Canaseraga Central School
4-8 Main St.
Canaseraga NY, 14843
Dear Parent/Guardian of:______
The New York State Education Department has established standards in English Language Arts, mathematics, social studies and science which must be met by all students seeking a high school diploma. These standards are assessed at various grade levels during a child’s elementary and secondary education. Failure to satisfactorily achieve the established standards during a child’s secondary education will prevent him/her from receiving a New York State high school diploma.
This year the cut-points that determine whether students receive a 3 (passing) were raised for both 3-8 math and ELA. Many children who formerly have received low to middle-level 3’s in years past now have received 2’s due to this raising of the “bar” by the New York State Education Department. As a result of this action by NYSED, more students at CCS are receiving extra help in math and ELA.
Based on the results of NYS assessments, and/or teacher recommendation, your child will receive additional assistance for the following subjects:
( ) Reading: ( ) scored 1 or 2 on the NYS 3-8th grade ELA
(those who scored 3 or 4 do not require AIS support)
( ) Mathematics ( ) scored 1 or 2 on the Grade 3-8th NYS Math test
(those who scored 3 or 4 do not require AIS support)
( ) Social Studies ( ) scored below 65 on the NYS Global History and Geography Regents
The goal is to help your child succeed in passing the New York State assessments. Your child qualifies for academic support, and will receive extra instruction based on need. Support will be provided in the classroom or the AIS Room. Your child’s teacher will reassess your child throughout the school year to determine whether or not support is still needed. You will receive quarterly reports regarding your child’s progress, and an exit letter if services are no longer necessary.
The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 gives you the right to receive information about the qualifications of the classroom teacher, as well as any other teachers or teaching assistants working with your child. Listed below are the names and certification information of your child’s classroom and AIS teachers.
Classroom Teacher Name/Certification:
AIS Teacher Name/Certification:
Your child’s academic success is a cooperative venture. We look forward to working with you and your child. If you have any questions or wish to find out more about your child’s program please contact your child’s teacher or AIS provider
Two copies of this letter are enclosed. Please return a signed copy to your child’s teacher and keep the other copy for your records.
School Principal ______
AIS Provider ______
Parent/Caregiver Signature ______