Instructional Support Team

Our Purpose

Sol Feinstone Elementary School is committed to ensuring that each child experience academic, social, and emotional success. The Instructional Support Team process provides a system of student support to advance this objective.

What is I.S.T.?

The Instructional Support Team process (I.S.T.) is a positive, success oriented program which uses assessment and intervention techniques to help maximize student success in school. I.S.T. utilizes a global approach - coordinating all school services and resources with the goal of student success in the regular classroom.

The I.S.T. process is based on teamwork. Collaboration and joint planning occur throughout the process.

The Sol Feinstone Team

The Instructional Support Team is coordinated by Linda Turk, Instructional Support Teacher. She is joined by professional staff members from varying positions in the school. The student’s classroom teacher is always a member of the team. The student’s parents are also vital team members and they are invited to participate in all team meetings.

What Is Involved In the Process?

·  A referral is made to the Instructional Support Teacher.

·  Background information is collected.

·  The I.S. Teacher talks with parent(s) to learn more about the student.

·  The I.S. Teacher observes the student and may conduct informal assessments.

·  The student’s specific needs are identified.

·  A goal or goals are established.

·  Parents are invited to an Instructional Support Team brainstorming meeting where a list of strategies and interventions is compiled.

·  During the meeting, strategies and ideas are clarified and an intervention plan is


·  A 30 day intervention period is initiated.

·  The I.S. Teacher monitors the student’s progress and the effectiveness of the interventions.

·  At the conclusion of the intervention period, parents are invited to a follow-up


·  Results are reviewed and recommendations are made.

Initiating a Request

Any parent or professional staff member may initiate a request for support from the Instructional Support Team. Parents should request assistance through their child’s classroom teacher.

For Further Information Contact:

Linda E. Turk Michael D. Reid

Instructional Support Teacher Principal

(215) 944-2465 (215) 944-2400

You may also be interested in viewing the CRSD Instructional Support Team website: