Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

EG on Non-Communicable Diseases related to Lifestyles
and Social and Work Environments

Second MeetingNCD-2

Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

Thursday 24March 2011 (starting at 11:00) to Friday 25 March (ending at 14:00)

Meeting venue: Hotel Ambassador, Rimsky-Korsakov Ave., 5-7

Reference / NCD 2/2
Title / Draft provisional agenda
Submitted by / NCD EG Secretariat
Summary / Note / -
Requested action / Adoption
  1. Opening of the meeting and welcome

(Chair of NCD EG Mikko Vienonen)

  1. Adoption of the Agenda

(Chair of NCD EG Mikko Vienonen)

  1. Introduction of meeting participants

(Each participant will introduce themselves)

  1. Election of the NCD EG vice-Chair

(The NCD Expert Group elected its Chair and ITA at its first meeting in Helsinki 28 September 2010. At that meeting the nomination of Vice Chair was postponed after receiving approval from the Co-Lead Partner Lithuania.At the NCD-2 meeting the decision concerning the nomination of NCD Vice-Chair needs to be made)

  1. Election of the NCD-2 Rapporteur

(ITA if agreed by the participants)

  1. Information from the NDPHS Secretariat

(The Secretariat will provide information on the developments in the NDPHS since the 1st NCD EG meeting held in Helsinki, Finland, on 28 September 2010)

  1. Working toward the NDPHS goals and taking actions to implement mid-term operational targets

7.1Progress in the implementation of the respective[1] NDPHS goals and operational targets

(The Chair and ITA will briefly inform about the progress on the implementation of the respective NDPHS goals and operational targets, with a focus on those operational targets where further efforts are warranted.The Expert Group will be invited to discuss actions to be taken in 2011 toward successful implementation of the respective NDPHS goals and operational targets.)

7.2 Implementation process beyond 2011

(The Expert Group will be invited to discuss the implementation of the operational targets in 2012. The proposals will be included in the draft NCD EG work plan for 2012, to be discussed and adopted at the next 3rd Expert Group meeting[2].)

7.3 Possible revision/update of the respective NDPHS Operational Targets

(The Expert Group will be invited to discuss possible revision/update of the respective NDPHS Operational Targets[3])

8. Leading and coordinating the Health priority sub-area in the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Action Plan

8.1.Information about the progress in discharging of the Partnership’s responsibilities as the Lead Partner for the Health priority sub-area in the EUSBSR Action Plan

The Secretariat will briefly inform about the general progress: (i) on the implementation of the Strategy and (ii) in discharging of the Partnership’s responsibilities as the Lead Partner for the Health priority sub-area in the EUSBSR Action Plan since the 1stNCD EG meeting held in September 2010. Information and background of the progress report submitted by the NDPHS to the European Commission in mid-March 2011 will also be provided.

8.2.Further actions to ensure successful discharging of the Partnership’s role as the Lead Partner for the Health priority sub-area in the EUSBSR Action Plan

(The Expert Group will be invited to discuss taking further actions necessary to ensure successful discharging of the Partnership’s role as the Lead Partner for the Health priority sub-area in the EUSBSR Action Plan)

9. PAC (Partnership Annual Conference) 8 side-event in autumn 2011 and NCD EG’s possible contribution to it

(PAC side-event, would take place in late November or early December 2011, possibly in Moscow.Russia is planning to have a side event to which all Expert Groups are invited to contribute. NCD and, possibly, a more specific focus on alcohol-related problems, has been considered a suitable topic, since several global NCD-related events would take place in 2011 and 2012. Thus it would be a good opportunity for the NDPHS to contribute to the global discussion. It is proposed that the side-event would endorse a statement that could subsequently be approved by the PAC. Russia will more precisely inform about the PAC 8 side-event and its thematic focus.NCD EGis invited to discuss its possible contribution to the PAC 8 side-event)

10. Development of a NCD EG thematic report

(The NCD Expert Group will be invited to discuss a possible development of a thematic reportThe thematic report could form a basis for the development of EG-facilitated project(s). For the Second Northern Dimension Parliamentary Forum22-23 February 2011 in Tromsø, Norway, NCD EG had provided a considerable input for the background document supporting the NDPHS input to this conference and also helped in drafting the Conference Statement and background paper including chapter on “ Lifestyles, Impact on Health and Wellbeing” (see NCD-2 meeting documents). This paper will be a starting point for furtherdiscussion and elaboration)

11. OUR MOST URGENT AND IMPORTANT TASK AT NCD-2: Development and facilitation of NCD EG projects

[As part of the implementation of NDPHS Action Plan 2011, the NCD EG has promised to facilitate the elaboration of project plans, promote their start up and organize eventual monitoring of progress of tentatively two Flagship-projects in the NCD-prevention area:

1) FLAGSHIP-A Project on healthy nutrition, prevention and correction of obesity, diabetes-type-2 primary prevention, and physical activity promotion among school-aged children and youth[4]. The preparatory work has started 23 March in Saint Petersburg through the first project planning meeting (together with Flagship-B). The coordinating institute for this project is the NordicSchool of Public Health (Gothenburg/Sweden) (see project concept paper available among NCD-2 meeting documents).

2) FLAGSHIP-B Project on health policy and strategy facilitation for NDP countries(“Stop NCD-epidemic now!: Health policy and strategy support to combat NCD and hazardous and harmful lifestyle epidemic in Northern Dimension geographical area”)[5]. The preparatory work has started 23 March in Saint Petersburg through the first project planning meeting (together with Flagship-A) supported by NDPHS Secretariat and the Delegation of the European Union to Russia. The coordinating organization for this project will be WHO-EURO linking with NCD EG through their membership in the NCD EG (see project concept paper available among NCD-2 meeting documents).

Now immediately after the 1st Flagship planning meeting we have an opportunity to hear about the present status of Flagship Project -A and Flagship Project –B planning and provide valuable feedback and input for the continued work towards the 2nd Flagship Project planning meeting in April – May 2011.

In this context we also plan to provide feedback on The EU 2011 call for proposals to non-state actors and local authorities programme for the Baltic Sea Region (within the framework of priorities of the Northern Dimension). Project concept submitted 10 March to the office of Delegation of the European Commission to Russia/ Moscow; Action under this framework is expected to provide as a pilot platform to facilitate participation of N-W Russia (selected cities and districts) in Flagship-B type activities, should grant be awarded.]

12. Next NCD EG meeting

(“The Expert Group shall hold two meetings per year. The location of meetings will rotate based on the interest expressed by the Partners. The Expert Group can organise additional meetings, as considered necessary and appropriate, given the extent of the available funding and other relevant resources.” The need, agenda and venue of next NCD-3 meeting needs to bediscussed. It is envisaged that the 2nd Flagship preparatory meeting will be held in Kaliningrad in April – May 2011. After that theFlagship project proposals (tentatively two[6] ) would need to be approved by the NCD EG either “per capsulam”, video/teleconferencing possibilitiesor by organizing a meeting. Nevertheless, a NCD EG meeting would apparently be needed in early autumn 2011 before the PAC-8 meeting. Discussion and tentative decision on the nect NCD-3 EG meeting will be made)

13.Any other business

(Importance of NCD members “alternates” and methods of work. Discussion on how to facilitate continuity and commitment towards work of NCD EG including the missing of comprehensive coverage of Partner Countries representation. Is it a problem?)

14. Adoption of the NCD-2 meeting minutes

(Agreement on the process for adoption)

15. Closing of the meeting


230211NCD-2_ Provisional_agenda_230211_Rev1.doc.

[1]The NCD EG has the overall objectives to: work towards the overall achievement of Thematic area 4: Lifestyle related non-communicable diseases and good social and work environments. Hence the NCD EG task is to contribute to the development of COMPREHENSIVE policies and actions in the entire region on most important lifestyle related NCDs in general (e.g. prevention of diabetes, accidents, cardiovascular diseases, etc.), and additionally support the ASA EG group (and also PPHS EG) and OSH and IMHAP TGsvis-à-vis Goals 7-11 (alcohol, tobacco, drugs, occupational safety and health and indigenous peoples lifestyle related health problems) . It is to be noted that at the momentthe NCD EG has no specific targets or indicators are pointed in the NDPHS Strategy. At NCD-2 we need a discussion whether this should be the case? Further, the Expert Group will monitor and report on progress regarding Goals 7-11, but with no clear reference to any Operational Targets. Finally, the Expert Group will contribute to the implementation of the Operational Targets specified within Goal 1 and other relevant thematic Goals.

[2] The NDPHS Work Plan for 2011 provides for the following:”In order to ensure the achievement of the operational targets by the set deadline, the NDPHS Expert Groups and Task Groups shall elaborate their annual work plans for 2012, which shall specify the methods, milestones and resources with which the respective Operational Targets will be pursued during 2012. These work plans shall be presented to and discussed during the autumn meetings of the Expert Groups and Task Groups (to be held before the CSR meeting in autumn 2011), and, upon their approval, be communicated to the PAC 8 through the NDPHS Secretariat (the EG/TG work plans will be included in the proposed NDPHS Work Plan for 2012 for approval by the PAC).”

[3]Only if we feel it makes sense for NCD EG. This should not be seen as an option for major changes but rather some rectifying and modest revision(s)/update.The NCD EG Secretariat considers that the specific goals and targets at the present are too one-sided focusing on alcohol, tobacco and drugs only, neglecting e.g. the role of nutrition/diabetes, CVD, physical activity and accidents/violence.See last sentence in foot-note 1 above.

[4] FLAGSHIP-A: Food and nutrition plays a hugely important role in causing and preventing many diseases. In Northern Dimension Area cardio-vascular diseases are linked with too much animal fat and salt and too little fruit and vegetables in our diets. Yet, some of our countries can show excellent results through population based dietary changes, which encourages the project to facilitate the changes in countries still lagging behind. A common nutritional danger is the intake of more food than we need, leading into obesity and eventually to type-2 diabetes, hypertension, arthrosis and many other complications, loss of quality of life and premature disability and death. Overweight (obesity), lack of physical activity, low fruit and vegetable intake, high cholesterol and blood glucose is a combination of interlinked problems, which competes on the questionable highest ranking positionamong public health threats with alcohol and tobacco in Northern Dimension countries. Childhoodand youthare crucial periods when nutritional and physical activity habits are formed. Hence, our primary focus should be in children and young adults.

[5] FLAGSHIP-B: Presently the international community globally and in Europe is in the process of scaling up action against NCDs. WHO is leading this process. Recent policy documents provide undisputable evidence that NCDs cause immense human suffering through premature disease and disability and death. The calculations on huge economic losses and burden to our societies provide an additional imperative to tackle this problem, where short term commercial interest and profiteering has tried to camouflage the long term losses to life and productivity. Firstly, we need to demonstrate systematically the importance of life lost prematurely due to preventable causes in our Northern Dimension Area. Secondly, we need to increase our involvement in the European health policy and strategy process closely collaborating and supporting WHO-EURO. Thirdly, as part of NCD-Flagship project, improve methods for management of change locally, nationally and regionally to stop the NCD-epidemic among our working aged population.

[6]A) “Nutrition, physical activity and prevention of obesity and diabetes in schoolchildren ” and B) “Health policy & strategy facilitation for NDP countries”