Cape & Islands Orchid Society Annual Auction List 2007 as of Oct 4, 2007, updates to be posted as they appear. Numbers are arbitrary

Tom Gregg

1.Lc. Melody Fair ‘Taida Beauty’-- a very good white Cattleya hybr. red lip

2.Dendrobium xdelicatum - a natural hybr of kingianum & speciosum - grow cool and bright

3.Miltassia Charles Marden Fitch ‘ Dark Monarch’ - in bud

4.Miltonidium Ruffles ‘Scent of a Woman’- multigrowth, in a few buds

5.Odontocidium Cherry Fudge ‘Winter Garden’

6.Potinara Flameout ‘Cherry’ - red semi-miniature

7.Miltassia Psychedelic Star - pale green spotted with a lilac lip

8.Pleurothallis racemiflora - coll. in Mexico, Sierra Madre Mts. - a green multifloral, nice

9.Bc. Maikai ‘Mayumi’ - a pink & spotted Brassavola nodosa hybr.

10.Wilsonara Firecracker ‘ Red Star’

11.Lc. Mari’s Song ‘CTM-217’ - white, splash petal mauve

Carter & HolmesAll in sheath:

12.Blc. (Michael Crocker ‘Hat Trick’ X Memoria Budyato Setawam ‘Atlanta’)- in sheath

13.Lc Bonanza Queen ‘Panamint’ - Mericlone. -- very large pink/lav., dark lip

14.Catt.(Swan Lake ‘Cimmaron Valley’, AM/AOS X C. Princess Bells ‘Betty’s Bouquet’)

15.Lc. Drumbeat ‘Heritage’ - lg lav spectacular lip - Mericlone

16.Lc. Newberry Pixie ‘Cherokee’ - Pink, yellow throat

17.Blc. Goldenzelle ‘Lemon Chiffon’ - VG. yel Mericlone, vivid red lip dot, Auction.

18.Blc. (Bryce Canyon ‘Splendiferous’ X Lc Pirate King ‘Port Wine’) - intense purple lip

19.Blc. Abbeville ‘Golden Promise’ yellow - Mericlone

20.Blc. (George King ‘Southern Cross’ X Blc Toshi Aoki ‘Pokai’) - peach x yellow + flares

21.Potinara (Golden Camilla X Blc.George King)

Victor DeRosa

21A.Bc. Maikai ‘Mayumi’

22.Brassavola nodosa- parent of above,- the “Lady of the Night’ Orchid

23.Doritanopsis Queen Beer ‘Sun Moon Beauty’ - intense red purple, med. fls


25.Phal. Everspring ‘Black Diamond’ one flower as of Oct.2

26.Phal. “Aladdin” ? orange

27.Phrag. sedenii ‘PV’, AM/AOS -- ? a division since slippers don’t clone

28.Catt. Lost name, Unifoliate, - in bud, prob. white

29.Catt. Georgianna - bifoliate, white

30.Oncidium ? - spike, habit of flexuosum or Gower Ramsey, “dancing golden girls”probably

31.“Miltassia” prob Brassidium - Shooting Stars

32.Reed Stem Epidendrum - ? Vic’s ‘07 Boston show surplus, prob intense dark orange hyb.

Lewis Klebanof

33.A,B,C,D, Oncidium LOLAS - poss. Mtssa CM Fitch “Dark Monarch’ freshly repotted by expert Tina Balog.

34.Same, - in spike

35.Cattleya LOLA Likely C. bowringiana - Handyman special, as is, good pot! sheath!

36.Laeliocatt. Molly Tyler “FCC” - if so, a find, just repotted, ?clone

37.2 Dend kingianum types, probably one is xdelicatum

T. Gregg

38.Slc. Tutankamen ‘POP’ - small, perky red, buds in sheath

39.Miltassia Psychedelic Star - long starlike fls, green, spots, lilac lip

40.Catt. Louis & Carla ‘Summer Supreme’ - big white

41.Brassavola Bill Starke

42.Odontoglossum Serendipity - nice white star with maroon spots, bright yellow lip

43.Miltassia Seattle Sunrise ‘Yellu’ - its a very reliable yellow star Brassia cross., in spike

Vic DeRosa

45.Paph. (Fairburn ‘Little John’ X Via Tambora ‘Jubilee’)

46.A Budded Cattleya

47.Phal,({Taisoco Kochidian X yukimai} X Sogo Yukidan) - large white

Tom Gregg

48.Catt. intermedia alba ‘Pine Knot’ selected species cultivar

49.Potinara Memoria Shirley Moore’Newberry’ - Mericlone with green sepals, red lip

50.Blc (Hawaiian Green Valley X Brassavola(Rhyncolaelia) digbyana)

51.Potinara (Blc Delta King ‘Tangeglow’ AM X Pot Twenty Four Carat ‘Lea’)

52.Catt. Hawaiian Wedding Song ‘Virgin’ -- bifoliate white

53.Oncidium Memoria Clarence Ching - Large plant, long spikes of yellow & brown

J & L Orchids, 20 Sherwood Rd., Easton Ct 06612 203 261-3772

100.Dend. lawsii ‘Devil or Angel’

101.D lawsii ‘Raspberry Sundae X ‘Devil or Angel’

102.D. mohlianum X Large Dark ?

103.Rhyncostele bictoniense - an Odont. with good color & colorful lip

104.Masdevallia Angel Heart (ignea x infracta)

105.Masd. Red Wing

106.Malaxis acuminata - terrestrial, nice foliage

107.Bulbophyllum nymphopolitanum

Oak Hill Gardens, PO Box 25, 37W 550 Binnie Rd., Dundee, Il 60118 (847) 482-8500

108.Phal. equestris- species

109.Phal schilleriana - species, basis of many modern hybrids

110.Aerangis biloba- beautiful starry white vandoid

111.Dendrobium chrysanthum - lovely yellow Dendrobe with big brown spots in throat

112.Rhynchostylis retusa var. gigantea - foxtail of white and lavender fls, vandaceous

113.Dend. crepidatum - cane type, palest lilac, contrasting large yellow throat

114.Potinara (P. Afternoon Delight’Magnetism’ X Catt aurantiaca aurea)

115.Blc (Lc Drumbeat ‘Heritage’ X Brassavola glauca)

RF Orchids, 28100 SW 102nd Ave., Homestead, FL, 33030 305 245-4570 -

116.Catt. intermedia ‘Crown Fox Fuchsia’, Silver Medal/SoFLOrch Soc.

117.Yamadara Redland Sunset ‘Crownfox Ruby’. HCC - (Epid x Catt. X Brassavola X Laelia)

118.Ascda Princess Mikasa ‘Royal Sapphire’

Winning Orchids --!ALL IN BLOOM! P.O.Box 848. Mt. View, HI 96771 808 9680717

119.Doritaneopsis Jiuhboa Red Rose

120, 121, 122. Dtps. (Chian Huey Red Rose X Nobby’s Pink Lady) X Dtps. Minho Venus

123, 124. Phal.Chainport Dorothy X (Chainport Dorothy x? “White Dragon”)

125.Phal. (Chainport Dorothy ‘White Dragon’ X P. Taisuco Atienyuki)

126, 127.Phal.. Taisuco Kaaladion

128.Phal. Carmela’s Wonder X ({ Quiescence X Florosane} X Cararovelle’s Best})++

129.Phal. (Tinny Ivory X Yukimai)

130.Phal.(Golden Taipei X White Stree)

Mountain Orchids, 1658 Rt.100N, Ludlow VT 05149 (802) 228-8506

131.Paphiopedilum Petula’s Mystery

132.Pearcea hypocyrtiflora - green-red veined hairy foliaged Terrestrial

133.Dend. sulawesience ‘Mountainside; AM/AOS - 2 therof

134.Goodyera hispida - Exquisite Jewel Orchid, vivid green, veined silver foliage

The Orchidphile ( Carri Raven Riemann) 203 329-7255

135.Doritis puncherrims var. alba

136.Phal. Sogo Little Sunny X P. Hsinying Sparkle

137.Phal. equestris alba ‘Pimlico’

138.Liparis grossa ‘Formosa’ - charming brown flowered terrestrial

139.Phal. Sunrise Red Peoker ‘SB’ - red/yellow, intense color

140.Dend. bigibbum compactum ‘Hartford’, HCC/AOS, - strong dark pink

Tropical Orchid Farm, P.O. Box 170 Haiku, Maui, HI (866) 572 8569

141.Dend. amethystoglossum - species, white with amethyst lip

142.Bulbophyllum stangalaricum

143.Oncidium maduroi X sib - fantastic fl., brown, white, lavender crest & yellow cap

144.Maxillaria lankesteri - green, brown stripes

145.Dend. glomeratum - pink, clustered flowers

Featherstone Orchids, 7014 N. Goldleaf Pt., Dunnellon, FL 34433-5317 (352) 795-4614

146.Brassidium Golden Gamine ‘White Knight’

147.Dend. Sanaru Gold ‘Sea Glow’ X (Pittero Gold X Chinsai)

148.Catasetum Orchidglade

149.Bolopetalum Midnight Blue ‘Cardinal Roost’

150.Ada glumacea X A. keiliana

151.Dend. Love Memory ‘Fizz’ - a nobile type white & amethyst

152, 153.2 Oncid. powelii x O. chrysomophum

T Gregg

200.Dend. nobile hybr. - large pink, yellow throat

201.D. Utopia ‘Messenger’ - mauve, nobile type, small plant

202.Lc Gold Digger ‘Orchidglade’s Mandarin’ , HCC/AOS - multifloral yellow-orange

203.Miltonia guanabara var sangria - good Brazilian Milt., purple

204.A,B,C. 3 Reed stem Epidendrum keikis - carmine, one in flower

205.Mtssa. Psychedelic Star


206.Bc Maikai ‘Mayumi’

207.IN BUD??? Oncid Alliance? Mtssa

208.Brassavola nodosa