Girlguiding South West England invites your Unit to an Activity Day sponsored by the RAF linked with our SWEBOT In the air resource.
The ActivityDay is for girls in your Unit aged 8 to 12 years, Leaders and adult volunteers in accordance with Girlguiding ratios. This Activity Daywill last for half a day and if there is sufficient take up of places there will be one in the morning and one in the afternoon. This Activity Day is:
At:Swindon Academy, Beech Ave, Swindon SN2 1JR
On:Saturday 24 March 2018
(Either 9.15 to 12.30 or 13.15 to 16.30)
Cost: There is no charge for the day
However, we ask that you send a cheque for £5 per head (made payable to Girlguiding South West England) which will be shredded after the event when you arrive with at least 80% of the girls you book places for. If you do not attend and do not inform us then we will process the cheque. We are having to do this due to the high number of girls who did not turn up at our roadshow events.
We have a maximum of 100 places in the morning and again in the afternoon for this Activity Day. The girls will be offered a number of workshops where they will have the opportunity to take part in hands-on activities linked with air and aviation and our SWEBOT In the air resource.
Girlguiding will provide refreshments during the day. Girls and Leaders are requested to bring any snacks they require.
To book places for your Unit please complete the attached booking form and return by 22 February 2018 to Events, Girlguiding South West England, St Ann’s Manor, 6-8 St Ann Street, Salisbury SP1 2DNenclosing a cheque for £5 per person. (cheques made payable to Girlguiding South West England).
Joining instructions with further details will be sent out approximately one month before the event.
Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Booking forms will only be accepted with a membership number for the Leader completing the form.
Booking Form
(Please complete form clearly using Block Capitals)
I/we would like to attend the Region Activity Day at Swindon Academyon Saturday 24 March 2018
Please indicate the number of tickets you would like to reserve for:
Number of tickets for BrowniesNumber of tickets for Guides
Number of tickets for Leaders
Total number of tickets
Name of Girlguiding
Member (s):
Name of Unit:
Address of Girlguiding member:
Girlguiding Membership No (s): / Post Code:
Daytime Telephone:
(incl STD code) / Email:
Please return booking form to Events, Girlguiding South West England, St Ann’s Manor, 6-8 St Ann Street, Salisbury SP1 2DN enclosing a cheque for £5 per person. (cheques made payable to Girlguiding South West England)
Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.
Please reply by 22 February 2018 - bookings will be acknowledged by email