09-12-00 - 5



September 12, 2000

Saint Michael Council Chambers 8:00 p.m.

Present: Mayor Wayne Kessler; Council Members Joe Hagerty, Dean Eggert, and Kenneth Duerr; Engineer Jeff Roos; Attorney Dave Lenhardt; City Administrator Robert Derus; Planner Marc Weigle; and Deputy Clerk Linda Lane. Council Member Thomas Hagerty was excused. Pursuant to due call and notice, the regular time of the Council Meeting was changed from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m., due to the Minnesota State Primary Election. Mayor Kessler called the meeting to order, declaring a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. The Mayor welcomed those in the audience.

Set Agenda. Council Members Eggert/Duerr moved to approve the agenda, with all voting aye.

Citizen Input. No one asked to be recognized under citizen input.

Consent Agenda. Council Members J. Hagerty/Eggert moved to approve the consent agenda, as listed below. All voted aye.

a)  Resolution # 9-12-00-01 Approving City Council Minutes of 8-22-00

b)  Resolution # 9-12-00-02 Approval of Pay Application for Upper & Lower Recreation Park Improvement to Matt Bullock Contracting Co., Inc., in the Amount of $41,526.66

c)  Resolution # 9-12-00-03 Approving Change Order # 2 St. Michael Fire Station, Northland Concrete, Increasing Contract by $103

d)  Resolution # 9-12-00-04 Approving Change Order # 2 St. Michael Fire Station, Merrimac Construction, Increasing Contract by $1,522 for Entry Hardware & Additional Apparatus Bay Painting

e)  Resolution # 9-12-00-05 Acknowledging Receipt of US Filter Monthly WWTP July Report

f)  Resolution # 9-12-00-06 Approving Pay Application # 9, Hanover Interceptor Sewer, Arcon Construction Co. Inc., in the Amount of $7,406

g)  Resolution # 9-12-00-07, Awarding Modified Class 1 Gravel 2001 Bids, Dennis Fehn Gravel

h)  Resolution # 9-12-00-08, Awarding 2000-2001 Snow Plow Sidewalk Bid to B&B Masonry, Inc.

i)  Resolution # 9-12-00-09, Approving Pay Request #5, Naber Avenue Street & Utility, $108,124.39

Wright County Human Services Agency – Project Northland. Cathy Cerra was present to tell the Council about Project Northland. Cerra explained that it was a research project geared toward the youth showing the use and access of alcohol. She gave staggering statistics of drinking in the youth today, from 9th grade on up. The program was started on the Iron Range – 24 sites participated – there was a significant reduction in alcohol and tobacco consumption as well as reduced teen pregnancies following the project. Ten community leaders in St. Michael will be surveyed as part of the project and also the students in 6th, 7th, & 8th grades, along with their parents. Schools, families, and communities are the three parts to Project Northland. Cerra also spoke about the incentives offered to the students and how they work to get the parents involved. Family service collaberatives are also involved with the program. Project Northland coordinators will be meeting with Sandy Greninger, Family/Youth Coordinator, to discuss the program. The program will offer beverage server training to all the establishments that serve alcohol and will be doing compliance checks with the same. The program will follow up by collecting data that shows the reduction of alcohol use by the youth. The programs Logo “Get With It” will be on many products to get the message across to the youth.

Update on Becker Big Woods. Kay Nowell, Environmental Science Teacher at the High School, was present to give the Council an update on the status of Becker Big Woods. Nowell said that they will be meeting with the school board next month to ask for a donation for the Becker Big Woods project. They have started meeting every two weeks to get things moving along more quickly. The group feels if they can get the schools to commit to a donation for the Becker Big Woods project, others will follow suite. Nowell said she would like to come to future meetings of the City Council to give updates on the project. Duerr said a resident he talked to recently had a question about the Big Woods Project and how we can make decisions about a project of this magnitude if we don’t have any funds coming in and it doesn’t have a revenue potential. Derus talked about the value that open space brings to a community, but necessarily on an economic standpoint. The resident went on to say that the real value seems to be for the school, and if the school is as interested as it sounds, they should take over the project. His last comment dealt with support from the people and how it should come to a vote of the people.

Planning Commission Report:

Final Plat for The Preserve West Fifth Addition. Planner Marc Weigle briefly reported on the Planning Commission Recommendation for approval of The Preserve West Fifth Addition. Council Members Eggert/J. Hagerty moved approval of the final plat for The Preserve West Fifth Addition, with the following conditions: (1) The applicant enters into a Developer’s Agreement with the City; (2) Landscaping is provided according to the overall plan; (3) A cash park dedication credit of $13,200 be given to Hans Hagen Homes for the construction of The Preserve Park. All voted aye.

Zachman Plumbing Conversion into Office Space - Site Plan Review. Planner Weigle reviewed the Planning Commission recommendation for approval of the Zachman Site Plan, with conditions. Driveway access and landscaping were the main issues discussed by the Planning Commission. After brief discussion, Council Members Duerr/Eggert moved approval of the Site Plan to convert the 1,296 square foot plumbing shop into offices at 221 Central Avenue East, with the following conditions: (1) Eliminate one apartment parking stall on the south and make one smaller to provide a drive lane between the buildings; (2) The property owner permits in writing the medium on 4th Street, which once in would be a right in and out; (3) All new parking and driveway areas shall be paved and have poured-in-place concrete curb and gutter. The limits of curb and gutter shall be determined based upon the revised site plan; (4) The yard and boulevard area between 4th Street (Lincoln) and the parking/driveway area must be sodded/seeded. A minimum of one overstory tree (2-1/2 inch diameter) must be planted as shown on the site plan; (5) A site plan agreement shall be signed between the City and property owners stipulating the conditions of the site plan approval and including a revised site plan drawing; (6) A letter of credit must be provided prior to issuing a building permit in an amount determined by the City Engineer. The security shall cover all site improvements (pavement, curb and gutter, landscaping); (7) The two east driveways on TH 241 shall be eliminated in some manner acceptable to the Planner. All voted aye.

Woodside Addition (Dehmer) – Variance, Preliminary and Final Plat. Weigle reported on the Woodside Addition Plat for the Eric and Sara Dehmer property. Arcon agreed to a right-of-way easement to get a driveway into the lot. Weigle spoke about the lot being a fairly simple split. There was discussion on the location of the hydrant by the Mayor, and Weigle said that it had already been worked out and was no longer a problem. Derus made reference to the City Council meeting of 7-27-99 in which the Council had delayed assessment of the Dehmer property until such time that the property was subdivided. Eric Dehmer, present in the audience, agreed to the assessment being added to the list of conditions for final approval. Lenhardt said it should be made part of the Developers Agreement. Council Members Eggert/Duerr moved to approve a variance to the lot width/road frontage requirement for Lot 3, Block 1, of Woodside Addition, as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission, because of the natural conditions of the property, and the fact that the cul-de-sac right-of-way for Hypointe subdivision was not extended east enough; and with the condition that additional land must be acquired to be deeded to the City or Lot 3, and the building pad must be set on Lot 3. All voted aye. Council Members Eggert/Duerr moved approval of the Preliminary Plat for Woodside Addition with the following conditions: (1) A minimum of two overstory trees (minimum 2 ½ inch caliper) are installed in the front yards for Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, prior to a Certificate of Occupancy being issued; (2) Park Dedication is provided for Lots 2 and 3, Block 1 as cash in-lieu of land dedication based on the City’s per lot fee to be paid prior to the City’s release of the Final Plat for recording; (3) Lot 3 shall maintain a minimum 5-foot lawn on each side of the driveway; (4) Staff and applicant work out a site for the house for Lot 3, and the building pad must be set; (5) Additional land must be acquired to be deeded to the City or Lot 3. 6) That the delayed assessment (7-27-99) is levied at the time of recording the Final Plat. All voted aye. Council Members Eggert/Duerr moved approval of the Final Plat for Woodside Addition with the following conditions: (1) A minimum of two overstory trees (minimum 2 ½ inch caliper) are installed in the front yards for Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, prior to a Certificate of Occupancy being issued; (2) Park Dedication is provided for Lots 2 and 3, Block 1 as cash in-lieu of land dedication based on the City’s per lot fee to be paid prior to the City’s release of the Final Plat for recording. (3) Lot 3 shall maintain a minimum 5-foot lawn on each side of the driveway. (4) Staff and applicant work out a site for the house for Lot 3, and the building pad must be set; (5) Additional land must be acquired to be deeded to the City or Lot 3. 6) That the delayed assessment (7-27-99) is levied at the time of recording the Final Plat, as a part of the developers agreement. All voted aye.

Theco Inc. – Crow River Industrial Park – Office & Warehouse Expansion Site Plan Review. Weigle reported on the Planning Commission recommendation for approval of a site plan for Theco Inc., with conditions. Main concerns were the screening and landscaping in the NW corner and along 101, which would make it more shielded than it is now. After some discussion on the kinds of security that is normally accepted, Lenhardt recommended revising the 5th condition to read only Letter of Credit. After brief discussion, Council Members J. Hagerty/Eggert moved approval of the Site Plan for a 480 square foot office, and 1,800 square foot warehouse addition, at 5470 Quam Avenue NE, with the following conditions: (1) A minimum 42 inch high brick wainscot shall be constructed along the east side of the entire building, the easterly 32 feet of the south elevation and the southerly 15 feet of the west elevation (including the Quam side); (2) A six-foot high privacy fence shall be constructed as shown on the site plan; (3) Six six-foot high evergreens shall be planted in the northwest corner, two on the southwest corner and four on the southeast corner; (4) A site plan agreement shall be signed between the City and property owner stipulating the conditions of the site plan approval, and including a site plan with all approved conditions; (5) A letter of credit must be provided prior to issuing a building permit in an amount equal to 125% of the estimated costs for the fence and landscaping; (6) Signage shall come into compliance with the current City ordinance. All voted aye.

Bus Tour. Planner Weigle asked the Council if October 7th, 8:00 a.m., would work out for all the Council members to do the bus tour. So far this date seems to be working out for everyone.

Public Works Supervisor Report. Loader for Snowplowing. Public Works Supervisor Ed Haller was present to discuss the fact that we did not get any snowplow bids with equipment that would work to do snow plowing this winter. Haller went on to explain that he sees no alternative, but to buy another piece of equipment, a loader, in order to service the community this winter season. Mayor asked if the person who bid the sidewalks was going to be able to keep up with all the new sidewalks in the City. Haller said that the person who did the bidding has two pieces of equipment this year and an extra driver to plow. There was discussion on the pros and cons of a loader versus a truck and Haller explained that there was no need for another truck at this time. Mayor asked how long they usually plow and Haller said they start at 4:00 a.m. and go until approximately noon. Eggert said he would rather see the guys plow a couple of extra hours when there is snow as opposed to paying this large amount for another piece of equipment. There was discussion on buying one and selling it after six months, and the pros and cons of that. Eggert said he does not like the idea of seasonal equipment. There was discussion on what Kenny Dehmer had plowed last year and Haller said that he only did the cul-de-sacs, and without a loader we will have to hire cul-de-sacs done again this year. There was discussion on what other communities have for their plowing needs. Duerr/J. Hagerty moved to purchase the loader that was scheduled for 2001, and spread the payments over 3 years. Duerr, J. Hagerty, and Kessler voted aye, and Eggert voted nay. Vote passed 3-1.

Warming House Update. Haller discussed the expenses involved in updating the warming house and getting the water supply indoors. There was discussion on the other possible uses for the building besides just a warming house in the winter for hockey and the pleasure skating rink. There was more talk about the monies and the fact that it was the Park Board fund that would be used towards this. Weigle said the Park Board recommended that they go ahead, with Ed getting a second quote, and move on with the project before winter. J. Hagerty/Duerr moved to get a second quote, and have the City move ahead with the warming house. All voted aye.
Tree Planting in Parks. Weigle added that the Park Board also discussed using $5,000 of Park Board monies to plant trees in the Upper and Lower Rec Park and Highwoods Park before Karl starts seeding this fall. Duerr/J. Hagerty moved to approve the $5,000 for the planting of trees.
Pavement Striping Quote. Haller reported on the quotes received for striping. He said the quote included edge and center stripes. Duerr/Eggert moved to award AAA Striping the quote for striping roads. All voted aye.

Engineer Report. Request by Earl Zachman and the Joint Apprenticeship & Training Committee for the Electrical Industry to Extend Frankfort Parkway to the Eastern Edge of Proposed Building Site. Engineer Roos said it would be a project that would have the feasibility study done this year and the project done next year. Duerr/Kessler moved to approve preparation of a feasibility study to extend Frankfort Parkway to the East of Naber Avenue. All voted aye.