Braintree Integrated PTOMinutes

February25, 2009, 7PM

  1. WelcomeSign-in: Present were, Meredith B, Alicia J, Lyn M, Sheelagh C and Ellen G.
  2. Co-President Comments-LynM
  3. Book Fair –
  4. at the beginning of the meeting we set up the books
  5. book fair is next week
  6. flyer going home this week
  7. need volunteers to put up signs/arrows
  8. Need Volunteers to man the fair – Lauren Driscoll will co-ordinate
  9. Bank needed, how much? Decided not to do it
  10. BFFE Event
  11. March 20th, 7:30PM - $25/ticket
  12. We’re doing a grill basket
  13. Flyer going out next week
  14. Omaha GC for $250
  15. Parents asked to donate spices/recipes/etc.
  16. Raffle form sent to parents
  17. Volunteer needed for BFFE – this Sun, next Sat and Sun @ Stop and Shop
  18. BFFE has requested photos of teachers using their donations
  19. Volunteers may be needed to staff the event
  20. SEPAC
  21. Awards dinner in May with awards in parent, teacher, student and community member who furthers the goals of inclusion
  22. SEPAC is seeking nominations, send nominations into school through backpack with ATTN SEPAC Nomination comitee on envelope.
  23. Touch a Truck
  24. Date April 26 (Sun), 11-2, Rain or Shine
  25. Need Volunteers – email Lyn
  26. Trucks need to be there by 10:30 to setup
  27. Anyone can ask a company to participate…just let Lyn know who you asked so we don’t duplicate
  28. Tell vendors they can bring advertising and giveaways if they want.
  29. Lyn will ask Pack 22 if they want to provide hot dogs again
  30. Do we want to do a bake sale? No resolution…probably not.
  31. Treasurer’s Report- Sheelagh C
  32. No changes since last month
  33. Ellen will poll school as to the teacher’s needs so that we may get a gift for them. Ellen said that wood chairs for the kids are needed and she knows the teachers appreciated the $100 gift cards from last year. Ellen will ask at the next meeting so we can decide what to get
  34. Linda D is taking over as treasurer for next year
  35. Co-President Comments – Dawn M (read on her behalf)
  36. The Spring Social
  37. We will have a Spring Social meeting a week or 2 before the event – Time/Date TBD once a co-ordinator is found
  38. We need LOTS of Volunteers to do the Spring Social including someone to run the event. Volunteers needed include, RSVP organizer, People to run tables at event, Arts and Crafts leader, Quiet area leader, tattoo application person, early setup, late clean-up, food runner (go get deli platter, drinks, etc.), also need some coolers and ice. Please contact Dawn if you can help out.
  39. Ellen will make an connect ed announcement to entice parents to volunteer
  40. Everyone is excited that Dawn was able to get the Moose Lodge for free for the event. We need to check if the location is handicapped accessable.
  41. We would like to book the face painter for the whole event at $25/hour
  42. The Teacher’s Breakfast
  43. Jill Boyd volunteered to handle this
  44. Usually the breakfast includes Dunkin Doughnuts breakfast on Wednesday morning. There is a list (Monique should have it) of what they usually order. Submit the receipt to Sheelagh for reinbursement
  45. Event Info – Chrisi H. (read on her behalf)
  46. No firm confirm for the Instrument petting zoo on March 18th, still working on it.
  47. If anyone has testamonials for Maureen Holbrook (Spainish Teacher) she would like them for her new website, please e-mail Chrisi.
  48. If anyone missed the last class let Chrisi know so that they can get their certificate.
  49. There will be a follow-up Spainish Class (not school sponsored) at St. Helen’s Church in Norwell on Wed. mornings from 10:15 to 11:15 for 6 weeks, 3/11 to 4/22. Cost is $60/child. RSVP to Chrisi by March 4th
  1. April meeting date/time: April 13th 7PM in Ellen’s Room

Next Meeting Date/Time

March 20th, 10:30 AM