Sample county resolution/proclamation language

WHEREAS, May 8, 2014,marks the centennial of the signing of the Smith-Lever Act, which established Cooperative Extension, the nationwide transformational education system that brings the research-based knowledge of the land-grant universities to people where they live and work; and

WHEREAS, Cooperative Extension’s research-based education played a central role in American agriculture’s rise to global preeminence, and continues to help farmers and ranchers meet our nation’s need for food, fuel and fiber while practicingresponsible stewardship of our natural resources; and

WHEREAS, the Cooperative Extension mission in Missouri is carried out by University of Missouri Extension, a partnership of the University of Missouri campuses, Lincoln University, the people of Missouri through county extension councils, and the National Institute for Food and Agriculture of the U.S. Department of Agriculture; and

WHEREAS, extension faculty from the university campus and regional faculty in county extension centers provide educational programs that enhance economic viability; build strong individuals, families and communities; and create and sustain healthy environments; and

WHEREAS, University of Missouri Extension has helped new and existing businesses create jobs; facilitated professional continuing education for firefighters, law enforcement professionals, emergency service personnel, engineers, nurses, physicians and others; and

WHEREAS, University of Missouri Extension partners with local government; county extension councils; federal and state agencies; and other institutions of higher learning to link citizens with educational resources; and

WHEREAS, University of Missouri Extension reaches one in five Missouri youth, ages 5 to 18, through 4-H, Cooperative Extension’s nationwide youth development program, which provides education in leadership, citizenship and community service through 4-H clubs, school enrichment programs, special-interest activities, conferences and camps; and

WHEREAS, University of Missouri Extension plays a key role in the Governor’s Disaster Recovery Partnership, directly supporting communities and the state in planning and recovery from severe storms, drought, tornadoes, flooding and other large-scale emergencies affecting communities in Missouri; and

WHEREAS, University of Missouri Extension preparespeople for healthy, productive lives through sustained education, such as the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program, breaking the cycle of poverty and reducing expenditures for federal and state assistance programs.


Applauds the history, goals and accomplishments associated with Cooperative Extension in Missouri and across the nation.

Recognizes the significance of the Smith-Lever Act tothe establishment of Cooperative Extension, including University of Missouri Extension.

Encourages the people of the Missouri to observe and celebrate the centennial with a focus on launching an innovative and sustainable future for Cooperative Extension.

Honorsthe extension faculty and local educators who dedicate careers to providing trusted education to help people, families, youth, businesses and communities solve problems, develop skills and build a better future.

Thanks extension volunteers who provide thousands of hours to promote excellence for 4-H, Master Gardeners,family and consumer sciences and other programs in their communities.

Celebrates millions of youth, adults, families, farmers, ranchers, community leaders and others who engage in Cooperative Extension learning opportunities designed to extend knowledge and change lives.