The Braddons. 18 Braddons Hill Road East Torquay. Tel: 01803 215221


This information is also available to all tenants of The Braddons and is located in its full format in the entrance hallway.

Registered owner: Riviera Support (South West) Limited owned by Stephanie Bryan.

Landlady: Stephanie Bryan RMN Cert Ed Registered Manager: Joanne Egan

The Braddons consists of 22 flats. Located approx. a 5 minute walk from Torquay Harbour, we are suitably positioned to ensure that all local amenities are accessible on foot or by local transport.

The organisational structure of the home is as follows:


Manager Administrator

Team Co coordinator Maintenance man, Gardeners.

Support Workers

There is three core support staff based within The Braddons. One is the coordinator of the team who ensures the smooth overall running of the service. The other provider of support works alongside the co coordinator and OT to ensure a quality service is being delivered.

In order that the environment is beneficial to all those who live and work here, The Braddons has a statement of its aims and objectives and these are as follows:



  • To provide a safe, supportive and structured environment where the individual needs of the tenant will be met and independence will be encouraged and supported. Appropriate stimulation will be offered to prevent deterioration and to improve and sustain a quality of life that promotes dignity and encourages tenants to achieve their maximum potential.

Emphasis will be placed on activities of daily living based on planned activity programmes and the individual preferences of each tenant.

  • To provide support for those people of both sexes aged between 18 – 65 years old and who, due to a mental health issue require the support, which can only be provided in a supervised setting. Each tenant will be in receipt of a minimum of 30 hours of support per week. Categories NOT included are those who are outside of the age range, or those who have physical disabilities. Each individual is assessed and supported depending on their own capabilities and merits. This is done through the use of initial/ongoing assessment tools and with planning in conjunction with the tenant’s community care team. Tenants will be expected to be fully involved in the care planning process. Tenants will be subject to short term tenancy agreement (minimum of six months)

These aims will be measured through the evaluation of the care plans and the feedback from each tenant through a quality measuring system.


  • Liase with multi -disciplinary teams to establish the requirements of the tenants through assessment, previous history, family and significant others to establish an effective and workable care plan.
  • Evaluate the standards of support so that it can be amended depending on the changing needs of the tenant.
  • Offer support in productivity, leisure and personal care that are specific to the individual and dependent on their circumstances at any given time.
  • To assess and constantly update care plans to maintain flexibility and accommodate the variable and complex needs of the tenants.
  • Audit the effectiveness of support through negotiation with other disciplines, tenants and their families.
  • Support in activities of daily living if the mental state of the tenant is such that this jeopardises dignity and morale.
  • Advise tenants on the promotion of health and the prevention of ill health.
  • Ensure that communication systems within the environment and with outside organisations are maintained so that up to date information is available to the all relevant parties and respecting rights of tenants regarding confidentiality.
  • Provide support in coping with distressing situations and to contribute to their ability to cope.
  • Participate in teaching programmes for all staff to facilitate the improvement of knowledge and professional competency.
  • Monitor medication as prescribed and keep accurate records as required by the Pharmaceutical Polices.
  • Provide training for staff regarding the presentation and management of mental illness and strategies in communication skills.
  • Comply with Health and Safety requirements and have strategies in place to cope with unpredictable occurrences. Ensure that the environment is safe and that this safety is maintained for tenants, visitors and staff.
  • Provide documentation as required by regulatory bodies and Health and Safety that will be available to those officials when they so require.
  • To ensure that adequate and appropriate staff is available, taking into account the varying presentation of the tenants and safety.
  • Utilise resources economically and effectively whilst maintaining a high standard of support.
  • Have strategies in place to deal with difficult and/or disturbed tenants. Offer training to support workers in the management of violent and aggressive incidents and the accurate recording of information.

In assurance that the above statements can be achieved, the staff and management will provide the following service to ensure that tenants, their significant others and the staff can be proud of being a part of The Braddons.

Support Team.

You will have the opportunity to meet the support team at the earliest opportunity. The support team members will work with you to co ordinate and arrange your support for you throughout your tenancy agreement and stay at The Braddons. Working alongside them will be other support workers. It is therefore important that you are involved in your plan of support so that others will be consistent and understand any issues that you may have. The owner of The Braddons is responsible for ensuring that staff provides clients with the highest quality of support.

Working alongside the support team within The Braddons will be the community staff that you probably already know. They will be in regular contact with yourself and the staff here to ensure that everything is going well for you and will make visits to the home also. Any decisions regarding major changes in your support (for example a review of your medication) will always be made with their support and advice. Your consultant and the other relevant community staff will be aware that you are a tenancy here.

If you have not resided in this part of Torquay before you may decide to register with a local GP. This may be more convenient for you and the nearest surgery is about a 5-minute walk away. (Parkhill Surgery) The doctors there are happy for The Braddons tenants to register there and this can be arranged through your support workers.

On your arrival at The Braddons, staff will try to answer any questions that you may have about your stay. A care plan will be developed between you, which will include how the staff can ensure that you remain well and receive a high standard of support. As part of this you will have the opportunity to look at some of the activities that are on offer and plan which of those may benefit you. During the admission you will also be offered a contract, which you will be asked to sign. On here it will state the terms and conditions of your stay, the fees and who is paying them and the ground rules of the home.


Each week tenants and staff will be invited to attend a meeting. This is to keep everyone fully informed about general issues as well as providing the opportunity for you to raise issues for discussion. (Including moans!!) We also can use the group to inform you of any changes or additions to the weekly activity programme, introduce any new tenants who may have joined us and generally look at the running of the The Braddons as a team.

Representative for clients:

A Tennant is nominated during the meetings to act as a representative and a “link” between the tennants and staff. The nominated person will listen to any issues you may have and then bring them to the attention of the support team if applicable. They will also be invited to attend staff meetings and feedback any relevant information to you if it affects tenants best interest. You will find the name of the current tenant representative on the main notice board in the hallway.

Confidentiality is kept at all times regarding any issues.



The Braddons has its own laundry facilities and tenants will be encouraged to do this for themselves if this is possible. If you are unable to this then staff will of course provide support. If you prefer, or if it promotes your independence, you can of course take your laundry to a launderette and staff can assist you with this. Please ask a member of the support team if you require access to it or assistance.

Notice Board:

In the entrance hallway there has been situated a large notice board. On here you will find that staff will ensure to keep all-important issues that may concern you available. This may include the names of the staff on duty for that day, daily activities, trips out etc. You will also find on this board the procedure in the event of the fire alarm being activated and staff will also go through this procedure with you during your admission. The complaint procedure will also be made available in the hallway with the names of the appropriate people to contact should you wish to make an official complaint about your stay with us. However, in the first instance please talk to the care staff or the manager, as problems can often be resolved quickly and satisfactory. If you are not satisfied with our response to this then the official authority’s address could also be found at the end of this leaflet as well as on the notice board.


The support staff will provide you with the opportunity to find out about all of the activities that we have on offer. Following this, a weekly programme will form part of your care plan and although you will be encouraged to follow this, you will not be made to do so. All of the recreational activities will be varied and individualised with tenant’s choices given full attention. Regular trips out will provide the opportunity to get out and about both during the day and also to pubs, cinemas etc. in the evenings. Social events, barbecues etc. will ensure that life need not be boring


Staff can provide you with information about suitable hairdressers and can also escort you there but if you prefer to have your hair done within the home, then a mobile hairdresser will be arranged.


Whilst staying at the Braddons it is important to be able to self medicate. However the staffs are happy to monitor you medication to ensure it is being taken correctly.

If you are going on leave or out for the day, we also have systems in place for you to safely take your medication with you. If tenants have a regular injection, your community nurse will either visit you to administer it or invite you to local center in the town. Staff will be happy to assist you with any questions you may have.


A payphone will be provided for the use of the tenants and the staff will inform you of where this can be found. If a member of your family wishes to speak to the care staff or the manager, a separate phone number is provided for this. Please ask the staff for the number. If a private call needs to be made (or taken) by you, please ask staff for the cordless telephone which you can take to the privacy of your own room.


Residents are encouraged to have visitors providing the tenants welcome them. Although there are no restricted visiting times as such, guests will only be invited during reasonable hours of the day. (After 8.30am and before 10.30pm). Visitors are also asked to respect the other tenants during their visiting times.


Smoking is permitted in the communal lounge where ashtrays are provided Tenants are also welcome to smoke within their own flats providing they are aware of safety issues and extinguish their cigarettes correctly. For the tenants who smoke in any other part of the premises, it is a request of the staff and owner that they deposit their cigarette ends safety appropriately.


All letters and/or parcels addressed to you will be given to you personally. If you wish to post letters but are unable to do so yourselves, please speak to the staff that will ensure that this is done for you. If you wish to inform others of your address the information to give them is below:






Electrical Testing:

A qualified electrician has checked all of the electrical equipment within The Braddons. Should you wish to bring in your own equipment, you will be asked to allow us to get this checked also. This is obviously for your own safety and the safety of others within the building. We would appreciate your co-operation in this matter.


As tenants your are responsible for your own money. The owner and staff are not responsible for the safety of your belonging or money.

For large amounts of money (over £50.00) it is preferable that you open a bank/post office account. Staff is happy to assist you with this.

Spiritual Needs:

If you wish to worship then information regarding different churches etc will be made is available to you by staff. If you are unable to get there then staff will endeavour to assist you. Likewise staff can also help to make arrangements for a minister, priest etc. to visit The Braddons to see you.

It is very important to the owners and staff within The Braddons that each tenant feels comfortable, safe and supported during their stay here. Please do not hesitate to speak to any of the staff if you have any concerns, no matter how small.

. Equal Opportunities:

No person living or in employment at The Braddons will be discriminated against. Each person will be treated fairly and individually and opportunities will be equal regardless of race, culture, gender or religion. If it is felt that this statement is not being adhered to, complaints regarding this will be welcomed and dealt with via the normal complaints procedure.

Fire Precautions:

The Braddons meets all legal requirements in relation to fire precautions. A qualified electrician regularly checks the alarm and emergency lighting systems and all extinguishers are checked annually. Staff undergo mandatory in - house training in relation to fire drills/practices and all records are kept up to date and reviewed regularly. The alarm system is activated weekly as a regulatory test. All staff practice the procedure of how to respond in the event of the fire alarms being activated and a full policy is available for staff and tenant to read (see Appendix 2) All new tenants are shown fire exits and informed of the procedure of what to do in the event of the alarms sounding.


There may be occasion when a person may wish to make a complaint. If this occurs tenants are asked to speak to staff regarding their issue. If staff can not assist, or deal with your complaint satisfactory, tenants may contact the owner/Landlady Mrs Stephanie Bryan. The contact number will be made available for you.


Philosophy of Support.

The manager and staff within the The Braddons hold the following values and beliefs. It will be ensured that the support will be delivered with the tenant’s best interest in mind:

Residents’ Rights

We place the rights of tenants at the forefront of our philosophy of support. We seek to advance these rights in all aspects of the environment and the services we provide and to encourage our tenant’s exercise their rights to the full.


We recognize that life in a communal setting and the need to accept help with personal tasks are inherently invasive of a resident’s ability to enjoy the pleasure of being alone and undisturbed. We, therefore, strive to retain as much privacy as possible for our service users in the following ways.

•Giving help in intimate situations as discreetly as possible.

•Helping residents to furnish and equip their rooms in their own style and to use them as much as they wish for leisure, meals and entertaining.

•Offering a range of locations around the home for tenants to be alone or with selected others.