A Whole School Policy

for the provision of opportunities for

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development(including Citizenship, PSHE and IAG)

As a Catholic school we aim to fulfil our mission to be a ‘Christ centred learning community’ committed to the development of the whole person by offering a wide range of opportunities for the personal development of all students, within and beyond the formal taught curriculum.

We recognise that personal development has many aspects, and we accept that descriptions of spiritual, moral, social and cultural development are often conditioned by each person’s perspective; so we work with broad descriptions of these terms, at all times informed by Gospel values and our Christian belief that the person of Jesus Christ is a model and example for our lives.

Personal development includes the intellectual and physical progress of students through the curriculum subjects they study. However, we want our students to find many opportunities for their development as young people through their whole experience of school. The four aspects of Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development (SMSCD) all have a part to play in this.

Spiritual development enables people to look within themselves; to examine their relationship with self, others, creation and God; to develop Gospel values, characteristics such as courage, hope and love, so that they can better face the challenges and opportunities of life. Spirituality involves everyone; each person has a spiritual dimension, often but not always expressed in religious terms. / Social development focuses on an awareness of the presence and value of others. It enables people to relate well to others and to develop social skills and Gospel values such as tolerance, respect, forgiveness, justice, compassion, and a willingness to get involved for the Common Good. It encourages people to play a full and fulfilling part in their community as Christians, family members, citizens, workers and learners.
Moral development enables people to take a thoughtful view of what is right and wrong, and to recognise the interests of others as well as themselves. It encourages the development of Gospel values, characteristics such as unselfishness, kindness, truthfulness, and commitment to justice and integrity, so that individuals can live in ways that respect the well-being and rights of others. / Cultural development enables people to develop their own place and identity in society. It encourages people to understand, reflect upon and experience their own culture and the cultures of others, by developing their appreciation of, for example, religion, art, sport, music, drama and communication. It encourages community cohesion at local, national and international level.

In the light of these definitions, these are our agreed aims:

We aim to:
  • Promote a Catholic and Christian view of the world.
  • Provide opportunities through the whole curriculum for SMSCD.
  • Provide moments for reflection within each curriculum area, as appropriate, and particularly within RE.
  • Support and encourage staff to provide extra curricular opportunities for SMSCD.
  • Give all students a chance to participate in a residential experience and Days of Reflection while at the school: Year 9 Alton Castle visit; KS4 Soli House Visit, Times of Reflection for each Year Group.
  • Use our daily form assembly programme and religious services to enable all students to reflect on their own personal, spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
  • Make provision for students who wish to talk personally/privately with a member of staff, the Chaplain or student mentor.
  • Enable students and staff to be active participants in a wide variety of social and cultural activities (eg charity work, theatre, music, art, leisure activities, sport, human rights organisations, community activities, religious work and eventsto promote the Common Good).
  • Provide students with Careers IAG through our Post-16 Coordinator.
  • Ensure that RE, Citizenship, PE and other curriculum areas support the development of SMSC.

We avoid:
  • Invading the privacy of individuals. For example, we appreciate the constraints in assessing “progress” in particular areas of SMSCD.
  • Coercing or pressurising. In promoting SMSCD from a Catholic perspective we do not wish to present an exclusive view of the world.

The aims of this policy fully fit in with and support the curriculum area of Citizenship and the school’s commitment to the development of the whole person.

Dated:October 2013

To be Reviewed : October 2016