1.  NAME

Aston Old Edwardians Football Club


Aston Old Edwardians Football Club exists to provide Rugby Football as laid down in the Aston Old Edwardians Memorial Ground Trust and subject to the Laws and Bye-laws of the Rugby Football Union.


Membership is available to fully paid up members of the Aston Edwardian Association and comprises two classes:

(a)  Playing members

(b)  Non-playing members


Subscriptions to the Club are due from playing members at the start of the football seasons and will be deemed to be included in the first match subscription paid, unless otherwise determined at the Annual General Meeting.. Subscriptions from non-playing members are due on the 1st January each year. Fully paid up Vice Presidents of the Aston Edwardian Association will comprise the non-playing class of membership as will fully paid up Ordinary members of the Aston Edwardian Association who have also paid the annual Football Club subscription.

Rates of subscriptions and match fees and the annual Football Club subscription shall be recommended by the committee and confirmed by the Annual General Meeting.

Any member who fails to renew his membership within two months of the due date shall cease to be a member.


The President of the Club shall be elected each year by the members at the Annual General Meeting.


The management of the Club shall be vested in a Committee elected at the Annual General Meeting to take office immediately and the Committee shall be constituted as follows:

(a)  The Chairman

(b)  The Secretary

(c)  The Fixture SecretaryThe Match Secretary

(d)  The Press Secretary

(e)  The MembershipTreasurerCombined Birmingham Old Boys Representative

(f)  Team Captains and Vice-Captains

(g)  The Club Coach

(h)  A representative of the Junior SectionColts Sub-Committee

(i)  The Chairman of Selectors

(j)  A maximum of eight six other members

The Officers and elected members of the Committee shall retire annually and shall be eligible for re-election.

A Chairman shall be elected annually within the Committee

A casual vacancy in any office may be filled by Committee.


At any meeting of the Committee:

(a)  Each member present shall have one vote

(b)  At a properly convened meeting a quorum will consist of six members

(c)  The Committee shall have the power to co-opt additional members for the purpose of dealing with any particular business. Co-opted members may be present at meetings of Committee where such particular business is under consideration but shall not vote on any resolution.

(d)  The Committee shall have the power to appoint captains and vice-captains should vacancies occur during the course of the season.

(e)  At all Committee meetings resolutions shall be deemed carried by a majority of those present entitled to vote.


An Annual General Meeting, notice of which shall be given in the Fixture Card and by Clubroom noticeof which twenty eight days notice in writing shall be given, shall be held annually as soon as possible after the end of the football season to:

  1. Receive the Secretary’s report
  2. Elect the President
  3. Elect the Captains and Vice-Captains of the Club teams
  4. Elect the Club Officers and the general committee
  5. Appoint a Tour Tour OrganiserSecretary
  6. Appoint a Colts Sub-CommitteeSet Subscriptions and playing fees
  7. Deal with any other business of which 14 days’ notice in writing must be given to the Secretary


A Special General Meeting of members, of which fourteen days’ notice in writing has been given, may be called by the Committee for any specific purpose relating to the direction and management of the Club. The Committee shall also call such a meeting within twenty-eight days of receipt, during the Rugby football season, of a written request of ten members.


Minutes of all general meetings shall be kept. Records of business other than selection, conducted at Committee meetings shall also be kept.


At a properly convened General Meeting a quorum shall be twenty members who are entitled to vote.


Every member present and entitled to vote at a General Meeting shall have one vote. Any resolution at an Annual General Meeting shall be deemed to be carried by a simple majority of votes. Any resolution at a Special General Meeting shall be deemed to be carried provided two-thirds or more of the votes cast are in favour.


Any proposal to amend the Constitution shall be dealt with at a Special General Meeting called for that purpose.


Every member shall be bound by and submit to the Constitution, and acceptance of such shall be considered a condition of membership. A copy of the Constitution shall be held at the Clubhouse and shall be exhibited in the Clubroom and a copy shall be supplied to any member on request.


Any member infringing the Constitution of the Club shall be liable to expulsion by the Committee and any such expulsion may be reported to the Secretary of the Aston Edwardian Association for consideration under Item 7 of the Constitution, Rules and Regulations of the Aston Edwardian Association.

16.  DISCIPLINE (Field of Play)

Any member infringing the laws of Rugby Football and in so doing brings the Club into disrepute shall be liable to be disciplined by the club in addition to any sanction imposed by the Rugby Football Union. The Committee may appoint a sub-committee for this purpose.


Proper books of Accounts shall be kept by the Treasurer. The Accounts of the Club shall be made up to the same date as the Association accounts each year, and shall be placed before the Association Central committee.

No member of the club shall open an account in the name of the club without the approval of the Committee.


All cheques drawn on any Club account shall be signed by two nominated members of the Committee.

Revised May 2004