Psychology AP

Unit 7: Learning Exam

Sample AP Multiple Choice Questions

1. Species adaptation refers to the process of how:

a. Learning modifies the genes of an organism

b. Learning modifies the genes of a species

c. Observational learning can be passed from generation to generation

d. Genetically based features that enhance an organism's ability to survive are passed to the next generation

e. The laws of learning and past and present environments determine the behavior of organisms

2. When the CS is presented repeatedly without the UCS, the CR will gradually weaken in a process called:

a. Habituation.

b. Counterconditioning

c. Discrimination

d. Extinction

e. Generalization

3. During the process of extinction, it is not uncommon for a CR to recur if, after a period of time has passed, the CS is presented again. This is known as:

a. Relative recovery

b. Primary recovery

c. Automatic recovery

d. Natural recovery

e. Spontaneous recovery

4. In operant conditioning, learning occurs because a behavior is influenced by the:

a. Extinction of a fixed action pattern

b. Generalization of the CS

c. Consequences it produces

d. Stimuli with which it is associated

e. Neutral stimulus

5. In negative reinforcement, when an aversive stimulus is______, it makes the behavior that removed the aversive ______likely to occur.

a. Extinguished; less

b. Removed; more

c. Presented; less

d. Presented; more

e. Removed; less

6. Which schedule of reinforcement would random drug tests and roadside speed traps be examples of?

a. Fixed-interval schedule

b. Fixed-ratio schedule

c. Variable ratio schedule

d. Variable interval schedule

e. This is not an example of any of these

7. A reinforcement system that "pays" children stars or happy faces as points that can be redeemed later for rewards is called:

a. A token economy

b. Bribery conditioning

c. Shaping

d. Latent learning

e. Gambling conditioning

8. Edward Tolman's research demonstrated that rats in a maze seemed to have developed mental (cognitive) maps of the maze even though they had not received any reinforcement. Tolman's research provided evidence of the concept of:

a. Vicarious learning

b. Preparedness

c. Insight

d. Latent learning

e. Observational learning

9. Someone watching tennis being played at Wimbleton and then buys a racket and tries to copy the experienced players is most likely making use of which learning strategy?

a. Secondary reinforcement

b. Observational learning

c. Positive reinforcement

d. Operant conditioning

e. Insight

10. In the original of Albert Bandura's "Bobo doll" experiments, children who saw a child acting aggressively later performed ______aggressive acts when placed in a room with various toys.

a. fewer

b. sexually

c. sadistically

d. no

e. more

11. Try as you might, you are unable to teach your dog to do a somersault. He will roll around on the ground, but he refuses to execute the gymnastic move you desire because of

a. equipotentiality

b. preparedness

c. instinctive drift

d. chaining

e. shaping

12. Tina likes to play with slugs, but she can find them by the shed only after it rains. On what kind of reinforcement schedule is Tina’s slug hunting?

a. continuous

b. fixed-interval

c. fixed-ratio

d. variable-interval

e. variable-ratio

13. With which statement would B.F. Skinner most likely agree?

a. Pavlov’s dogs learned to expect that food would follow the bell.

b. Baby Albert thought the white rat meant the loud noise would sound.

c. All learning is observable.

d. Pigeons peck disks knowing that they will receive food.

e. Cognition plays an important role in learning.

14. Many psychologists believe that children of parents who beat them are likely to beat their own children. One common explanation for this phenomenon is

a. modeling

b. latent learning

c. abstract learning

d. instrumental learning

e. classical conditioning

15. Which of the following is an example of a generalized reinforcer?

a. chocolate cake

b. water

c. money

d. applause e. high grades

Sample AP Essay Question (Free Response Question)

Marcus is allowed to use his Dad's nice car for dates because Marcus meets curfew.

However, even though he has this privilege, when he returns home from a date Marcus refuses to walk through the room where his parents will ask him all about his evening. Instead, Marcus comes in the back door and slips up the stairs calling that he is home and avoids a conversation.

Marcus's parents eventually stop calling to him to ask about his activities.

In behavioral terms, analyze what is going on here, and incorporate the following terms: extinction, positive reinforcement, shaping, negative reinforcement, and punishment.