~ ~ ~ Parish Newsletter ~ ~ ~
Saint thomas’s church, Woodbridge
& saint clare’s church, Framlingham
Parish Office: (01394) 38 35 51 The Presbytery: (01394) 38 88 28
SUNDAY MISSAL: Mass for the Third Sunday of Lent begins on page 292. Prayers before Mass are on page 8, the Order of Mass from page 11, Creed page 35, and the Roman Canon from page 81. Thanksgiving prayers to say after Mass: pages 152 to 159.
Psalms: Week 3
Sat 22nd5.30 p.m.WoodSacrament of Reconciliation. Confessions - until 5.50 p.m.
Sat 22nd6.00 p.m.WoodMolly Lynch(Ann Cass)
SUN 23rd9.00 a.m.FramParish benefactors Lent III
SUN 23rd 11.00 a.m.WoodFor the people of the Parish
Mon 24th9.30 a.m.WoodKathleen Dunne-Purcell, †(50th of 52 Masses)
Mon 24th1.30 p.m.CemeteryFuneral Service for Doris Chapman, †
Tue 25th9.30 a.m.WoodPrivate intentions(Jean Wallace) The Annunciation
Wed 26th ------
Thu 27th 12.00 p.m.Fram In thanksgiving(Deacon Mike & Ann Vipond)
Fri 28tht9.30 a.m.Wood
Fri 28th 6.30 p.m.FramStations of the Cross & Meditation
Sat 29th5.30 p.m.WoodSacrament of Reconciliation. Confessions - until 5.50 p.m.
Sat 29th6.00 p.m.WoodIn thanksgiving(Ann Cass)
SUN 30th9.00 a.m.FramThe people of the parish Lent IV
SUN 30th 11.00 a.m.WoodCharles Baker, †(Linda Flaherty) Lætare Sunday
Morning Prayer will be said on Monday, Tuesday and Friday before Mass, starting at 09.15 a.m.
Baptisms: by appointment with the Parish Priest. Weddings: six months’ notice is normally required.
LENTEN ALMS 2014: Bishop Alan Hopes has asked that all parishes give their Lenten Alms collections to their local hospice for the dying (Saint Elizabeth Hospice, Ipswich) and to the Saint Francis Leprosy Guild which supports about eighty leprosy centres around the world, mostly in Africa and Asia. Alms will be collected for these two charities throughout Lent at Saint Thomas’s Church and Saint Clare’s Church.
Please note:
DORIS CHAPMAN: Please pray for the repose of the soul of Mrs. Doris Chapman of Woodbridge who has died, age 78. Her funeral service will be held in the Cemetery Chapel at Woodbridge Public Cemetery on Monday at 1.30 p.m. to be followed by burial. May she rest in peace. Amen.
THE ANNUNCIATION: Tuesday 25th March is the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord.
Morning Prayer at 9.15 a.m. and Holy Mass starts at 9.30 a.m.
PARISH LENT PENANCE SERVICE at Saint Thomas’s Church, Woodbridge, on Monday 31st March at 7.30 p.m. Father Edmund and three other priests will be available to hear Confessions. Please use this opportunity to make your Confession and be reconciled with God before Easter.
LENT STATION MASS WITH BISHOP ALAN HOPES: On Tuesday 1st April Bishop Hopes will celebrate the Lent Station Mass for our Deanery. This will be held in Saint Mark’s Church, Chantry Estate, Ipswich. Everybody is invited to attend, the Mass will begin at 7.00 p.m. There will be one hour of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 6.00 p.m. and during this time priests will be available to hear your Confession. After the Mass there will be an opportunity for people to meet Bishop Hopes. Bread and soup will be available too.
David Hughes writes: “100 Club. In Acts 20.35 it says that "It is better to give than to receive" and now you have the chance to give and possibly receive. The new year for the 100 Club begins in April and we are looking to substantially increase the membership list. A chance to win in each monthly draw costs just £12 for the year and more members mean bigger monthly prizes!! So please, if you are not already paying by standing order, pick up a form from the volunteers waiting by the doors and return it to the church. Then sit back and look forward to your winning cheque.”
The sick, troubled and distressed - We pray for these members of our Parish community and the other people listed here who have asked to be included in this prayer list:- Deacon Mike Vipond, Deacon Peter Coates, Andrew Alce, Eileen Angland, Anne Atkinson, Pamela Pleydell-Bouverie, Penelope Bowden, Melinda Bowden, Marie Bruce, Tom Cass, Margaret Christman, Marie Fairhead, Win Flemming, Owen Gardener, Oliver Hawes, Carmela Lewis, Alice McElroy, Hanna Meeson, Margaret Nelson, Ivan Rose, Bets Smith, Ron Smith, and Joan Williams.
† March Anniversaries †
The Faithful Departed from the Parish Register. Please pray for the repose of the souls of the Faithful Departed:- Brian Dean (1996), Desmond Hetherington (1997), Julia Lambert, (1997), Doreen Rust (1997), Pauline Sturdy (1998), Ruby Collins (1999), Patrick Merrigan (1999), Annie Davies (1999), Robert Newman (2000), Phyllis Devine, (2001), David Whitbread (2002), Quentin Niekirk (2003), Pauline Drayson (2003), Thomas Fairhead (2007), George Sturdy (2008), Idwal Humphrey (2009), Brendan Norton (2009), Nicola Holmes (2009), Anthony Thomas (2010), Michael Evelegh (2013), and Eleonore Keeling (2013). May they rest in peace. Amen.
Wishing you and your families every blessing this week.
Father Edmund, and Deacons Mike and Peter.