SAMPLE Transition IEP Meeting Agenda

Prepare the student to lead/facilitate agenda items whenever possible.

1. Welcome/Introductions/Orientation to Ground Rules

2. Identify and discuss the student’s postsecondary goals, based upon age-appropriate transition assessment, in the following areas:

  • Postsecondary Education, Training and other learning opportunities.
  • Postsecondary Employment
  • Independent living, if appropriate.

3. Discuss the student’s present level of academic and functional performance in each of the areas above.

  • Identify how well the student is functioning in relation to what he/she wants to do after high school.
  • Identify the student strengths as well as relevant needs.

4. Develop a statement of transition service needs, including the “course of study” that satisfies the following:

  • Is a long-range educational plan or multi-year description of the educational program.
  • Is meaningful to the student’s future and will motivate him/her to complete school.
  • Directly relates to the student’s anticipated postschool goals and the student’s preferences, interests and needs (identified in #2 & 3).

5. Develop a statement of needed transition services, strategies and activities that:

  • Includes agency linkages and responsibilities, and agencies/persons who have specifically agreed to provide and/or pay for services.
  • Directly relates to the student’s anticipated postschool goals and the student’s interests, preferences and needs.
  • Promotes movement from school to postschool goals
  • Considers the following:


oCommunity experience.


oRelated services.

oAdult living.

oPostschool training.

oDaily living, if appropriate.

oFunctional vocational evaluation, if appropriate.

6. Develop IEP goals and objectives that build skills and knowledge needed in postschool settings.

7. For students who are 17, or who are turning 17 in this IEP term, discuss transfer of rights at the age of majority.

Sample agenda for an Initial Student Led IEP meeting:
Topic :
1. Welcome/Introductions.
2. Share my thoughts about:
a. Goals for life after high school,
b. Where I am now related to those goals, and
c. Steps I should take to reach the goals
3. Ask team members for more ideas in each area / Facilitated/Presented by
Julia and Heidi

Sample Script to practice participating:

Julia, it is okay to use your own words, this is just to give you an idea of what to say.

1. Welcome/Introductions.

Julia: “Good morning, and thank you all for coming to my meeting. I’d like to ask everyone to introduce themselves. I’ll start. My name is……”

2. Share my thoughts about….

Julia: “Now, I’d like to read the goals that I have come up with for life after high school.

a. After high school, I will participate in a teacher’s aide training program at UNH or community college. I will work full-time or part-time with kids, or plants, after high school, and I will live at home after high school while becoming a teacher’s aide.

b. I would need help to be in a teacher’s aide training program, due to my learning disability. I think I need to learn more about what it in my IEP before that, especially my accommodations and modifications. I’m scared of college, but I was scared of high school, so being scared does not stop me from wanting to try to find out what programs there are.

I really like working with the kids at the Rochester Child Care Center and I’m good at keeping the kids safe and paying attention to them. The teachers guide me but that they do not have to tell me what to do. I also like horticulture, both learning about the plants and taking care of them.

When it comes to living on my own, my parents do everything for me, but it makes my life easier, so I doesn’t push that very much. I argue and debate stuff with my mom more than my dad. I would like to learn how to drive, but I think my parents will not let me.

c. Next year, I would like to:

i. Research teacher aide training programs

ii. Read my IEP and understand it better

3. Ask team members for feedback.Now, I’d like to ask everyone to give their feedback on these different things while Heidi writes down your ideas.”