Table 1: Narrative reporting table
GWP Work Programme OutputsFor each Output, 1–5 / Activities developed Jan to June 2004, as reported by members
Highlights of the most important event / Outcomes / Next Steps / Problems & Remedial Actions
If any
Output 1
1.1 Facilitate participatory multistakeholder processes for policy dialogues, towards EWG and strengthening the roles of river basin org. / Brazil
Participation in the meetings of the Program of the Ministry of Environmental Affairs on the involvement of communities in the Program of Prevention, Preparation and Quick Answer to Environmental Emergencies with Dangerous Chemical Products – involving institutions from the Nation, states and municipal districts and river basins organizations, where coordinated the Work Group for Mapping Risk Areas in Federal and State Basins.
Participation in the 3º National Meeting of the Project Global Mercury, Manaus (AM), discussing the results of the environmental evaluation made by the Mineral Technology Center (Cetem), of the Ministry of Science and Technology, together with the Evandro Chagas Institute (IEC), of the Ministry of Health Affairs, in two areas of mining in the Tapajós river basin – São Chico e Creporizinho. This project is coordinated by UNIDO and financed by GEF, through its Program of International Waters. Its final target is the reduction of the pollution caused by mercury (Hg) in international waters. Areas of mineral prospection of gold in small scale of six countries have been evaluated: Brazil, Indonesia, Zimbabwe, Laos, Tanzania and Sudan
Participation in a meeting with the National Confederation of Agriculture and Cattle Raising of Brazil, for the discussion on rules for systems of measurement for great water users, in federal river basins as a water demand control instrument.
Participation in the International Conference of Environmental Audit promoted by the Court of Accounts of the Union, discussing issues related to the control of governmental actions that aim environmental protection with members of INTOSAI – International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions.
In Ecuador GWP participates in the Mesa Foro del Agua, presenting the proposal of planning processes towards national IWRM plan.
In Perú Comité Consultivo (multistakeholder group) establishes agreements with government to initiate a Forum discussion on planning processes towards national IWRM plan.
In Chile DGA ECLAC SAMTAC, publishes results on National workshop 2003 towards IWRM plan, designing a second national workshop for 2004 dec.
In Paraguay, APA
(Paraguayan Association of Water) also agrees with partners to detonate a forum discussion. In Paraguay a public private corporation is initiated as a CWP- Water Corporation for El Chaco.
Brasil not only agrees on the forum and multistakeholder process for national plans, but also undertakes a regional participatory discussion (International Seminar on Water Management public policy).
Uruguay committs with partners in organizing river basin workshop in November. / IWRM national planning process approved, national forum will be produced during 2004 and 2005, in Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Brazil, Peru.
In Argentina COHIFE and Arg Cap Net have agreed to take part of the process, no action plan defined yet.
Perú: 2 government institutions have committed to supporting National IWRM Plan. / Coordinate preliminary activities (position papers-intermediate discussions, and debates) towards national forums taking place end of year. In Chile, Ecuador, Peru, Paraguay & Brazil.
Provide input to national discussions in the form of concrete documents with conceptual and technical discussions. Buenos Aires expert meeting results and Brazilian Seminary related workshops should provide a set of concepts and discussion documents.
National workshops will take place in Bolivia, Chile, Brazil, Ecuador, Paraguay, Perú, Uruguay ( this onefocused on river basin management)
1.2.1 Provide background set up, documents, papers (technical working group at regional level) Assist in the development of criteria and guidelines for IWRM. / New input to regional know-how has been produced to support water sector reforms and policy making: “Water development & public policy, Chile”, “
Strategy outline for Science & Technology in water resources in Brazil”,
Participation, in the National Waters Agency (ANA), in a meeting on The Fourth World Water Forum Local Actions for a Global Challenge, discussing relevant issues for the Forum in Mexico, in March 2006.
“Institutional and political elements that negatively affect basin management in Ecuador”, “Process of policy & strategy formulation for water policy”, “Water institutionality and its relation to economic growth- Chile”,
“Regulatory pending issues, of water & sanitation in Latin America”, “The process of water legal reform in Ecuador”.
Expert working group for IWRM planning , gathers in Buenos Aires and produces a set of criteria’s to be taken into account when detonating the IWRM planning processes. / Discussion document being distributed and discussed, adaptations will take place during Seminar in Brasilia and hopefully will be brought down to countries as necessary
1.3.1 Agree define and design 2 year consensus planning processes with stakeholders group (sectoral actors, defining roles and responsibilities for national IWRM planning / In Peru, Ecuador, Paraguay, Brazil , Chile a 2 year planning process has been agreed with stakeholders representing several interested groups (governments, academia, technicians, ONG, communities, public utility services)
In Chile DGA (General water directorate) also agrees with partners in facilitating a forum discussion- meets and works with partners .
Elaboration of National action plan for IWRM planing / Forums have been agreed and in each case a set of programmatic steps and activities have been designed for the period of 2 years aiming towards IWRM national planing, in many cases focusing on potential legal reforms
Chile, Argentina, Ecuador, Peru, Paraguay have agreed on such plan and activities are being designed and implemented
Peru has currently developed aupdated version of national Water Vision as part of the process / Provide technical and financial support to proposed programs / Other sources of international funding must be matched , secured, ie: IADB, EU Initiative. Support at central level must be ensured for this to take place
1.3.2 Regional common governance issues should be addressed together with the process for the creation of the IWRM national plans.
1.3.3 Develop regional workshops to address incorporation of GWP outputs into regional policies and strategies and their respective processes / Paraguay:
(a) Identification of priorities actions to the Legal framework of water in Paraguay, 1º Phase: consensus in the public sector, leading by the Paraguayan Vice President office. (b) Base documents of IWRM alliance and work plan.
OUTPUT 2: IWRM PROGRAMS AND TOOLS DEVELOPED IN RESPONSE TO REGIONAL AND COUNTRY NEEDS / Water management public policy international regional Conference, designed and being implemented for September 2004. / Regional issues being raised at high technical and political levels to support regional needs towards IWRM planning processes
Over 200 participants , concurring 3 funders (GWP, IADB & WB) for an amount of U$ 210 000 / Conference, publication and dissemination of results, agreements, towards IWRM & WWF4 / International press releases and communication goals should be established and met to further strengthen results and impacts
Toolbox: case studies that illustrate other relevant IWRM issues addressed have been finalized:
Ecuador, Elements favoring o detrmining basin managemente
Peru , Markets and assignation
Chile; Insentives to private investment-irrigation
Chilean water code
Decontamination Talcahuano Bay
Argentina; Privatizacion of
Buenos Aires sanitary agency
Cochabamba water war
Brazil, Establishment of national water agency / Material for interchange of regional experiences ready for publication and disemination / Trasnlations English, and for integration in toolbox system / Toolbox core team needs to react on regional cases, regional cases seam to have produced a negative imact on revisers, particularly cases relating to bad experiences of privatizations
Capacity building training courses have been designed: two courses, 1 on floods for local level management, 1 for IWRM visioning at different levels of management.
courses at different levels to enhance IWRM, mainly by integrating into existing capacity building networks and cooperating with existing capacity building agencies and programs / Material ready to be used through out the region, iterating among different training institutions. / Linkages with potential training partners must be achieved. Funding must be gathered and raised in order to implement training courses effectively.
Virtual library compiled for the region. Over 300 documents in existence in 3 libraries have been put together (CEPIS, ECLAC, GWP). / Material represents background documents existing in the region, some are international background, many many are regionally focused. Material organized in over 20 issues and geographically / Final publication, edition in process, dissemination to decision makers at different levels
REGA: Regional scientific water management magazine designed and being produced / Over 300 subscribers, a 8 article first magazine ready for launching in September
3.3 Establish contacts and relations with reigonal scientific and technical institutions / Ecuador member participates in regional meetings under Watershed management program
Miguel Solanes cooperates through ECLAC in establishing links with other institutions toprovide concrete support to SAMTAC activities, ie: IWRM planning workshop in Buenos Aires, & definition of regulation water & energy collaboration program. Also establishes cooperation links with IDRC for Andean region water programs. / UNAMAZ project: alliances established with Univ do Belem do Pará and Univ of Ecuador, Perú & Bolivia, in order to establish base linefor investigation
UNAMAz wants to a chieve revision of regulatory frameworks, common
SAMTAC ECLAC USAID IADB establishes collaboration for regional international water and energy regulatory seminar
Output 4. GWP partnershipS established and consolidated at relevant levels / Paraguay has established a CWP at the El Chaco area, and is also moving forward towards statute design of the PWP
4,1- Develop a solid vision on what a partnership is for GWP at regional level , within GWP's framework
4.2- Propose, design and establish RWP structure at regional level, including a support system / President Tucci established first transition plan to move from RTAC to RWP , proposal for 2005 should establish the formal structure, governance structure should include steering committee, president and a Secretariat. / Action plan for this purpose to be implemented starting September 2004.
4.2.1- Improve institutional databases, communication capacity within the network, clearly identifying communicational goals
4.2.2- Operationalize contributions to membership in the region
4. 3- Define a strategy to operationalize realistic CWP at country level-including host institutions, including cross fertilization of experiences and operational models at country level in the region / Based on the regional document /proposal named SAM National Plans 2004-05, the following countries have designed 2 year action plans with following objectives:
a- Create a multistakeholder platform for discussion of IWRM planing processes,
b- Consolidation of theCWP platform and process
Chile, Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia, Perú, Paraguay, Venezuela.
2 countries, Argentina and Uruguay are still creating the basis for creation of the multistakeholder platform for the discussion of planing processes. Their action plans are more specifically driven towards a national issue, but slowly introducing the CWP creation process.
The plans include, identification of partners, identification of counterpart resources provided by the partners, identification of the multistakeholder platform, a strategy for consolidation of CWP, discussion with partners and forum of existing national diagnosis, publication of consensus and results of national forums; towards providing governments with issue analysis for national IWRM plans.
Peru has elaborated and approved the PWP Statutes / Action plans discussed with partners
Action plans being implemented; national meetings being organized etc… / Implementation of national meetings and discussions on the 2 regional objectives
4.3.1- Develop a monitoring process for partnerships under creation at country level through discussion group sessions in SAMTAC
4.3.2- promote the undertaking of capacity building in facilitating participatory approaches, conflict resolution, knowledge management, fund raising, team building, planning methodologies within partnerships / SAMTAC has finalized two traning pieces of training material.
One on floods and one on IWRM / Fund rasing to implement the courses in several countris
4.4- Create strong communication link amongst stakeholders stakeholders (sectoral actors) to create consensus on the need for an integrated…water policy, strategy development and or national IWRM plans, particularly with public governmental levels. / Contact has been established with all national counterparts in order to define goals and objectives of the national Water plans for IWRM
4.4.1- Seek cooperation with organizations/networks/companies that are are in a similar position, or have strong experiences/methods that can be applied (use other peoples wheels if possible, and try to be a link at this level as well) Support programs by partnership aimed effectively at effecting change in water policy and practice on the ground (needs to be elaborated but this is essential) / Participation in several meetings for the discussion of the Brazil Plan with potential partners related to the issue of sustainable development of water resources: parliamentarians, attorneys, NGOs, Catholic Church, media, etc.
5.1 To succeed in decentralizing funding sources, GWP will present long-term Work Plans that can be considered by governments and donors and be included in traditional bilateral country programmes that constitute the big funding base
5.2- Enhance capacity and skills at regional level in particular fundraising capacities aside from operational tasks (GWP reporting and auditing, support to members, quality control & results targeted etc)
5. 3- Formulation of annual projects co-funded by other partners partners (national governments or international org.) / Regional international Public policy seminar to take place in Brasilia is a joint cooperation achievement, being cofunded by several
IADB has cooperated funding IWRM planning processes activieties. / Goal is to obtain further funds for IWRM national planning processes activities for 2005 at least
5.4- Develop clear priority setting system for allocating central resources to regions.
5. 5- Effectively support management via RTAC / RWP and members
5. 6- Renewal process of RTAC planned and implemented (RTAC to RWP) / Renewal of Bolivia and Venezuela has taken place / New members actively engaged and working fast to produce expected annual activities / Colombia behind in the seleccion of new member, today lacking representative
5.7- Consolidate partnerships and relations with host institutions / Increased cooperation is taking place, ECALAC is providing publication of SAMTAC documents, new areas of cooperation being explored (enegy & water- water & valuation)
Communicational & secretarial assistance being provided permanently.