Choice Board
Topic: Civil War
Illustrate an important battlefrom the Civil War:
Antietam, Gettysburg, or Chickamagua. / Write an “I am” poem
From the perspective of either Lincoln, Lee, Sherman, Stephens and Davis, or Grant. / Create a political cartoon that shows a particular perspective, either a Union or Confederacy, during
the Civil War.
Imagine that Grant and Lee are meeting. Write out a dialogue of what might have happened at the meeting. / Imagine that you are an advisor to President Lincoln, write a letter to him giving advice on issuing the Emancipation Proclamation. Include dilemmas, pros and cons, and border state perspective. / Create an advertisement poster to recruit men to join either the North or the South’s army.
(May include slaves)
Predict what might have happened if the South had won the Civil War. Write an essay describing the differences. / Imagine that you are a soldier and write a letter home to a relative or close friend. / Pretend that you are
a reporter and prepare a newscast aboutone of the following: the Battleof Gettysburg and the
Gettysburg Address, Sherman's Atlanta Campaign and Sherman's March to the Sea, or the Andersonville prison including its conditions and the aftermath.
Product Rubric
CREATIVITY / The appearance is original.
Your product is highly creative. / The appearance is somewhat original.
Your product has some creative elements. / The appearance is not very original.
Your product has little creativity.
QUALITY / Your product is of high quality showing care and attention to details.
The time, effort, and energy you put into your product are apparent.
Your product is neat and aesthetically attractive. / Your product shows some quality but lacks some of the care and attention to details.
You put in some time, effort, and energy.
Your product is neat in its presentation. / Your product shows little quality.
You created it quickly with little care and attention to details.
Your product is sloppy in its presentation.
UNDERSTANDING & EXPLANATION / You have an advanced familiarity with the subject, and you explain your investigation clearly.
The product is well written, clearly organized, insightful, and technically correct. / You have some familiarity with the subject, but your product is merely a report of information.
The product is still impressive and interesting,but it is less thoroughly researched, more loosely organized, less insightful,and not as important as a superior product. / You show minimal understanding of your topic.
The product maintains the general idea of the assignment,but is weak in content, thought, language, or conventions.