Sample Tweets:
- Welcome new Beavs! We’re excited to have you. Use #BeaverFYE to hashtag cool things happening this year.
- Want to develop as a leader? Ask your RA about how to get involved in hall council! #BeaverFYE #leadership #hallcouncil
- Reminder! All-Hall meeting starts at [time] pm tonight. Meet your RA at [location]. #BeaverFYE
- Are you hungry? Check out what’s currently open: #hungry #hangry
- Help keep our communities safe, make sure that you don’t let others enter the building behind you. #BeaverFYE
- Week 1
- What was your favorite CONNECT week event? It’s a great time to be a Beaver! #BeaverFYE #OSUCONNECT
- Reminder! Floor meetings are Sunday, October 6 at 9 pm. Talk to your individual RA for the location. #BeaverFYE
- Studies show that students who consume more alcohol tend to have lower grades. Just a tip to stay successful @oregonstateuniv #BeaverFYE
- Week 2
- What are you loving about living in ______hall? #BeaverFYE #HomeSweetHome
- What events would you like to see here? #BeaverFYE #JoinHallCouncil
- Ever feel like something was just “off?” Don’t be afraid to get help, distract or confront a situation. #BeaverFYE
- Week 3
- Meet your friendly neighborhood math and writing assistants! (insert time, place, and if any food)#BeaverFYE #GetSmart as twitpic)
- What’s your favorite class or who is your favorite professor? #BeaverFYE #BeaverStudies
- One way to stay safe when sexually active is by using a condom. Utilize one of the condom hot spots around campus. #BeaverFYE
- Week 4
- Get excited for homecoming week! #BeaverFYE #Bonfire #BeaverHomecoming #GoBeavs #Parade #HallDecorating #BeaverFootball
- #BeaverFYEJust a reminder to stay safe and healthy this homecoming week. Here are some events going on this week: (link to homecoming website)
- Week 5
- What does it mean to be a part of #BeaverNation? #BeaverFYE #PoweredByOrange
- Have you checked out Student Health Services in Plageman? Many visits are free! Check it out! #BeaverFYE #HealthyBeavs
- It’s Halloween weekend, stay with friends throughout the night and remember, the less alcohol, the better. #BeaverFYE
- Week 6
- Who has the best noms off campus? #BeaverFYE #CorvallisGrub
- Feeling stressed? The Mind Spa at CAPS or taking a workout class at Dixon are great ways to relax and de-stress #BeaverFYE
Sample FB Posts:
- Welcome new Beavers, here is a list of some highlighted events (give link). #BeaverFYE
- What does your new room setup look like? Post a picture and hashtag#BeaverFYE to show it off!
- Reminder! All-Hall meeting starts at ______pm tonight. Meet your RA ______. #BeaverFYE
- If you’re headed off to an event, post here if you’d like other people to come with you! The more the merrier! #BeaverFYE #community!
- There are a number of ways to stay Safe and Healthy throughout CONNECT week. Make sure to check out the New Student Picnic on September 26th for great food and a number of resources to stay healthy and fit at OSU.
- Week 1
- Did you know your hall gets thousands of dollars over the year and YOU can help decide where it goes?! Find out about hall council (insert position descriptions and any other materials). #BeaverFYE #dolladollabillsyall #hallcouncil
- What is the best thing you’ve eaten on campus? #BeaverFYE #NOMS #GetYourGrubOn
- Don’t have a car? You can look here for bus routes! It’s free!! #BeaverFYE #FreeRides #BeaverBus
- On October 6th, stop by Marketplace West dining hall to see the Fall Food Festival. This program will show you the many healthy options available at the dining halls. This event will also showcase our local producers s you can know which farms your food is coming from.
- Week 2
- Love learning about yourself? Here are some awesome ways to do that: (insert identity programming materials) #BeaverFYE #YouAreAwesome #DFTBA
- Post a picture of you and your friends in your Beaver Swag! #BeaverFYE #SwaggerBeast #BeBeaverBold #OrangeAndBlack #PoweredByOrange
- October is Domestic Violence Prevention month at OSU. Make sure to stop at one of the events this month sponsored by Student Health Services. You can learn more about the different programs by heading to their website:
- Week 3
- Want to get swole? Want your body to stay vicious? Do you want to be up in the gym working on your fitness? (Did you know that was a Fergie lyric?) Did you know that Dixon has the highest climbing wall in the Pacific Northwest? Want to swim like Michael Phelps? Do you like redundant questions? Here is the Rec Sports Link: #HallOfFame #Fergalicious
- Have an awesome (and appropriate) photo bomb from the first few weeks? Post it here! #BeaverFYE #AaronRodgers #DiscountDoubleCheck
- This is the week of the Be Well Run/Walk. Participate in the annual 5k where faculty, staff and students gather and show their commitment to an overall state of wellness. There are options to run a 5k or walk a mile. Gather your friends and support this Healthy Campus Initiative on Friday, October 18th. Sign up here: (insert link later).
- Week 4
- Post some sweet pictures of your homecoming experience here at OSU! #BeaverFYE #BeaverNation
- Feel free to use this page to find or create study tables or groups! As a reminder, the Valley Library has spaces to rent for free. #BeaverFYE #HittinTheBooks
- Make sure to stay healthy this week as you celebrate Homecoming! Keep it safe as you support the Beavers as they take on the Cardinals of Stanford. Remember, more alcohol raises your risk for negative consequences, with no or very little alcohol, you are more likely to enjoy your entire weekend.
- Week 5
- (Post something random and funny just to get a laugh. Make sure it’s appropriate and in good taste.) #BeaverFYE #BeaverLaughs
- Congrats on being halfway through the term! What is the most interesting question you were asked so far? #BeaverFYE #BeaverPonder
- It’s Halloween. Make sure to stay healthy and safe this weekend. All forms of alcohol create unnecessary fat in the body. Have a Safe and Healthy weekend by avoiding alcohol.
- Week 6
- Tag a person who you are glad you met at OSU #BeaverFYE #BeaverBFFs
- If you’re starting to feel the stress of mid-terms, there are many resources on campus to help de-stress. CAPS (in Snell) has the Mind Spa, which comes with a massage chair and relaxation techniques. Exercising at Dixon Rec is a great way to relieve stress and stay fit during mid-terms. Lastly, make sure to keep some time for yourself. Studying is more effective if done in smaller more frequent chunks. Enjoy time with your friends between your study sessions.