September 13, 2017


Mayor Dustin DeatonSherri Westbrook, City Recorder

Dwayne Brown, excusedPolice Chief Eric Pratt

Becky Lopshire

Jed Maxwell

Skyler Duckworth

Earl Taylor


Darcy Durfey; Richfield Reaper Community Preparedness publication

Mayor Dustin Deaton called the regular city council meeting to order at7:05pm at the Salina City Hall,welcomed everyone present andled the pledge of allegiance. Becky Lopshireoffered the opening prayer.

Approval of Council Meeting Minutes May 14, 2014,was motioned for approval by Jed Maxwell. Becky Lopshire seconded. Motion carried 3 to 0. Skyler Duckworth abstained.

Approval of Council Meeting Minutes July 26, 2017, was motioned for approval by Skyler Duckworth. Jed Maxwell seconded. Motion carried 3 to 0. Earl Taylor abstained.

Approval of Council Meeting Minutes August 9, 2017, tabled due to lack of quorum.

Approval of Bills Submitted for Paymentwas motioned by Earl Taylor. Jed Maxwellseconded. Motion carried 4to 0.


Darcy Durfey; Richfield Reaper Community Preparedness publication, Durfey presented the Richfield Community Preparedness publication and explained that this is a new magazine that the Reaper is doing. She provided a pricing sheet for the different size ads that are available for this publication. The purpose of this publication is to educate the community in case an emergency does happen so that it can be dealt with as quickly and effectively as possible. This publication will have about 10,000 copies distributed in the Sevier, Piute, and Wayne Counties. Council discussed the information that should be put into this publication. It was decided to put all emergency contact numbers for Salina City on the ad. Becky Lopshire motioned to purchase a ½ page ad in the Richfield Reaper Community Preparedness Publication. Jed Maxwell seconded. Motion carried 4 to 0.

SRO Greg Harwood stated that he had a citizen approach him about putting a crosswalk on 400 W at the bottom of 300 N so the children can cross 400 W. He asked if that could be done and possibly touch up the other crosswalks, especially the one at 300 N and 100 W. That one is getting really faded. He stated that if the resources are available to do that then maybe the other crosswalks could be brightened up also. Harwood also added that it would be nice to put turning lanes in front of the middle school on 100 W. Mayor Deaton asked Harwood about the drop off lane at the elementary school and if he felt it was wide enough. Harwood stated that he felt it was too narrow when they painted the lines in the beginning. Mayor Deaton will speak with Staker Parsons and have them spray over that line with oil and then it can be repainted. Mayor Deaton will speak with Straight Stripe about getting these items scheduled when they come to do the other striping in town.


Mayor Dustin Deaton, Follow up on the public hearing held on 8/23/17. Should Salina City keep the Police Department or merge with Sevier County. Earl Taylormotioned to keep the Salina City Police Department and not merge with the county. Becky Lopshireseconded. Motion carried 4 to 0.

Mayor Dustin Deaton,Appointment of Salina City Police Department temporary Chief until permanent position is filled.Mayor Deaton thanked Chief Pratt for his service as the Chief of Police of Salina as a police officer for Salina. Mayor Deaton appointed Jon Maxwell as temporary Police Chief. Recorder SherriWestbrook administered the Oath of Office to Jon Maxwell.

Police Chief

Eric Pratt:

Planning and Zoning:

Maint. Supervisor

Brad Allen:Allen stated that he would like to send Jerry Mason to sewer operator review class for wastewater certification. Mayor Deaton explained that Mike Peterson has been certified in water and we currently don’t have anyone certified for wastewater. Jerry Mason is interested in getting certified for sewer. The operator review class is scheduled for October 17 – 19 in Provo. Earl Taylor motioned to send Jerry Mason to attend the Wastewater Operator Certification class in Provo. Jed Maxwell seconded. Motion carried 4 to 0.

Earl Taylor,

Becky Lopshire,

Dwayne Brown,excused

Skyler Duckworth, August 2017 Court Report, Duckworthpresented the Court Report for August 2017. Total collected was $8,638.34 with Salina City’s portion $5,565.36. Skyler Duckworthmotioned to accept the Court Report for August 2017. Jed Maxwellseconded. Motion carried 4 to 0.

Skyler Duckworth,Approval for Court Clerk Jennifer Vought to attend Justice Court ClerksConference in St. George, Utah on October 25 – 27, 2017, Skyler Duckworth motioned to send Jennifer Vought to Justice Court Clerks Conference and compensate her for whatever needed. Earl Taylor seconded. Motion carried 4 to 0.

Jed Maxwell,

Jed Maxwellmotioned to adjourn the city council meetingat7:46p.m. The motion was seconded by Skyler Duckworth. Motion carried 4to 0.

Salina City Council Meeting Page 1September 13, 2017

