The CABI (Central & West Asia) invites sealed bids, frominterested parties for sale of its following used Cars 1. Toyota Corolla 2.OD (2000 CC) Model 2007.2. Toyota Corolla XLI (1300 CC) Model 2007 both in white Color, which are in good running condition, under Tender Enquiry No. CABI/Admn/2017/263.

2. The Bid Form & detailed Terms & Conditions for Sale of Carsare available on the websites Brightspyre.

3. The Cars can be inspected at CABI premises on February 08, 2017 from 10:30 a.m to 12:30 p.m. The Sealed Bids will be received latest by February 09, 2017 by 11:00 a.m, and will be opened on the same date at 11:30 a.m., in the CABI premises in the presence of bidders or their authorized representatives who may be present.

4. CABI reserves the right in its sole discretion to accept or reject any bidsor all bids without justifying any reasons thereof before accepting any bids.

Administrative Officer

CABI (Central & West Asia)

Opposite 1-A, Data Gunj Bakhsh Road,

Satellite Town, Rawalpindi




The CABI (Central & West Asia) hereby invites sealed bids as perAnnex-I, from interested parties for sale of its following used Cars:

1. Toyota Corolla 2.OD (2000 CC) Model 2007.

2. Toyota Corolla XLI (1300 CC) Model 2007

Both in white Color, which are in good running condition, under Tender Enquiry No.CABI/Admn/2017/263.

General Terms and Conditions:

  1. The Cars will be sold on “as is where is” basis.
  1. The bidder will be required to submit a Pay Order for an amount equal to 5% of the total value of bid separately for each car as earnest money in the form of Pay Order in favour of CAB International, Rawalpindi Pakistan.
  1. Any bid without earnest money or with any condition shall be rejected.
  1. The successful bidder will be required to pay an amount equal to 20% the bid money in cash or through pay order, before the close of the working hours on the next working day. In case of failure to deposit the said amount with CABI, earnest money will be forfeited in favour of CABI.
  1. On acceptance of the bid, the bidder will be required to pay the balance amount within seven (07) days in the form of pay order in favour of CAB International and remove the vehicle immediately at his/her own risk & cost. In case of failure of the successful bidder in depositing the balance amount within prescribe time limit of seven days, his/her earnest money as well as 20% advance shall be forfeited in favour of CABI.
  1. The bids are required to be delivered to the office of the undersigned by 11:00 a.m. on February 09, 2017. The Committee will open the bids on the same day at 11:30 a.m. in the presence of the bidders, or their authorized representatives, who may like to be present.
  1. Interested parties must bring their original valid CNIC with them.
  1. The vehicles will be sold to the highest evaluated bidder.
  1. Once sold, CABI will not be responsible for whatsoever reason.
  1. The 5% earnest money will be refunded to the unsuccessful bidders within five (05) working days of the bidding date.
  1. The CABI employees will also be entitled to participate in the bidding process on same terms & conditions.
  1. CABI reserves the right in its sole discretion to accept or reject any or all bids without justifying any reasons thereof before accepting any bids.


Administrative Officer



1. Toyota Corolla 2.OD (2000 CC) Model 2007.
2. Toyota Corolla XLI (1300 CC) Model 2007.


Vehicle Name & Brand
Name of the Bidder with
Father’s/Husband’s Name
(with Telephone, Fax & E-mail)
Copy of attested CNIC attached? /
  • Yes
  • No

Whether Pay Order as Earnest Money equal to 2% of the total value of bid is enclosed? /
  • Yes
  • No

Banker’s Name & Contact Details
Bid Amount (in Pak Rupees): / Rs………………………../-
(Rupees ……………………………………
Contact Person:
Date: ______/ Authorized Signature&
Stamp(if applicable)
CNIC No.______