East Hampshire District Council Local Plan: Part 3

Amendment to Settlement Policy BoundariesForm

Please use the following pro forma, if you wish to suggest a change to the East Hampshire District Settlement Policy Boundaries, or if you would like the Council to create an appropriate development boundary around a settlement that does not currently have one. The existing Settlement Policy Boundaries can be viewed using our online mapping system.

Forms should be returned using the following contact details:

Email: / Post:
/ Planning Policy Team
East Hampshire District Council
Penns Place
GU31 4EX

In completing your form, please:

  • Use a separate form foreach proposed boundary change/new boundary
  • Attach a mapoutlining the precise boundaries of the proposed Settlement Policy Boundary. Without this mapped information we are unable to register the proposed amendment.
  • Do not submit changes that are merely to take account of recentplanning permissions or completions
  • Do not submit changes that are merely to take account of sitesthat are allocated through the East Hampshire District Local Plan: Housing and Employment Allocations or through the Alton Neighbourhood Plan.
  • Do not submit proposed Settlement Policy Boundary changes for settlements located within the South Downs National Park, as these will be outside of the District Council’s planning area.

Please note that by submitting this form there is no commitment by the Council for the proposed boundary changes/new boundaries to be included within Part 3 of the Local Plan.

If you are unsure about suggesting a change to a Settlement Policy Boundary,please contact the Planning Policy Team on 01730 234280.

/ For official use only:
Reference ______
Received ______
Acknowledged ______

East Hampshire District Council Local Plan: Part 3

‘Suggested Amendments to Settlement Policy Boundaries’


  • Please complete the form clearly and legibly.
  • You must give your name and address for your comments to be considered.
  • You must attach a map showing the precise boundaries of the land proposed to be included within/excluded froma Settlement Policy Boundary.
  • This form should be returned to East Hampshire District Council.


By responding to the call for sites, you are accepting that your response and the information contained within it will be made available to the public. The personal information will only be used for purposes related to the consultation.The Council will place all the representations and the names of those who made them on its website, but will not publish personal information such as telephone numbers, emails or private addresses.

Your details


Company /Agent
Contact Address
Contact Telephone No.


Details of land proposed to be included within a Settlement Policy Boundary

Address (if applicable) or description of sites location including the nearest settlement

Site Postcode (if applicable)

OS Grid Reference

Are you the landowner?(Please circle the correct response)

/ Yes
If ‘no’, you must give the name and contact details of the landowner(s)*
Please attach a map outlining the precise boundaries of the area which you are proposing to be included within/excluded from a Settlement Policy Boundary. Without this mapped information we are unable to register the proposed amendment.
If possible, please submit a copy of the title register for the land you have identified for development. This is available from the Land Registry and will enable the Council to confirm the identity of the landowners.
*If there are multiple landowners, please give the contact details of at least one of the landowners affected by the proposed Settlement Policy Boundary.


What is the current use of the land proposed to be included/excludedwithin a Settlement Policy Boundary?
Does the land adjoin an existing Settlement Policy Boundary?
Why do you consider that the land should be included/excluded within a Settlement Policy Boundary?
What is the estimated area of the land proposed to be included/excluded within the Settlement Policy Boundary (in hectares)?


In identifying such a proposed change to the Settlement Policy Boundaries,landowners are giving permission for an officer of the Council to access the land, in order to ascertain where it is suitable for inclusion/exclusion within a Settlement Policy Boundary. In this context would there be any access issues to the site?If yes, please provide contact details of the person who should be contacted to arrange a site visit.
Is there other relevant information that you would like the Council to take into account? (Please give full details and continue on a new sheet of paper if necessary)
Signature: ______
Date: ______/