Sample Pharmacy Personnel/ProcessSampling Log Page 2 of 2
Name Compounding Employee/Process Verification: ______Sampling Date: ______
Gloved Thumb Fingertip Sampling: Initial and Ongoing
Plates pulled by: ______
Manufacturer: ______Lot Number: ______Expiration Date: ______
Action Level Designation Depends on Location of GFS:
Immediately after donning sterile gloves & before sIPA (Action Level: 0 CFUs): Ante-area CAI1 CAI2 CACI1 CACI2
During compounding in PEC (Action Level >3 CFUs): LAFW1 LAFW2 LAFW3 LAFW4 CAI1 CAI2 CACI1 CACI2
Time in Incubator: _____ AM/PM May be read in 48 hours (date: _____/time:___AM/PM) but must be read within 72 hours (date: ____/time: ____AM/PM)
# CFUPlate 1 (left hand) / # CFU
Plate 2 (right hand) / Total CFUs = Both Plates / Action Level Both Plates**
(see above) / Date/Time
Removed and Read / Signature Person Reading Plates
Initial > 0 CFUs
Ongoing > 3 CFUs
** If CFUs exceed action level, notify manager. Minimum response must include review and documentation of hand hygiene, garbing, glove and surface disinfection and aseptic work practices.
Surface Sampling Associated with Employee
Check Type Plate/s Used: TSA (general growth media) MEA/SDA (fungal-specific media) Time in Incubator: _____ AM/PM
Plate/s pulled by: ______
Manufacturer / Lot # / Expiration Date / Incubation conditionsGeneral Media: / 30-35°C for 48-72 hours
Fungal Specific Media: / 26-30°C for 5-7 days
Taken during compounding in PEC (Action Level >3 CFUs): LAFW1 LAFW2 LAFW3 LAFW4 CAI1 CAI2 CACI1 CACI2
Plate Type / #CFU per plate / Alert/Action Levelin ISO Class 5 Air / Date/Time
Removed and Read / Signature Person Reading Plates
General Growth Plate (TSA) / Alert Level > 1 CFU
Action Level > 3 CFUs
** If CFUs exceed action level, notify manager. Minimum response must include review and documentation of hand hygiene, garbing, glove and surface disinfection and aseptic work practices.
Aseptic Media-Fill Testing
Description of Media Supplies* / Manufacturer / Lot # / Expiration Date*may represent sterile or nonsterile, liquid or powdered TSB based on specific MFU procedure
Bag # /PEC #
/Days of Inspection
/ Initials of Reader /Date
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / Pass / FailIncubate at 20 -35° Celsius
If bag is clear, initial box on day of inspection BUT if bag is cloudy, mark an X in the box & line out remaining days. Indicate “FAIL” in space provided and notify Pharmacy Manager.______Signature of Pharmacy Manager after document review Date
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