Salford Citizens Advice Bureaux

Volunteer Application Form

Before you complete this form, please read the accompanying information and ensure that all questions are answered fully.

We receive a high volume of applications and have limited training places for each intake of new volunteers. Please note that the information you provide on your application form is the only information we will use in deciding whether or not you will be invited for interview.

You should therefore think about the volunteer role you are applying for.

Answer each of the questions by giving as much information as possible to show you have the skills, experience or ability to undertake this role AND that you are able to make the necessary time commitment. If there is insufficient information on your application you may not be selected for interview.

Please return to form electronically if you can to: or send to: Salford Citizens Advice Bureaux, FREEPOST – NWW 7023A, MANCHESTER, M30 1DH.

Your Details



Home telephone number

Mobile telephone number:


Where You Would Like To Volunteer

Please tick which days you would be able to volunteer and at which service or bureau (s): Refer to our website for bureau opening times at:

Eccles □ Salford City □ Swinton □ Walkden □ Telephone Service (Swinton) □ □ Health and Well Being Service □

Monday □ Tuesday □ Wednesday □ Thursday □ Friday □

Saturday AM (Telephone Service only)

Which Role(s) Interests You

Adviser □ Assessor □ Social Policy □ Reception □

Administration □ Trustee □ Fundraiser □ Digital Champion

Please complete this Section If Applying For The Gateway Assessor or Trainee Adviser Role

Training and time commitment

It is important that you are able to attend an initial training period required for the role. This will ideally involve you attending the bureau for 1 day per week in your first 4 weeks to work through training modules and practice and observation of colleagues in bureau. You may be expected to undertake group training activities on set days each week.

Ongoing Commitment

After the initial training you are then required to attend for a minimum of 6 hours per week on an ongoing basis. These hours can be completed in one day or split across two days i.e. 2 x 3 hour days. However these need to be regular days so that we can plan the Duty Rota in advance. We also request that you are available to volunteer for at least 6 months if an assessor and 12 months if an adviser.

Please tell us about any periods in the next 6-12 months where you may be unable to attend for an extended period of time? E.g. exams, travel, etc.

Please tick ü to confirm that you are able to:
§  Attend the initial training period
§  Meet the commitment of 6 hours per week
§  Volunteer for a minimum of 6/12 months


Please tell us about any formal or informal activities, paid or voluntary work you have done (this could be activities such as tenant’s associations, trade unions, family support groups or community organisations.)

Describe any skills you have that may be useful for the role(s) you are interested in. (We are interested in a variety of skills and experiences; for example communication in languages other than English, IT skills, customer service skills)

Is there anything else you have been doing over recent years such as work experience, child care, caring for a relative or friend, classes or courses.

What do you think are some of the main problems facing your


Is there anything else you would like to say about yourself?


Please provide the names and address of two people who are not related to you who can tell us about you e.g. a recent employer, a tutor. Please ensure where possible that you include their email address otherwise your application could be delayed.Please also advise if you do not want us to contact a referee before interview.

First Referee


In what capacity does this

person know you? ______




Telephone: ______


Second Referee


In what capacity does this

person know you? ______




Telephone: ______



I declare that the information in this application form is correct to the best of my knowledge and acknowledge that by signing this form I give my consent to sensitive personal information being recorded and stored.

Signature/print name: Date:

Diversity monitoring information

The CAB service is committed to valuing diversity and promoting equality. We encourage and welcome applications from all people, whatever their background, who are interested in applying to be volunteers regardless of age, disability, gender re-assignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.

In order to achieve these aims we need to know about the diversity of people who work in the service. Please help us by providing the following information.

All information will be treated confidentially and will be separated from your application form before your application is considered. This information will not affect your application.

Volunteer role title:
Applicant ref. number (for office use only):


r <25 r 25-34 r 35-44 r 45-54 r 55-64 r 65+

Gender r Female r Male r Prefer not to say


The Citizens Advice service believes that people are disabled by the barriers society places in their way and not by their own impairments. We believe everyone has a role to play in society and we want the service to benefit from the widest range of talent available.

Do you consider yourself to be a disabled person or do you have a long-term health condition?

r Yes r No r Prefer not to say

Ethnic origin

How would you describe yourself?

Choose one section and tick the appropriate box within it.

A White

r British

r English

r Scottish

r Welsh

r Northern Irish

r Irish

r Gypsy or Irish Traveller

r Any other White background, please state……………………………..

B Mixed Heritage

r White and Black Caribbean

r White and Black African

r White and Asian

r Any other Mixed background, please state……………………………..

C Asian or Asian British

r Indian

r Pakistani

r Bangladeshi

r Any other Asian background, please state………………………………


D Black or Black British

r Caribbean

r African

r Any other Black background, please state……………………………

E Chinese or other ethnic group

r Chinese

r Arab

r Any other, please state………………………………….

F r Prefer not to say

Sexual orientation

What is your sexual orientation?

r Bisexual

r Gay man

r Gay woman / lesbian

r Heterosexual / straight

r Other

r Prefer not to say

Religion or belief

Which group below do you most identify with?

r No religion

r Christian (incl. Church of England, Catholic, Protestant & other denominations)

r Buddhist

r Hindu

r Jewish

r Muslim

r Sikh

r Other, please state…………………………………

r  Prefer not to say

What made you apply to be a volunteer? e.g. newspaper article, poster, through a friend
