May 2007
Cover Sheet
Table of Contents ...... i
I. FARS's relating to operations in ground icing conditions ... 1
II. Preflight procedures during ground icing conditions ...... 2
III. Pre-takeoff contamination check ...... 2
IV. Types of aircraft surface contamination ...... 3
V. Effects of frost, ice and snow on aircraft control ...... 5
VI. Methods of deicing ...... 6
VII. Types and characteristics of deice fluids ...... 6
VIII. Safety precautions when using deice fluids ...... 8
IX. Holdover times - Definition...... 9
X. Communication ...... 10
XI. Holdover fluids, Limitations/Loss of Effectiveness...... 10
XII. Removal of contaminations - With/without fluids...... 11
XIII. Company Policy ...... 11
XIV. Type fluid approved for each aircraft ...... 11
FAR 135.227:
a) No pilot may take off an aircraft that has frost, snow, or ice
adhering to any rotor blade, propeller, windshield, wing, stabilizing or control surface, to a powerplant installation, or to an airspeed, altimeter, rate of climb, or flight attitude instrument system, except under the following conditions:
(1) Takeoffs may be made with frost adhering to the wings, or
stabilizing or control surfaces, if the frost has been polished to make it smooth.
(2) Takeoffs may be made with frost under the wing in thearea of the fuel tanks if authorized by the administrator.
b) No certificate holder may authorize an airplane to takeoff and no pilot
may take off an airplane any time conditions are such that frost, ice, or snow may reasonably be expected to adhere to the airplane unless the pilot has completed all applicable training requirements of 135.341 and unless one of the following requirements is met:
(1) A pre-takeoff contamination check, that has been established by the
certificate holder and approved by the administrator for the specific airplane type, has been completed within five minutes prior to takeoff. A pretakeoff contamination check is a check to make sure the wings and control surfaces are free of frost, ice, or snow.
(2) The certificate holder has an approved alternateprocedure and under
that procedure the airplane is determined to be free of frost, ice or snow.
(3) The certificate holder has an approved deicing/anti-icing program
that complies with 121.629(c)of this chapter and the takeoff
complies with that program.
(Sample does not have a procedure to comply with (2)above, or a program to comply with (3). Therefore, the pre-takeoff contamination check on page 4 must be followed by all pilots when operating in ground icing conditions. Holdover Tables to be used when a Deice/Anti-ice facility is performing the contamination removal under Sample Company’s program must be included in Sample’s Company Manual and located in each aircraft.)
Some aircraft manufacturers have published specific deice procedures. Any company deice program will need to use any manufacturer specific deice Procedures when deicing that make or make/model airplane. If a manufacturer has not published specific deice procedures, the generic aircraft deice procedures located in the current copy of AC 135-16 must be used to deice an aircraft.
It is natural that as the temperature drops so does the amount of time that
is spent on a thorough preflight inspection. However, these are the conditions when even more time should be spent on the preflight, paying
particular attention to any signs of ice, snow, or frost adhering to:
(1) The wing leading edges, upper and lower surfaces.
(2) The vertical and horizontal stabilizing devices upper and lower
surfaces, leading edges and side panels.
NOTE: It is not possible to see the top to the horizontal
stabilizer on all aircraft during preflight. In
those cases, use the condition of the upper surface
of the wing as an indicator of the condition of the
horizontal stab.
(3) Flaps.
(4) Spoilers or speed brakes, if installed.
(5) All control surfaces.
(6) Propellers, if installed.
(7) Engine inlets.
(8) Windshields and windows necessary for visibility.
(9) Antennas.
(10) Fuselage.
(11) Exposed instrumentation devices - pitot tubes and static ports.
(12) Fuel cap and fuel tank vents.
(13) Cooling air intakes.
(14) Landing gear.
If the aircraft has been exposed to blowing snow, special attention should
be given to openings in the aircraft where snow can enter, freeze and
obstruct normal operation such as:
(1) Pitot tubes and static systems sensing ports.
(2) Wheel wells.
(3) Heater inlets.
(4) Engine inlets.
(5) Elevators and rudder controls.
(6) Fuel vents.
During operations in ground icing conditions it is the PIC's responsibility
to assure that the aircraft is free of ice contamination prior to takeoff.
The pre-takeoff contamination check must be completed prior to takeoff.
This shall be accomplished by the PIC (or the SIC at the PIC's direction).
He shall conduct a walk around of the aircraft to visually check the
aircraft wings and control surfaces for contamination. If takeoff is not accomplished within five minutes of completion of the check, or icing conditions began after engine start, succeeding checks for contamination may
be accomplished from the cockpit by looking at that portion of the wing which is visible from the cockpit and not affected by abnormal influence such as engine exhaust on a turboprop aircraft. At night, a flashlight or wing inspection light must be used to illuminate the wing area.
Aircraft surface contamination may appear in any of the following forms:
(1) FREEZING PRECIPITATION - snow, sleet, or freezing rain that adheres to the aircraft surfaces.
FREEZING RAIN - Rain condensed from atmospheric vapor falling to
earth in supercooled drops, forming ice on objects.
(2) HIGH RELATIVE HUMIDITY - Conditions that may produce frost formations
on aircraft surfaces having a temperature at or below the dew or frost point. Frost accumulations are common during overnight ground storage and after landing where aircraft surface temperatures remain cold following descent from higher altitudes. This is a common occurrence on lower wing surfaces in the vicinity of the fuel cells. Frost and other ice formations can also occur or upper wing surfaces in contact with cold fuel. On some aircraft clear ice formations can occur that are difficult to detect.
(3) FROST - a crystallized deposit formed by water vapor on surfaces which are at or below 0˚C/32˚F and Hoarfrost - which is white frozen dew.
UNDER WING FROST - frost caused by cold soaked fuel in the area of the fuel tanks. Underwing frost formations do not generally influence aircraft performance and flight characteristics as severely as leading edge and upper wing frost.
POLISHED FROST - it is permissible to takeoff with frost formations
on the wing surfaces if the frost is polished smooth.
ACTIVE FROST - is a frost condition that is actively growing crystals and gaining in mass and thickness and is considered a precipitation condition. It typically forms at night under clear skies and calm winds when the OAT is below 0˚C/32˚F and the dew point temperature spread is less than 3˚C. The temperature of the aircraft surface must be at or below 0˚C/32˚F and at or below dew point. As an example, if an aircraft is parked outdoors on a cold clear night, heat can radiate from its surface at a rate greater than is absorbed from its surroundings. The net effect is that the aircraft surface temperature drops below the OAT. If this temperature is below the frost point temperature of the air, moisture will deposit in the form of hoarfrost.
As a guide, if there is frost on any object in the deicing area including the aircraft, and the OAT and dew point are 3˚C apart and narrowing, there is likely to be active frost. If the OAT and dew point are 3˚ apart and expanding, it not clear is there is active frost. Therefore, if there is doubt, the condition should be treated as active frost. Weather forecasts and METARS usually do not provide information on frost conditions.
HOARFROST - thin hoarfrost is acceptable on the upper surface of the aircraft fuselage provided all vents and ports are clear. This hoarfrost is usually a uniform white deposit of fine crystalline texture as indicated above, and it thin enough to allow one to visually distinguish aircraft paint surface features underneath it, such as paint lines, markings and lettering.
(4) FREEZING FOG - Clouds of supercooled water deposits that form a deposit
of ice on objects in cold water. The freezing fog condition is best confirmed by observation. If there is accumulation in the deicing area, then the condition is active and there is a tendency for freezing fog accumulation to increase with increasing wind speed. The least accumulation occurs with zero wind. Higher accumulations are possible with higher winds. Fluid performance can be affected by wind, but this factor is not accommodated for when generating fluid holdover times. Freezing fog can accumulate on aircraft surfaces during taxi, since taxi speed has a similar effect as wind speed.
(5) SNOW - Precipitation in the form of small ice crystals or flakes which
may accumulate or adhere to the aircraft surfaces.
BLOWING SNOW - snow blown by ambient winds, other aircraft or ground support equipment from snow drifts, other aircraft, buildings, or other ground structures.
RECIRCULATED SNOW - snow made airborne by engine or propeller wash, or by reverse operation of thrust reversers or reverse pitch propellers.
SNOW GRAINS - are partially rimed and usually comprise the general makeup of snow. Typically less than 1mm in diameter with a density of less than 0.5 gm/cc and do not bounce when impacting a hard surface.
SNOW/ICE PELLETS - bounce upon impacting a hard surface.
(6) CLEAR ICE PHENOMENA - Some aircraft have experienced formations of clear
ice on the upper surfaces of wings in the vicinity of integral fuel tanks. Such ice is difficult to see and in many instances cannot be detected other than by touch with the bare hand or by means of a special purpose ice detector. These phenomena typically occur on aircraft that have flown at a high altitude for a sufficient time to cold soak fuel in integral tanks, and the fuel remaining in these tanks, after landing, is sufficient to contact upper wing skins causing clear ice to form when rain drizzle, wet snow or high humidity is present - at, above, or below freezing ambient temperature.
(7) RESIDUAL ICE FROM A PREVIOUS FLIGHT - Some contaminants may exist on
leading edges of wings, empennage, trailing edge flaps, elevator cavities and other surfaces.
SNOW - Residual ice or slush accumulated on airframe components during landing and taxi operations on contaminated runways, taxiways and ramps can remain in place if low temperatures and other weather conditions exist unless identified and removed. Contaminants of this type are commonly found in wheel wells, on landing gear components, trailing edge flaps, under surfaces of wings and horizontal stabilizers, and other components.
Tests have proven that frost or ice having even the roughness of medium or course sand paper on the upper surface of the wing can reduce wing lift as much as 30% and increase drag as much as 40%.
Changes in lift and drag significantly increase stall speed, reduce cntrollability, and alter aircraft flight characteristics. Thicker or rougher frozen contaminants can have increasing adverse effects on lift, drag, stall speed, stability and control and aircraft performance with the primary influence being surface roughness located on critical portions of an aerodynamic surface. These adverse effects on the aerodynamic properties of the airfoil may result in sudden departure from the commanded flight path and may not be preceded by any indications or aerodynamic warning to the pilot. Therefore, it is imperative that takeoff not be attempted unless the PIC has made certain that the critical surfaces and components of the aircraft are free of adhering ice, snow, or frost formations.
Snow, frost, slush and other ice formations on other components of the aircraft can cause undesirable local airflow disturbances, or restrictions of air and fluid vents. They can cause mechanical interference and restricted movement of flight controls, flap, speed brake, landing gear retraction, and other mechanisms necessary for safe flight.
Ice formations on turbine engines and carburetor air intakes can cause a power loss, and if dislodged and ingested into the engine, can cause engine damage and/or failure.
Ice formations on external instrumentation sensors, such as pitot/static ports, and angle of attack sensors can cause improper indications or improper operation of certain systems and components that may be critical to safe flight.
In addition to lost of lift and increased drag - ice, snow, or frost adhering to the airplane can also cause:
- Increased weight.
- Increased drag.
- Increased stall speed and power required to achieve or sustain flight.
- Decreased Performance.
- Decreased effectiveness of the flight controls.
- Decreased stall angle of attack.
- Power available may be decreased.
- Stall can occur before activation of the stall warning system.
- A rapid pitch tendency during rotation or wing roll off.
- Trim effectiveness may deteriorate.
- Engine loss due to ice FOD.
- Asymmetric shuddering due to props shedding ice.
- Control surfaces may freeze in place.
- Wing flaps can be damaged in the effort to retract or extend them in
icing conditions
- Landing gear mechanism may freeze in place or be damaged by movement.
- Completely blocked cockpit visibility.
- Loss of or degraded communications and navigation equipment.
- Icing will exacerbate any emergency situation.
Manual methods of deicing provide a capability, in clear weather, to clean
an aircraft adequately to allow a safe takeoff and flight. In inclement, cold weather conditions, however, the only alternative is sometimes limited to placing the aircraft in a protected area such as a hangar to perform the cleaning process. Most airports have one or more FBOs who have the equipment, capability, and experience to clean the aircraft and provide brief protection to allow a safe takeoff to be performed. If snow, frost, or ice was found adhering to the aircraft, it must be removed prior to takeoff. This may be accomplished by any of the following methods:
Placing the aircraft in a heated hanger to either avoid exposure or to warm until the snow or ice melts. This method requires that all moisture that could freeze is either removed or the aircraft is also treated with FPD fluid to preclude freezing upon moving of the aircraft into below freezing ambient conditions. In most cases, severe icing can be anticipated and arrangements made to have the aircraft hangared.
Various devices such as brooms, brushes, ropes, squeegees, fire hoses, or other devices have been used to remove dry snow accumulations, the bulk of large wet snow deposits, or to polish frost to a smooth surface.
Use of heated water alone for deicing is generally limited to temperatures above 27˚F (-3˚C) and where the water is heated to about 140˚F followed by a very close inspection to assure that refreezing does not occur.
There is a one step procedure and a two step procedure:
The one step method is accomplished using a heated or in some cases an unheated deice fluid. In this process residual fluid film provides a
very limited anti-icing protection.
The two step method involves both deicing and anti-icing. Deicing is accomplished by hot water or a hot mixture of deice fluid and water. The second step of the procedure involves the application of type II/IV fluid to the critical surfaces of the aircraft. If heated water alone was used in the deice process, the second step must be performed before freezing occurs, generally within three minutes.
There is one deicing fluid and three types of deice/anti-ice fluids.
(1) SAE Type I fluid.
This fluid in the concentrated form contains a minimum of 80% glycols.
Type I HOTs are heavily dependent on the heating of aircraft surfaces. Unlike Types II, III and IV fluids which contain thickeners to keep fluids on surfaces, Type I fluids are not thickened and flow off relatively soon after application; therefore, the heating of aircraft surfaces during Type I fluid deicing and anti-icing process contributes to the HOT by elevating the surface temperature above the freezing point of the residual fluid.
These fluids are used primarily for deicing but provide some limited
anti-icing protection.
The fluid may be applied hot or cold, but is much more effective in deicing when applied hot. This ethylene glycol based fluid is generally mixed with water then heated before application.
The mixture ratio should be determined before application to assure it is the proper ratio given the current ambient conditions. The water to fluid mixture should be at a ratio which lowers the freeze point of the fluid to temperature of at least 10˚C below the outside air temperature or the aircraft skin temperature. This temperature difference is referred to as the temperature buffer.
CAUTION: Do not apply undiluted type I fluid in non-precipitation conditions.
The freezing point of pure ethylene glycol is much higher than that diluted with water. Slight temperature decreases can be induced by factors such as cold soaked fuel in the wing tanks, reduction of solar radiation by the clouds obscuring the sun, ambient temperature cooling and wind effects.