 AMMary Smith req. by Husband, Bill & Family
Friday8:30 AMMary Shappek req. by St. Michael Funeral Committee
Saturday4:00 PMBernice Contardi req. by Annette & Scott Kensinger
Sunday8:00AMBrad Wess req. by Terri, Gus, Matt & Mitch Leach
10:30 AMPeople of the Parish
Saturday, November 16 4:00 PMOffertory Procession
Lector:Susan Poldiak Annette Kensinger
Minister of the Host:Mary Partsch
Ministers of the Cup:Joanne Thomas & Babe Richards
Altar Servers:Madison, Garrett & Carson Kundrod
Cantor:Maxwell Varljen
Greeter:Carole Mucker
Sunday, November 178:00 AMOffertory Procession
Lectors:Robbie Bambino, Max Varljen & Ian Wieczorek Shannon Kudlawiec
Minister of the Host:Cathy Faher Erik Kudlawiec
Ministers of the Cup:Walter Christ & Betty Long Allie Maurer
Altar Servers:Isabella Yakicic, Joel Barton & Nick Lineman Jayme Naugle
Cantor:Anita Lorek
Greeter:Julia Gully, Danielle Mickus & Katie Jordan
Ushers:Garrett Bunn, Anthony Hribar, Dominic Panick & Andy Pinkas
Sunday, November 1710:30 AMOffertory Procession
Lector:Tiffany Sciko The Vitez Family
Minister of the Host:Deacon Dave Hornick
Ministers of the Cup:Patty Hornick & Tiffany Sciko
Altar Servers:Elyssa Nagy, Eric Elgin & Evan Burkardt
Cantor:Jessica Freidhoff
Greeter:Richard Martyak
Sunday, November 17Collection Counters
Camillus Long, Sarah Zajdel,
Phyllis Slonac & Mary Ann DeRosa
VETERANS DAY is an annual United States holiday honoring military veterans that is observed on November 11. It is also celebrated as Armistice Day or Remembrance Day in other parts of the world and falls on November 11, the anniversary of the signing of the Armistice that ended World War I (Major hostilities of World War I were formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 with the German signing of the Armistice or the Treaty of Versailles.) On November 11, 1919, President Wilson proclaimed the first Armistice Day or as we now call it, Veterans Day, with the following words: "To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country's service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations." The original concept for the celebration was for the suspension of business for a two minute period beginning at 11 A.M., with the day also marked by parades and public meetings. Please remember to thank a veteran for their service!
We are placing names of the sick in the bulletin for prayer providing they give permission. Although we remember all sick and shut-ins at every Mass, we would like our parish family to be aware of the need for special prayer intentions because of a most serious illness or hospital stay. May theDivine Physician send healing grace for those forwhom we pray:
Josephine Koshute, Lance Hupkovich, Sophie McCloskey, Theresa Fleck, Edith Pheasant, Allen C. Rosemas, Nadine Costa, Patricia Murphy, Beverly Helsel, Betty Zaluski, Connie Gruca, Kenneth A. Yanzetich, Sr., Todd Euen, Beatrice Myers, Bernice Myers, Joel Gillin, Bela Albert Demko, Mary Plasay, William Burke, Dorothy Lebedda, Dwight Fyock, Bill Edmiston, Lori Facciani, Shane Bosic, Matey Stec, Dylon Wills, Nicholas Gilles, Bonnie Moore, Dawn Hagen, Carol Myers, John Podrebarac, Gretchen Rummel, Rachael Howard, Debbie Dibert, Theresa Podrebarac, Ronald Partsch, Julia Bernat, Missy, Betty Hand, Heather Reininger, Joanne (Kolar) Hufford, Christine Flanagan, Troy Jordan, Ayden Alan Grata, Earl Edmiston, Mady, Irene Hribar, Judy Dabbs, Remy Beaver, Mary Lou Offman, Marian Chuckalovcak, John Patterson, Don Hudson, Gene Swansboro, Bryn McKay, Mildred Beesoick, Julia Gvozdich, Christine Rose, Janet Howell, John T. Plummer, and all of the sick of our parish, the homebound, those in nursing homes, those who care for them, and those in the military along with their families. (Pleasecall theRectory to have your nameremoved from the listwhen nolongerseriously ill. Thank You.)
LET US PRAY AND REMEMBER~ The following Rev. Fathers from our diocese that died throughout the years
from November 11th through November 17th: John Marnecheck, Howard T. Miller, Richard D. Clark, John Sostaric,
Ferdinand Kreutzkamph, Msgr. Stephen A. Ward
Silvan Rouse, CP, Christopher Panagopolos, TOR, Deacon David Hornick
ADULT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASS~ (Please note day change) With the guidance of Deacon Dave, we are having a class studying Pentateuch I: Creation and Covenant, continuing on Thursday, November 14th at 7:00 p.m. in the Saint Paul Room of the church. The class will explore Judeo-Christian beginnings and theological foundations with this in-depth study of the Books of Exodus and Genesis. We hope to have a very good interest in this need for personal evangelization. One class does not depend on another, so you may start anytime.
MARTHA’S GROUP~ Martha’s group will meet on Monday, November 11th at 6:00 PM in the Church Hall. This will be their last meeting until spring.
CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE MEETING ~ The Centennial Committee will meet this Monday, November 11th at 7:00 PM in the Church Hall.
HOLY NAME SOCIETY ~ The meeting of the Holy Name Society will be on Sunday,
November 17th in the church hall immediately following the 8:00 AM Mass. New members are always welcome.
SECOND SUNDAY FOOD COLLECTION~ This weekend is our Second Sunday Food Collection.
CHOIR PRACTICES ~ Practice for the Sunday Choir is on Mondays at 7:00 PM. Practice forthe
Saturday Choir is on Thursdays at 5:30 PM. Combined Choir Christmas Practice scheduled for
Tuesday, November 12th at 7:00 PM.
MILITARY MAIL The youth of the parish will be sending out mail for our military. We are in need of blank Christmas cards for this project. Anyone wishing to donate boxes of cards can drop them off in the bridal room of the church or in the Religious Education Office.
If you know of anyone in the military that would appreciate receiving mail, please contact us with an address. You can call the rectory at 495-9640 or contact the RE Office at 495-4873.
THE CENTENNIAL COOKBOOK ~If you wish to purchase a cookbook, please call the Rectory Office at 495-9640 or contact Cathy Faher at 487-7207. The cost is $15.00. The cookbook makes an excellent gift, especially for Christmas and birthdays. You may pay by cash or check. If writing a check, please make the check payable to St. Michael Catholic Church and in the memo line, write Centennial Cookbook.
For the Safety of Soldiers
Almighty and eternal God, those who take refuge in you will be gladand forever will shout for joy.
Protect these soldiers as they discharge their duties.
Protect them with the shield of your strength and keep them safe from all evil and harm.
May the power of your love enable them to return home in safety, that with all who love them,
they may ever praise you for your loving care.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified for God, our Lord, goes with you;
He will never leave you nor forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6
The Amazing Christmas Ceasefire
During World War I, British and German soldiers put down their weapons to celebrate the holiday spirit together, in a remarkable event known as "the Christmas Truce." By Kathryn Hawkins
It was Christmas Eve, 1914, and the war was on. German and British troops lay stationed in trenches along the border of Belgium and northern France, aiming their rifles at enemy soldiers, their bodies pressed flat in the frozen dirt. The battle had gone on for weeks, relentless; it seemed there was no end in sight.
Then suddenly, a British soldier received an unexpected gift from the German soldiers – a chocolate cake. Even more surprising was the attached note: The German troops were requesting a ceasefire, so that they could celebrate Christmas without warfare. The stunned British soldiers agreed.
Later that evening, the guns fell silent as the German soldiers began to sing Christmas carols in their native tongue. In turn, the British soldiers responded with a Christmas song in English. The caroling continued through the night – and eventually, the two opposing sides joined their voices to sing in harmony.
All night long, the Western front glowed, illuminated by the burning candles on the German soldiers’ small Tannenbaums. Even the Indian troops on the British side, who did not celebrate Christmas, were brought to tears – the lights reminded them of their own Hindu Festival of Lights.
The next day, British soldier Rifleman J. Reading wrote in a letter, the Germans “came towards us, and our chaps went out to meet them. Of course neither of us had any rifles. I shook hands with some of them, and they gave us cigarettes and cigars. We did not fire that day, and everything was so quiet that it seemed like a dream.”
Soon, some of the soldiers from both sides began venturing into the area known as “no man’s land” for impromptu games of soccer. Others showed off their juggling skills, played cards, gave haircuts, or simply talked about their lives back at home. For that single day, the soldiers were no longer at war: They were simply young men again, sharing their joy on Christmas day.
“So there you are,” wrote another British officer. “All this talk of hate, all this firing at each other that has raged since the beginning of the war quelled and stayed by the magic of Christmas.”
On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, an armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, was declared between the Allied nations and Germany in the First World War, then known as "the Great War." Commemorated as Armistice Day beginningthe following year, November 11th became a legal federal holiday in the United States in 1938. In the aftermath of World War II and the Korean War, Armistice Day became
Veterans Day, a holiday dedicated to American veterans of all wars.
Religious EducationAndChristianHelping
REACH BASKET SOCIALOur REACH Basket Social was held last Sunday,
November 3rd. A special thank you to everyone who attended and also all
the volunteers who contributed many hours of their time to help make it a
success. Thank You also for all the generous donations! See you next year!
Veteran's Day Liturgy and Luncheon ~ Today, Sunday, November 10, 2013
Veteran's Day REACH Celebration Plans ~ Today, November 10th at the 10:30 a.m. Sunday Mass, the
REACH students will honor all area Veterans including all those men and women who have served
and/or continue to serve our country through theNational Guard and all branches
of the military. Everyone is welcome to participate in this event, even those individuals who are not
members of our parish. This is to be a community celebration in honor of all those who have helped
make and continue to help keep this country free! After the Mass celebration, everyone is invited to our
parish hall for a light luncheon. REACH students, help make this day a special tribute to our Veteran's by
attending and participating in the 10:30 Liturgy.
Cookies and desserts are needed for the Veteran's Day Luncheon -we are need of help in
preparation of cookies or desserts for this event. Any dessert donations can be brought to the church
hall the morning of November 10th.
CHILDREN’S THANKSGIVING LITURGY There willbea special Children’s Thanksgiving Liturgy on
Thursday, November 21st at 3:30 p.m. for our K--5 students. Parents, older siblings and any other
parishioners are also invited to attend! Students and adults are reminded to bring in a non-perishable
food item or monetary donation for the offertory collection. These items will be donated to the Forest
Hills Food Pantry. This Thanksgiving Liturgy will take place during our regularly scheduled class time.
All students will be dismissed from the church instead of the church hall at the end of Mass.
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES For the Thanksgiving Holiday break, there will be No Religious
Education classes on Thursday, November 28th (Thanksgiving Day) for grades K—5 and No classes
held on Sunday, December 1st for grades 6—12. Classes will resume on Thursday, December 5th
for grades K—5 and Sunday, December 8th for grades 6—12.
Required Fall Confirmation Sessions / Upcoming Schedule
Grade 10 ~ Sunday, November 17, 2013 ~ All 10th Grade students will be attending the
8:00 a.m. Mass together as a class and celebrating their Rite of Blessing during this Mass as
part of their confirmation journey. After Mass, they will attend their Fall Session 10A from
9 to 11 a.m. in the Parish Hall to fulfill this session requirement.
Grade 9 ~ Sunday, December 8, 2013 ~ All 9th Grade students will be attending the 8:00 a.m.
Mass together as a class. After Mass, they will attend their Fall Session 9A from 9 to 11 a.m. in
the Parish Hall to fulfill this session requirement.
Grade 11 ~ Sunday, December 15, 2013 ~ All 11th Grade students will be attending the
8:00 a.m. Mass together as a class and celebrating their Rite of Commitment during this Mass
as part of their confirmation journey. After Mass, they will attend their Fall Session 11B from 9 to
11 a.m. in the Parish Hall to fulfill this session requirement.
* If the students miss this scheduled session, they are required to attend another
parishes scheduled session to fulfill these requirements.
REACH Gob Sale for NCYC (National Catholic Youth Conference)REACH has 11 youth members and 6 adult chaperones registered to attend NCYC in Indianapolis November 21st -- 23rd. Help us support the cost of the trip by ordering some delicious gobs made again by Livingston Bakery. Place your pre-order now by returning the attached order form below by Sunday, November 10th. Gobs will be available for your pick-up in the church hall nextweekend, November 16th & 17th after all of the weekend Masses.
NCYC Gob Order Form
(Orders can be placed until Sunday, November 10th)
Make check payments to: St. Michael REACH.
1 = $1.50 Each (Up to 5)½ Dozen (6) = $7.00 1 Dozen (12) = $14.00
_____ Chocolate (Regular Filling)
_____ Chocolate (Peanut Butter Filling)
(OK to mix flavors)
_____ Pumpkin
_____ Banana
= ______(Total Gobs Ordered)$______Total Amount Due
Sunday, November 10Veterans Day Mass / 10:30 AM / Followed by a Luncheon in the Parish Hall
ALL are welcome and encouraged to attend this celebration!
Grades 6-12 Religious Education / 9:15 PM to 10:15 PM
Monday, November 11 VETERANS DAY (Rectory Office closed for the Holiday)
Martha’s Group / 6:00 PM / Church Hall
Centennial Committee Meeting / 7:00 PM / Church Hall
Sunday Choir Practice / 7:00 PM / Church
Tuesday, November12 Combined Choir Christmas Practice / 7:00 PM / Church
Wednesday, November 13Mass & Our Lady of Lourdes Novena #7 / 6:30 PM / Church
Girl Scouts / 6:00 PM / Church Hall
Thursday, November 14 K-5 Religious Education / 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Saturday Choir Practice /5:30 PM/ Church
Pentateuch Class / 7:00 PM / Saint Paul Room
Friday, November 15
Saturday, November 16 Gob Pick-ups
Sunday, November 17 Gob Pick-ups