Board of Trustees Meeting

Oregon Dental Hygienists’ Association

Saturday, January 25, 2014

12:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Voting Members Present: Hildie Oliver, Gail Aamodt, Barb Gill, Cassie Button, Pam Kawasaki, Tina Clarke, Kat Rogers, Paige Holt, Ann Ossinger, Beth Finnson, Tracy Campos

Voting Members Conference Call: Viki Points, Diana Strand

Ex-Officio Present: DeeAnne Ashcroft, Lynn Ironside, Heidi Jo Grubbs, Cindi Rasmussen, Elisa Schofield,

Ex-Officio Conference Call: Lisa Rowley

Guests: Suzanne Hankins, Kyle Isaacs, Cynthia McCarty

Call to Order & Establish Quorum

President Hildie Oliver called the meeting to order at 12:07 pm

Welcome, Introductions & Appointments

President Hildie Oliver welcomed everyone to the meeting and had those present introduce themselves. Secretary Cassie Button was appointed to record the minutes. DeeAnne Ashcroft and Tina Clarke were appointed to the minutes review committee.

Approval of Agenda

The agenda was approved as presented.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes for the November 8th, 2013 ODHA Board of Trustees meeting were approved with the following changes:

1.  Change desciption of people who attends to voting members, ex-officio, guests

2.  Correct “DeAnne” to “DeeAnne”

The minutes for the November 10th, 2013 ODHA Board of Trustees meeting were approved with the following changes:

1.  Change desciption of people who attends to voting members, ex-officio, guests

2.  Correct “DeAnne” to “DeeAnne”

Approval of Consent Agenda

a.  Council description including duties for: Council on Administration, Government Relations, and Membership Services, were approved as presented.

b.  Reports: President, President Elect, Treasurer, Vice President will continue to provide quarterly reports. Admin Council will decide if Secretary will need to provide quarterly reports. Admin Council will work on a template for reports. Council Chairs will provide reports only if action taken. Motion was made and approved.

Treasurer’s Report

a.  Suzanne Hankins of WAI provided a review of the Fall Dental Health Conference

b.  Financial Review by Suzanne Hankins of WAI

c.  Slight increase in Paul Cosgrove contract fee

d.  “Motion to fund 6 delegates for 3 nights” (Tina, Cassie, Gail, Barb abstained)- 5 in favor, 4 opposed, 4 abstained. Motion passed. Amount discussed was $4410.

e.  Tracy Campos volunteered to spearhead fundraising efforts for ADHA delegates

f.  Reimbursement requests need to include specific purchases

g.  Motion made to to move $14,000 from reserves as needed to cover cash flow. Motion approved with one abstention.

h.  Motion made and approved to keep student fees for FDHC at $50.

Government Relations Council Report

a.  Advocacy Day in February

b.  Survey: Results will be published in a professional journal.

c.  Government Relations Council is forming a recommendation for BOD to replace Mary Davidson.

Trustee Reports

Each Trustee provided an update on their component’s activities.

Discussion Items

1)  Component update

a.  WAI is working on helping components transition to non-profits. Packet will be sent out soon, or components can refer to Secretary of State website.

2)  Membership Services Council Appointment

a.  Heidi Jo Grubbs was appointed to Membership Services Council Chair by President Hildie Oliver and approved by the board.

3)  Future Leader Award

a.  Updated description presented, motion made, and approved by the board

4)  Speaker Coordinator

a.  Hildie asks to be informed if someone has a recommendation for the position of Speaker Coordinator.

5)  ODHA Calendar 2014

a.  Updated dates presented.

b.  Board of Trustees will seek locations for board meetings that are of no cost.

c.  Suzanne is looking into getting a price break with an airline for those who need to fly in to ODHA Annual Session in Portland.

6)  ODC 2014

a.  Two speakers for ODHA. Will be contacted in future for speaker hosts.

b.  ODHA will have a courtesy table for membership drive.

c.  ODHA encouraged to attend president’s party on Friday night for ODHA presence.

7)  Website

a.  Contact Sharon Crawford or Suzanne Hankins with proposed updates.

8)  Facebook Administration Update

a.  Limited to IPP, Member Services Council Chair, and AMC.

9)  P&P Manual

a.  New order proposed, will be voted on at April BOT meeting.


1)  Lancette VanGuilder’s term is ending as Disctrict XII Trustee. She is running for another term, but welcomes anyone who would like to run.

2)  Needs assessment survey sent out by ADHA, everyone please respond

3)  Recommend everyone get on District XII List serve. Kelli Swanson Jaecks requests pictures of her involvement by the end of February to Tina.

4)  Fred Meyer Rewards program has dental charities you can select to donate as you purchase.


The meeting was adjourned at 3:01 PM.