9th Grade

1st Quarter Lesson Plans

Sample Flow Chart..showing “Who does What”

Lesson / Domain / Topic / Person Responsible
9.1 / All / Introduction to High School / Principal/Counselor
9.2 / Pers./Soc. / Setting Ground Rules / Advisor/Students
9.3 / Academic / Preparing/Organizing for Academic Success / Advisor
9.4 / Pers./Soc. / Goal Setting- - Roads to Success 8-4 / Advisor/Students
9.5 / Academic / High School Expectations/Responsibilities (21st Century Skills) Goals Letter / Advisor/Students
9.6 / Academic / Understanding Midterm Report/Graduation Requirements / Advisor/Counselor
9.7 / Academic / Study Skills Assessment / Advisor/Students
9.8 / Academic / The Art of Learning - - Brain Stretching Roads to Success / Advisor/Students
9.9 / Pers./Soc. / A Place to Belong (Clubs, etc.) / Principal – School Assembly
Advisor - lesson
9.10 / Career / Building Your Portfolio / Advisor/Students
9.11 / Optional / Advisor/Students
“LINKing” Activities / Activity Description / Person Responsible
Parent Orientation
Initial Meeting with
Advisor/Parent/Student / *1) Hold Parent Orientation using Power Point to inform parents about LINKS programs , what they need to know about X high school
2) Hold initial parent meeting, answer questions about your role in LINKS and review book “Coaching My Child to Success” / Counselor
Working with New Students / Registering New students/assigning to LINKS Group/Reviewing Goals/make new portfolio files / Counselor
Professional Dev. / Assisting with Professional Development / Counselor/LINKS Coordinator/Principal
School Assembly / “Making High School Count” / Counselor
Classroom Guidance Lesson / Explaining HS Graduation Requirements / Counselor
Counseling / Start Group with “Identified Needs” anger/truancy/behavioral / Counselor
Individual Counseling / Individual counseling with referred students / Counselor
Evaluation / Review and Respond to Advisor/Student Feedback / LINKS Coordinator
Meeting / Hold Meetings to allow sharing of successful practices and share questions / Principal/LINKS Coordinator
School Assembly / Introduce school-wide Respect Student Program/Bully Prevention, etc / Principal

9th Grade

2nd Quarter Lesson Plans

Lesson / Domain / Topic / Person Responsible
9.12 / Pers./Soc. / Making and Keeping Friends – Chicago Peer Pressure
9.13 / Pers./Soc. / Where to Go; When to Tell - - Community Resources
9.14 / Academic / Test Taking Skills/Preparing for Semester Exams - Chicago
9.15 / Academic / Why School? Chicago
9.16 / Academic / How My Grades Affect My Future - - GPA, Promise, NCAA Clearinghouse, Credit Recovery. How courses relate to college plans. Looking back, looking forward (Chicago)
9.17 / Pers./Soc. / Decision Making. Roads to Success 8-5
9.18 / Career / Interest Inventory Roads to Success 9-6, 9-7 Hollins Inventory, Explore Scores, ASVAB/Career Direction
9.19 / Career / Career Research - - Career Cruising 9-8, 9-9 – WV Education Planner
9.20 / Academic / Programs of Study - - WVDE Site Career/Technical
9.21 / Academic / High School Timeline - - WV Planner
9.22 / Optional
“LINKing” Activities / Activity Description / Person Responsible

9th Grade

3rd Quarter Lesson Plans

Lesson / Domain / Topic / Person Responsible
9.23 / Pers./Soc. / Anger Management
9.24 / Pers./Soc. / Conflict Resolution
9.25 / Academic / WESTEST 2/Writing Assessment - Damon
9.26 / Academic / Trans-scripting/Looking Ahead/Scheduling
9.27 / Academic / Educational Choices/Opportunity Cost - Cost of College, EDGE, Dual Credit, Financial Aid, AP
9.28 / Pers./Soc. / Rights/Responsibilities/Entitlements - Chicago
9.29 / Pers./Soc. / Safe Dating/Healthy Relationships
9.30 / Pers./Soc. / Risk Taking Behavior – Missouri http://www.missouricareereducation.org/CDs/GuidanceLessons/PS3-Gr10-Unit1-Lesson3.pdf
9.31 / Pers./Soc. / Respect for Self and Others
9.32 / Pers./Soc./Career / Community Service - Debbie Hall
9.33 / Optional
“LINKing” Activities / Activity Description / Person Responsible

9th Grade

4th Quarter Lesson Plans

Lesson / Domain / Topic / Person Responsible
9.34 / Pers./Soc. / Getting Along with Others—Diversity Martinsburg or Chicago
9.35 / Pers./Soc. / Active Listening—Chicago, Missouri - Damon
9.36 / Pers./Soc. / Assertive vs. Aggressive Communication/Behavior Chicago
9.37 / Pers./Soc. / Problem Solving
9.38 / Career / Resume Building
9.39 / Career / Student Led Career Awareness
9.40 / Career / Student Led Career Awareness
9.41 / Career / Update Portfolio
9.42 / Self-Evaluation/Setting New Goals
9.43 / Evaluating the 9th Grade Experience/Advisee Program
9.44 / Optional
“LINKing” Activities / Activity Description / Person Responsible

10th Grade

1st Quarter Lesson Plans

Lesson / Domain / Topic / Person Responsible
10.1 / Pers./Soc. / New School Year Orientation
10.2 / Pers./Soc. / LINKS Program Review/Ground Rules
10.3 / Academic / Graduation Requirements—Checklist
10.4 / Academic / Sophomore Timeline—WV Planner/PSAT/WESTEST Results
10.5 / Academic / Study Skills Assessment and Student Plan
10.6 / Academic / Support Services – Tutoring, etc.
10.7 / Academic / ACT Plan Prep – Damon
10.8 / Academic / Test Taking Strategies
10.9 / Academic / Introduce Three-Year Plan. Homework – During 2nd Quarter Explore Careers in Each Career Cluster. Due by Lesson 3-2
10.10 / Academic / Review Agriculture/Science/Natural Resources; Arts/Humanities; Business/Marketing
10.11 / Optional
“LINKing” Activities / Activity Description / Person Responsible

10th Grade

2nd Quarter Lesson Plans

Lesson / Domain / Topic / Person Responsible
10.12 / Academic / Review Engineering/Technical; Health Science/Human Services
10.13 / Pers./Soc. / Developing Peer Leadership Chicago (Exploring Leadership 11) + D98
10.14 / Academic / Critical Thinking Damon
10.15 / Pers./Soc / Team Building
10.16 / Academic / Improving Organizational Skills – Chicago
10.17 / Academic / Note Taking - Damon Chicago
10.18 / Academic / Learning Strategies – Damon
10.19 / Academic / ACT PLAN Results/World of Work
10.20 / Pers./Soc. / Internet Safety/Social Networking
10.21 / Academic / Academic Success and Failure - Chicago
10.22 / Optional
“LINKing” Activities / Activity Description / Person Responsible

10th Grade

3rd Quarter Lesson Plans

Lesson / Domain / Topic / Person Responsible
10.23 / Academic / Update Portfolio – Extracurricular Activities, Community Service
10.24 / Academic / Goals Progress –Reread Letter, Progress Toward Choosing a Concentration, Checklist
10.25 / Academic / Transcript Review, Update Graduation Requirement Checklist, AP, EDGE, Dual Credit
10.26 / Academic / Introduction to Senior Project
10.27 / Pers./Soc. / Improving Communication With Parents - Chicago
10.28 / Academic / WESTEST 2 Writing Assessment
10.29 / Pers./Soc. / Self-Esteem/Self Control
10.30 / Pers./Soc. / Everybody’s Doing it – Ethical Behavior I
10.31 / Pers./Soc. / Everybody’s Doing it – Ethical Behavior II
10.32 / Pers./Soc. / Coping with Self-Defeating Behavior I - Chicago
10.33 / Optional
“LINKing” Activities / Activity Description / Person Responsible

10th Grade

4th Quarter Lesson Plans

Lesson / Domain / Topic / Person Responsible
10.34 / Pers./Soc. / Coping with Self-Defeating Behavior II, Chicago
10.35 / Academic / Learning to Learn - Damon
10.36 / Pers./Soc. / What Can We Learn From Our Seniors?
10.37 / Pers./Soc. / Multiple Intelligences - Chicago and Damon
10.38 / Academic / Prepare for WESTEST/Review of Test Taking Skills
10.39 / Pers./Soc. / Stress Management
10.40 / Pers./Soc. / Work Ethics and Professionalism
10.41 / Career / How to Meet Service Learning
10.42 / Pers./Soc. / Planning For a Safe Summer - Chicago
10.43 / Evaluating LINKS Experience
10.44 / Optional
“LINKing” Activities / Activity Description / Person Responsible

11th Grade

1st Quarter Lesson Plans

Lesson / Domain / Topic / Person Responsible
11.1 / Pers./Soc. / Orientation to Junior Year
11.2 / Academic / Credits/Graduation Checklist Junior Checklist WV Ed Planner, School Specific
11.3 / Academic / Interpretation of test results/WESTEST, Writing Assessment, (Acuity) – Damon
11.4 / Academic / Study Skills Assessment/Plan Support Services – Damon
11.5 / Academic / Reading for Comprehension – Damon
11.6 / Academic / ACT/SAT Prep – Chicago – Roads to Success – Missouri
11.7 / Academic / How to Prepare for College Visits – Questions/Documentation
11.8 / Academic / Time Management – Damon
11.9 / Academic / Scholarship Search RTS WV ED Planner, Parent Handbook
11.10 / Pers./Soc. / Today not Tomorrow - Chicago
11.11 / Optional
“LINKing” Activities / Activity Description / Person Responsible

11th Grade

2nd Quarter Lesson Plans

Lesson / Domain / Topic / Person Responsible
11.12 / Pers./Soc. / Rights and Responsibilities – Chicago (9)
11.13 / Pers./Soc. / Communication Feelings – Chicago
11.14 / Academic / Update Resume – Chicago
11.15 / Academic / Resources for Finding Employment, Volunteer Opportunities, Internship
11.16 / Academic / Completing Job Application – Deb Hall
11.17 / Academic / Interview Skills – RTS
11.18 / Academic / Workplace Behavior - RTS
11.19 / Career / Life Plan – Getting to Retirement – Barb
11.20 / Career / Update Career Interest Inventory/Career Plan – Holland CC WV Ed Plan
11.21 / Career / Creating Winning Essays – RTS WV ED Plan CC
11.22 / Optional
“LINKing” Activities / Activity Description / Person Responsible

11th Grade

3rd Quarter Lesson Plans

Lesson / Domain / Topic / Person Responsible
11.23 / Pers./Soc. / Stress Management Fun – I’m in a Hurry to Get Things Done – Damon – Deb
11.24 / Academic / Transcript Portfolio Update/Graduation Checklist/Draft Senior Schedule
11.25 / Academic / Designing a Senior Project – Damon
11.26 / Career / Relating School to Career – Chicago
11.27 / Academic / Review for WESTEST 2 Online Writing Assessment
11.28 / Academic / Personal/Group Responsibility; Cooperative Groups
11.29 / Career / Personal Finance/Budgeting Treasurer’s Office – Real Games
11.30 / Career / Lifestyles/Careers/Educational Obtainment Treasurer’s Real Games
11.31 / Pers./Soc. / Dealing with Diversity/Global Awareness Prejudice/Discrimination – Deb Hall “Did You Know?”
11.32 / Pers./Soc. / Peanut Activity – Barbara – Diversity
11.33 / Optional
“LINKing” Activities / Activity Description / Person Responsible

11th Grade

4th Quarter Lesson Plans

Lesson / Domain / Topic / Person Responsible
11.34 / Pers./Soc. / Almost Seniors – Am I Ready? Chicago
11.35 / Career / Job Readiness – Chicago
11.36 / Academic / Thinking Like a Genius – Damon
11.37 / Academic / WESTEST Prep – Damon
11.38 / Academic / Education after HS- RTS - Evaluating Programs
11.39 / Academic / Education after HS- RTS - Choosing a College
11.40 / Academic / Education after HS- RTS – College Research I
11.41 / Academic / Education after HS- RTS – College Research II
11.42 / Academic / Education after HS- RTS – College Research III
11.43 / Evaluating Junior Year
11.44 / Optional
“LINKing” Activities / Activity Description / Person Responsible

12th Grade

1st Quarter Lesson Plans

Lesson / Domain / Topic / Person Responsible
12.1 / Academic / Intro to Senior Year
12.2 / Academic / Update Portfolio/Transcript/Graduation Checklist/WESTEST Results/Extracurricular Update
12.3 / Academic / Senior year Checklist – ACT/SAT; Scholarships; Essays
12.4 / Academic / College Day Prep
12.5 / Academic / ACT/SAT/ASVAB/Workeys Test Prep
12.6 / Academic / Senior Project Update -
12.7 / Academic / Filling out a Post-Secondary Application College/CC
12.8 / Academic / Requesting References/Recommendations RTS Barb
12.9 / Academic / Post Graduation Action Plan RTS
12.10 / Career / Military Careers/Exploring Opportunities
12.11 / Optional
“LINKing” Activities / Activity Description / Person Responsible

12th Grade

2nd Quarter Lesson Plans

Lesson / Domain / Topic / Person Responsible
12.12 / Academic / Making Your Resume Shine – WV Education Planner
12.13 / Academic / Communication Skills – Chicago
12.14 / Careers / Apprenticeships/Labor Unions
12.15 / Academic / Post Secondary Planning – Promise, Job Apps, ASVAB, CC, Tech Schools
12.16 / Careers / Financial Literacy – Credit and Debt RTS
12.17 / Careers / Financial Literacy – Credit Cards RTS
12.18 / Careers / Financial Literacy – Car Ownership I – II RTS
12.19 / Careers / Living Expenses – Housing Expenses and Leases RTS
12.20 / Careers / Checking/Savings Accounts
12.21 / Academic / FAFSA I How to Complete
12.22 / Optional
“LINKing” Activities / Activity Description / Person Responsible

12th Grade

3rd Quarter Lesson Plans

Lesson / Domain / Topic / Person Responsible
12.23 / Academic / FAFSA II
12.24 / Academic / Graduation Transcript Checklist/Portfolio Update
12.25 / Academic / Staying Motivated/Staying on Track
12.26 / Career / Work Ethics/Personal Responsibility – Chicago – Deb Hall
12.27 / Career / Connecting to Community
12.28 / Career / Transitioning to from Classroom to Careers . . . Successful Communication – Louisiana Conflict Resolution
12.29 / Pers./Soc. / Post Graduation Anxiety
12.30 / Pers./Soc. / Make New Friends but Keep the Old
12.32 / Academic / Read 9th Grade Goals Letter/Self Evaluate/Write a Do’s/Don’ts of Goal Attainment to Freshman
12.33 / Optional
“LINKing” Activities / Activity Description / Person Responsible

12th Grade

4th Quarter Lesson Plans

Lesson / Domain / Topic / Person Responsible
12.34 / Pers./Soc. / Take a Deep Breath – Stress management
12.35 / Career / Finalizing Senior Projects
12.36 / Career / Finalizing Senior Projects
12.37 / Career / Finalizing Senior Projects
12.38 / Academic / College and Workforce survival Tips
12.39 / Pers./Soc. / Living on my Own “Motivating Without Mom”
12.40 / Academic / School Experience Evaluation/plan Survey – Missouri
12.41 / Senior Year/LINKS Evaluation
12.42 / Graduation Readiness
12.44 / Optional
“LINKing” Activities / Activity Description / Person Responsible