Sample Conflict of Interest Policy for XYZ AIS - long version



XYZ AIS relies on the integrity and sound judgment of its employees, board members, Parents’ Association, and any others from the school community serving on its committees to ensure the best interests of the school are advanced and that its welfare is not undermined. To that end, such individuals are expected to deal fairly and honestly with the school, to avoid exposing themselves or their families to a real or apparent material conflict-of-interest with the school, and to fully and promptly report any such material conflicts that may arise.


This policy shall cover all current board members, all persons during the course of their service on any school committee, and all persons presently employed by the school at any level and for any function, whether serving in a paid or volunteer capacity.


Covered persons are to deal fairly and honestly, and in good faith, when transacting business with or on behalf of the school.

Covered persons (and their immediate family members) are to avoid entering into any obligations, arrangements, or affiliations, whether personal or professional, with individuals, organizations, or institutions that could create a real or apparent material conflict between the welfare of the school and the personal (or family) interests of the covered person as a function of his or her office or position at the school or the knowledge gleaned there from.

  • Examples include financial investments or business dealings with commercial contractors, or memberships or affiliations with schools with which XYZ AIS competes for students or faculty.

Covered persons are to avoid accepting gifts (financial, material, or in-kind), favors, services, or hospitality from individuals, organizations, or institutions to the extent their receipt could influence, or give the appearance of influencing, their decision-making or compromise their judgment in actions affecting the school.


Covered persons are to fully and promptly report any such material conflicts that may arise involving themselves (or their immediate family members) via a Disclosure Statement (see attached).

Situations in which competing interests exist are not per se unacceptable. Each situation shall be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and its continued status shall be subject to the approval, rejection, or conditional approval by the school’s designated decision-maker.

The school’s designated decision-maker shall be the most senior, non-self-interested school administrator (preferably the director) or, as appropriate, the chair (or in his/her stead the vice chair) of the board.

At the covered person’s request, the reported information involving the real or apparent conflict shall be kept confidential, to the extent possible consistent with the effective operation of the school.

In addition, each covered person shall sign the XYZ AIS Disclosure Statement stipulating that he or she has read this policy and agrees to comply with its obligations.

That statement shall remain in effect for a two-year period after which a covered person must sign a new one.

The statement shall be signed before the initiation of school duties; for new or returning employees, the statement shall be signed together with their contract documents; for new board members, the statement shall be signed at their first board meeting or as soon as practicable thereafter.


Where it has been determined that a covered person has acted in a way that has adversely affected the welfare of the school on account of a conflict-of-interest, has failed to comply with the written disclosure procedures, or has otherwise failed to comply with the decision of the school administrator or board officer following a disclosed conflict, the designated decision-maker shall take such action as is reasonable and necessary to eliminate the conflict or otherwise safeguard the interests of the school, including in appropriate cases the immediate dismissal of the individual from XYZ AIS and the accompanying forfeit of any unearned pay. In the case of board members, disciplinary action may include, but is not limited to, dismissal from the board and legal action against the offending individual.


Per board policy, the disclosure statement published in the Administrative Regulations shall be completed by all board members, school employees at all levels and in all capacities, and any others who participate on a school committee, in each of the following three instances:

  1. Before their initiation of service at XYZ AIS;
  2. Every second year during their uninterrupted tenure at or association with Lincoln School; and
  3. Whenever they become aware of a real or apparent conflict.