Statement of Work

Sample Management and Analytical Results Tracking (SMART) System Solution

Title:Sample Management and Analytical Results Tracking (SMART) System Solution

Revision Number: 0

Date:November 9, 2017

Prepared by: J. J. Lane

BTR* / April Johnson

* Approval for Technical Content


Mission Support Alliance (MSA) is the integrator of a multi-contractor effort to clean up the Hanford Site. MSA collaborates with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and all Hanford Site contractors to find and implement new, cost-saving, safe and practicalsolutions to cleanup challenges.

MSA's Environmental Integration Services(EIS) function performs as the integrating contractor for Hanford environmental compliance with its mission to create, maintain, and deliver timely and quality environmental compliance support/products with technical services and expertise to enable MSA projects and Hanford contractors to expedite the Hanford environmental cleanup missions. Historically within EIS, the Ecological Monitoring & Environmental Surveillance team EM&ES has provided management and administration for two of these products: the Automated Bar Coding of All Samples at Hanford 2 (ABCASH 2) system and Environmental Release Summary (ERS).

ABCASH2 provides for the collection and tracking of samples of air (from stack emissions and ambient sources), soil, vegetation, liquid effluent, and thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) measurements. ERS stores and presents analytical data on Hanford Site samples collected from stack emissions and ambient air, soil and vegetation; liquid effluents, and TLDs. ERS produces data reports in several report formats and is a critical contract-deliverable system supporting the Hanford contractors by fulfilling federal and state reporting requirements. In addition to ABCASH2 and ERS, the EM&ES program has utilized the Sample Data Tracking (SDT) application to prepare Sample Authorization Forms, Chain-of-Custody Forms, and Sample Container Labels supporting the sampling evolution of EIS for collecting samples of surface water, wildlife,sediment, and food and farm products.

ABCASH2 and ERS are not supported under the current Hanford system standards which is based on upgrading to Windows 10 across the Hanford site by September 2018. Visual Basic 6 is used as the programming language for ABCASH2 and FORTRAN is used for ERS and these are languages are not supported at Hanford. MSA is seeking to consolidate and modernize into one system theABCASH2, ERS and SDT functionality using a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) integrated environmental data management system (EDMS) solution.


The objective of this SOW is to acquire an existing COTS EDMS and appropriate services necessary to fully replace existing ABCASH2,ERS, and SDTfunctionality to a modern, user friendly, and Hanford supported technology. The objective system will be referred to hereafter as the Sample Management and Analytical Results Tracking (SMART) and the initial system will be functionalin production by September 2018.


The vendor shall provide a COTS integrated EDMS solution and implementation, upgrade and support services. The system must be compatible with MSA’s current network environment and provide technical continuity to receive input from handheld computerized barcode scanners which support the existing work flow process outlined in SMART System Functional Requirements Document HNF-61586.

The vendor shall define the available functionality of their integrated EDMS solution and compare it to the functionality defined in HNF-61586SMART System Functional Requirements Document. MSA has defined each functionality in SMART in the following manner:

Mandatory (M) ---- The environmental and program requirements required in SMART to support timely base implementation of the system that meets program, system, cyber and network requirements defined in MSA. The Vendor must meet the mandatory requirements.

Highly Preferred (HP) ---- Functional Requirements of SMART that are needed to achieve project objectives. HP are not required to be part of the COTS solution, but must be addressed in the overall system solution by the time the system is in production, no later than September 27, 2018.

Preferred (P) ---- Functional Requirements of SMART that have been categorized as useful, but not required, to achieve project objectives. Priority of deployment of preferred requirements is secondary to production deployment of the mandatory and highly preferred requirements.

This Statement of Work has two spreadsheets attached that shall be completed by the vendor to identify the functionality provided by their existing COTS product, and which requirements could be met with some enhancements. The requirements are identified in this Statement of Work, Section 4.0 REQUIREMENTS. The mandatory (M) requirements must be met in the vendor’s existing solution without requiring enhancements. The highly preferred (HP) requirements should be met in the vendor’s solution, but allow for enhancements to be proposed to meet the functional requirements. The preferred (P) requirements shall be addressed in the spreadsheet to identify the functionality available in the existing COTS product, if they can be met with enhancements, or whether they cannot be met within the proposed time and costs.

As a part of pre-award, the customer may request the vendor provide a product demonstration of how the proposed COTS meets the requirements that the vendor response package indicates are met, and the extent of the gap that the proposed enhancements will need to resolve.

The vendor shall propose professional servicesto support the planning, installation, implementation and deployment of the existing COTS product and the data gathering, definition, project planning, creationof the proposed enhancements, and services as requested for the duration of the contract for customization of the system for when the need arises. Travel to the Hanford site in Richland, Washington with full 10 hour days (Monday-Thursday) of on-site services are envisioned. However, the use of web conferencing to augment this support may be proposed. The vendor shall provide separate cost for professional services including labor categories and hourly fully burdened rates.

MSA will make available all required skills groups on a priority basis during the vendor’s questions, clarifications, data gathering, and all required on-site presence activity. MSA will facilitate and expedite required MSA system change management process (for implementation of changes into the baseline configuration on Hanford Local Area Network (HLAN) and MSA Quality Assurance procedure compliance.

Vendor implementation services shall follow a multi-phased approach, with phases to accomplish initial data gathering, planning, installation, implementation and deployment of SMART in the customer environment. The vender will provide a phased approach schedule to support these activities and planning dates with customer planning milestones to support system implementation by September 27, 2018.

Vendor shall provide professional services to complete the following implementation steps and requirements:

  1. Participate in Project Kickoff Meeting to confirm project roles, responsibilities, milestones, rules of engagement, dependencies, client environment, product deployment guidelines and detailed schedule completion.
  2. Complete scoping, requirements and data gathering.
  3. Develop project planning documents including timelines showing support of customer milestones, tasks, and resource assignments identifying customer vs vendor resources.
  4. Regularly communicate status to the planning documents.
  5. Install and configure of base components of the vendor’s EDMS on HLAN. The EDMS is functional out-of-the-box on the HLAN environment.
  6. EDMS base configuration implementation. The EDMS system is functional with configuration parameters specific for Hanford.
  7. Perform historical data migration.
  8. Create and install custom functionality to complete defined HP functionality gaps.
  9. Provide knowledge transfer as the install is ongoing and assist with more in-depth training as time allows.
  10. Provide completed test documentation demonstrating custom functionality meets the requirements.
  11. Develop project acceptance documentation to be signed upon completion of the project.
  12. Provide proposed tests to be used by the customer for system acceptance testing.
  13. Provide final design document to a document template provided by the customer.
  14. Adhere to the following estimated project schedule:
  15. Estimated Project Start Date: January 10, 2018
  16. Functional system available for testing in parallel with existing systems: June 10, 2018
  17. Production system implementation of SMART: September 27, 2018


The requirements of the system are summarized in the two attached spreadsheets. For details supporting these requirements, see HNF-61586,SMART System Functional Requirements Document.

The two spreadsheets attached shall be completed by the vendor to identify the functionality provided by their existing COTS product, and which requirements could be met with some enhancements. Follow the instruction tabs for definitions. The Vendor must fully complete the evaluation spreadsheet tabs that support definition of the following functionality:

  • Functional Requirements
  • Sample Planning
  • Sample Collection
  • Sample Analysis
  • Data Verification & Validation
  • Data Analysis
  • Data Reporting
  • Records Retention
  • Historical Data Migration
  • Geospatial Data Storage & Display
  • System Requirements
  • Security
  • Hardware-Software
  • System Interfaces
  • User
  • Performance
  • Communication Interface

In addition to completing the response to the specifications, please include information for the following:

  • Tell us a little about your company
  • How long have you been in business
  • How many employees do you have
  • Where are you located
  • Do you have other contracts with the Department of Energy and Federal Government
  • What is the licensing structure?
  • Will the product support multi-users (data modifications) simultaneously?
  • Are system audit logs available; can they be customized?
  • Does the product make use of workflows? If so, can they be modified and can new workflows be created?
  • Can user-defined fields be added?
  • What mechanisms are available to preserve historical data that may not conform to currently defined data?
  • What documentation is standardly available?
  • What training is available?
  • On-Line
  • On-Site
  • Travel to vendor location
  • Other
  • What are the options for accessing help?
  • Help files within the product
  • Vendor documentation/manuals
  • Web site
  • Help Desk (and what are the typical hours of operation)
  • Web Conferencing
  • Other
  • Will the source code and associated documentation be provided with any customizations?
  • Can our in-house developers create Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) or modules that can be integrated into or with the product?
  • How are customer requests for software changes or bug reports handled?
  • Do you work with any Third Party Installers?

4.1Engineering Requirements


4.2Environment, Safety, & Health (ES&H) Requirements


4.3Quality Assurance (QA) Requirements

This procurement is a General Services Quality Level 3procurement and therefore does not require supplier evaluation as part of the bid evaluation process. However to establish confidence that the items and services are suitable for their intended purpose, the vendor shall plan and provide the following:

  • Project acceptance documentation to be signed upon completion of the project.
  • Completed test documentation demonstrating custom functionality meets the requirements.
  • Proposed tests to be used by the customer for system acceptance testing.
  • Final design document formatted to a document template provided by the customer.
  • The Vendor shall provide a legible/reproducible Certificate of Conformance that is signed by an authorized representative responsible for the quality of their work. The Certificate of Conformance shall include the following information, as a minimum:
  1. Identify the appropriate Purchase Order or Contract number under which the item or service is being supplied.
  2. The specific procurement requirements to be met by the purchased item or service and/or any approved changes, waivers, or deviations applicable to the item or service.
  3. The Certificate of Conformance shall also identify any procurement requirements that have not been met together with an explanation and the means for resolving the nonconformance(s).
  4. The Certificate of Conformance shall be signed (or otherwise authenticated) by a supplier’s representative responsible for quality.

4.4Government Property


5.0Special Requirements

5.1Configuration Management

  • All software components must have a unique id and release number.
  • All custom enhancements shall come with Release Notes that will contain the changes that are incorporated traceable to the changes requested and installation instructions.
  • All custom enhancements shall be compiled such that the release number is available to the end user through the common user interface (through something like “About”)


6.1Training and Qualifications

Subcontractor shall ensure that its personnel meet and maintain the appropriate training, qualification and certification requirements.

  • Subcontractor personnel may be required to complete MSA General Employee Training (MGET) (4-hour average per individual) if performing work on the Hanford Site.

Required Qualifications:


6.2Security and Badging Requirements

For any on site work, see Special Provisions – On Site Services for details.

Site visitors may be required to submit to vehicle searches and not personally carry or transport certain prohibited articles.

6.3Work Location / Potential Access Requirements

Location for the on-site vendor demonstration and training of staff to use the system will generally be:

825 Jadwin

Richland, WA 99354

The location of installation of software onto the HLAN system will be at:

2261 Stevens Dr.

Richland, WA 99354

6.4Site Access and Work Hours

Hanford personnel at the Hanford Site work a standard 4/10 schedule. The standard work week consist of ten (10) hours of work between 6:00 am and 4:30 pm, with one-half hour designated as an unpaid period for lunch, Monday through Thursday.


Subcontractor shall participate in all meetings as required by the Buyer’s Technical Representative (BTR).


In response to this SOW, the Contractor is expected to provide itemized cost estimates for the specific tasks and requirements identified in Sections 3.0 and 4.0.


The EDMS architecture provided by the Contractor for this SOW shall consist of all necessary software, programming, data storage, networking, configuration, security, licensing, and access requirements to evaluate the proof-of-concept for the EDMS operation and ability to satisfy the Customer data needs.

  • Project planning documents including timelines showing support of customer milestones, tasks, and resource assignments identifying customer vs vendor resources.
  • Weekly status reports, can be in the form of email
  • Software and services support to complete the functional out-of-the-box EDMS installation on the HLAN environment as demonstrated with completion of Acceptance Test Cases.
  • EDMS system is functional with configuration parameters specific for Hanford as demonstrated with completion of Acceptance Test Cases.
  • Historical data migration complete and demonstrated by validation reports.
  • Software code and proposed tests for custom functionality to complete defined HP functionality gaps.
  • Software user guide, installation instructions, system administration, and other product documentation.
  • Software License Agreement(s), software maintenance, bug/defect fixes, upgrades, and technical support in accordance with license and service terms and conditions.
  • A Certificate of Conformance (C of C) that is signed by the Vendor’s authorized representative responsible for quality and includes the information specified in Section 4.3 of this SOW.


As specified in Section 3.0, the vender will provide a phased approach schedule to support the scope of work activities. The schedule shall include planning dates with milestones to support the Customer’s system implementation objective of September 27, 2018.

Contract Award for FY2018 with an additional three - one year options

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Attachment A

Vendor Evaluation of Functional Requirements

20 Pages including this cover


Vendor Evaluation of System Requirements

8 Pages including this cover