Lamke Broadcasting, Inc.

Equal Opportunity Program Local Public File Report

December 4, 2014-December 3,2015

Stations: KOZY/KMFY Radio


EEO Public Form Covering the Period from 12/04/2014 to 12/03/2015


1)Full time Jobs Filled W/Sources1

2)Recruitment Source Information

3)Summary of Prong 3 OutreachActivities

Yearly TotalsPositions Filled1

1)Full Time Jobs Filled

Annual EEO Public Report Form covering the Period from12/04/2014 to 12/03/2015

No. Job TitleRecruitmentApplicantsInterviews


1Account Representative5148

2)Recruitment Sources for all Hires

1)Radio Stations KOZY & KMFY

P.O. Box 597

Grand Rapids, MN55744

Jim Lamke


2)Grand Rapids Herald Review

301 NW 1st Ave

Grand Rapids, MN55744

Classified Advertising Dep't.


3)Minnesota Broadcasters Association Online Job Posting forum

3033 Excelsior Blvd.

Suite 301

Jim Dubois

(612) 926-9761

4)Minnesota Broadcasters Association Job Posting Newsletter

3033 Excelsior Blvd.

Suite 301

Jim Dubois

(612) 926-9761

5)Personnel Dynamics

604 1st Avenue NW

Grand Rapids, MN

(218) 327-9554

3)Outreach Efforts 12/04/2014 to 12/03/2015

03/5/2015Job Fair

Description: Program Director Kathy Lepak participated in a Job Fair. Over 600 juniors and seniors high students from 15 local high schools were invited to ItascaCommunity College for career demonstrations. All students had an opportunity to learn about on-air position and to learn about sports play-by-play. Sports Director Sheldon Willis assisted students in record a mock game. Topic covered included the skills needed for the profession. Students were able to ask questions about hours, pay and responsibilities.

4/10/2015Job Fair

Description: Program Director Kathy Lepak participated in a Job Fair. Over 400 sophomore, junior, and senior high students from Grand RapidsHigh School talked with hiring managers from 15-20 local business about summer and fall employment. Students had an opportunity to learn about on-air conditions, sales career opportunities and to record a mock voice-over. Students were made aware that 2 part-time board operator positions will be available in August. Topic covered included the skills needed for each profession. Students were able to ask questions about hours, pay and responsibilities.

12/01/2014-6/1/2015Participation inscholarship program

Description: Jim Wychor Scholarship opportunity. Stations ran public service announcements from the Minnesota Broadcasters Association encouraging students to visit the Minnesota Broadcasters Association web site for more information about the James J Wychor broadcast scholarship. The scholarship provides monies to students in broadcasting education.


Description: High School Outreach Throughout the school year, KOZY and KMFY Radio broadcast a series of radio programs written, recorded and produced by Grand Rapids High School students. Through the course of the radio series, the students learned valuable radio skills as well as gained insight into the broadcast medium. This year’s student was Reed Kottke.