Sample Letter to Schools for Participation
Dear [principal]:
Each year Law Day provides an opportunity for students and the public to understand how the law protects our freedoms. In celebration of Law Day 2007 [insert local bar association name] and the Ohio State Bar Association are sponsoring the “There Ought To Be A Law” Essay Contest.
Students in grades 7 through 12 are being asked to write an essay identifying what they believe “ought to be a law” within the school, community, county, or state. The [insert local bar association name] is inviting your school to participate. [insert any local contest prize information] Essay writers in the 7th and 8th grade division, the 9th and 10th grade division and the 11th and 12th grade division who advance to the state level have the chance to win U.S. Savings Bonds. The deadline for entries is January 31, 2007.
I have enclosed the contest guidelines and entry form for your review. In conjunction with this initiative, [insert bar association name] would like to make arrangements with you or the appropriate person to coordinate a classroom visit by a local attorney. Our volunteer will lead a lively discussion and will be a valuable resource for questions as the students begin writing.
Don’t miss your opportunity to help students reflect on our legal heritage. Please return the enclosed participation form right away!
Sample Response Form for School Participation
School Name ______
School Address ______
School Phone ______
Contact Name ______
Contact Phone (if different from above) ______
Fax ______E-mail ______
Class size ______Class meeting time______
[ ] I would like to have a local attorney visit my classroom.
Please list three (3) possible dates: ______
[ ] Time does not permit a classroom visit; however, I would like to receive entry forms for the “There Ought To Be A Law” Essay Contest. (Contest guidelines and entry forms may also be obtained by accessing the Ohio State Bar Association Web site at (
Please return this form by [insert deadline] to [insert contact information].