Saint Mary’s Little League Rookie Rules
Field Dimensions
Bases set 60 feet apart. The front of the pitching machine is placed at 44-46’ from the back of the plate.
Representatives from both teams should arrive early (at least 30 minutes prior to game time), to help set up the field for play, set up the pitching machine at the correct agreed upon settings, setting bases, and providing game balls.
We do not keep an overall score for the game and we don’t track wins and losses. The score is kept for the purpose of the 5 run rule. Instruction in techniques is the primary objective
An inning is over when 5 runs have been scored in the inning or 3 outs have been made. There is a 5 run rule for each inning. If the 5th run scores during an at bat, the play will continue until an out is made or all the runners cross home plate (including the batter-runner). Any runs scored over the 5-run limit will not count.
Game Duration
A regulation game is six innings or a maximum of two hours. A new inning will not be started within fifteen minutes of the two hour limit.
Little League approved baseballs, issued by the league, will be used.
The pitching position is for defensive purposes only. There are catchers at the level. The catcher may take the position behind the plate or by the backstop, based on their comfort level. A coach will assist the catcher. This coach will assist in positioning the catcher and retrieving passed balls. The pitched balls may be collected in a bucket at the backstop.
Pitching Machine Settings
For all games, pitching machines shall be set at these settings, unless the coaches agree on a more appropriate setting due to differences in pitching machines and fields:
Vertical Arm (Throwing Arm/Micro adjust) - Setting=3
Pitch Raise/Lower (on Release Handle/Lever/Block) – Setting =3
Foot Peddle (Power Lever) – Setting=6
All players can take the field on defense. There can be as many as: 4 infielders, 1 pitcher, and 1 catcher. The rest of the players would play in the outfield. A team may decide to play only 10 in the field, but no player may be benched for consecutive innings. Players should be given equal opportunities to play the infield positions during the game.
When a team is in the field three coaches are permitted to be in the field, along with one coach at the backstop to aid the catcher.
On a ball hit to the outfield, a runner may not be forced out at second or third on an unassisted play by an outfielder. Outfielders must throw the ball in from the outfield to get runners out at second or third.
Each player is expected to play the field for at least half of each game. No player will sit on the bench more than one inning in a row. At the beginning of the game or an inning, whichever is appropriate, managers must notify the opposing manager of any situation that will prevent compliance with this rule. Managers must be sensitive of "hiding players" in the outfield. The Rookie Division is an instructional level. Avoiding hotspots in the name of safety is fine; however, players will be given the opportunity to play some infield if they desire to do so.
A team will use their complete roster as their batting order. Once established, the order cannot be changed except for players arriving late. Players arriving late will be added to the end of the batting order. Players leaving early will be deleted from the batting order.
Both teams shall provide a lineup to the opposing team if requested. In the event of a player batting out of the lineup due to any circumstances, the batting team must disclose this to the opposing team.
Each at bat may consist of up to 6 pitches. If a batter swings and misses at 3 pitches, the batter will be called out on a strikeout. A foul ball will be counted as a strike until a count of 2 strikes is reached, or the 6th pitch is delivered. If the 6th pitch is fouled off or a “NO PITCH” is called, the batter will be given subsequent pitch(s) until the pitch is hit fair, it is swung on and missed, or a pitch which has not been declared a “NO PITCH” was not swung at.
Each batter must attempt to swing at the ball. If any batter squares to bunt at a ball, a dead ball will be called immediately. The pitch will count against the 6-pitch total, and if it is the 6th pitch, the batter is out.
The coaches may declare a NO PITCH if and only if the ball is absurdly un-hittable. Note: The intent of this rule is to give 6 reasonable pitches. For example, in the event that the pitching machine pitches a ball that is not even close to reaching the plate, then this can be declared a NO PITCH. If a batter swings at an un-hittable pitch, it shall still be declared a no-pitch.
A batted ball striking the pitching machine will be declared a dead ball. The batter is awarded first base. Each runner will advance one base.
A batted ball, after being touched by a fielder, or a thrown ball that hits the pitching machine is a live ball. Play will continue as if the ball had not hit the machine.
A ball that has been batted, thrown, or touched that lands underneath the pitching machine, shall be declared a dead ball. If not already at first base, the batter will be awarded first base. All runners will be awarded a base based on their position when the dead ball was called (see Time Out Rule).
A batted ball that progresses past the outfielders may be declared an extra-base hit. The runner will have the opportunity to progress competitively to whatever base they can reach before the ball is secured back in the infield area. The coaches will have the final say in where the runners should be when the play ends.
The pitching coach shall not instruct while the play is in progress. He/She may give instruction and encouragement to the runners or batters between pitches.
There is no infield fly rule.
There is no ‘catcher dropped third strike’ rule.
All batters and base runners must wear a batting helmet.
Each batter will get one warning per game for throwing the bat. The batter will be declared out if he/she throws a bat a second time during the game.
Base Running
No stealing or leading off base is permitted. If a runner leaves the base prior to the ball being hit by the batter, the runner will be called out.
In the case of an overthrown ball, the runner(s) may advance one base only from the base he/she was advancing to at the time of the overthrow. The ball is then declared dead after the subsequent advancement. Runners should be encouraged to take the additional base on an overthrow. This will teach them to turn towards the advanced base and for the fielder to pursue the overthrown ball. Coaches are discouraged from abusing this local rule.
(Example 1) Batter-runner runs to first on a batted ball to the infield. An overthrow at first base enables the batter-runner to attempt to reach second base. If the defensive team makes a subsequent overthrow, a dead ball shall be called and the runner will be stopped at second.
(Example 2) with runners on first and second, a groundball is fielded by an infielder who throws the ball past the third baseman. The runners may attempt to advance as follows: runner on second may attempt to reach home, runner on first may attempt to reach third, and the batter-runner may attempt to reach second. Any subsequent overthrow or ball thrown out of bounds shall result in a dead ball, and no further advance of the runners is permitted.
(Example 3) with a runner on second base, a batted ball is caught in the air by the second baseman. With the runner attempting to get back to second base to avoid being forced out, the second baseman attempts to throw the ball to the shortstop covering second base. The ball gets away from the shortstop. The runner (as long as the tag-up has been completed correctly) may attempt to advance to third base. A subsequent overthrow to third base will not allow the runner to attempt to advance to home.
A ball that is put out of play by a fielder will result in an award of the base a runner was going to, plus one base. The overthrow rule takes precedence over a ball out of play.
General Out of Play: If a fielder with possession and control of the ball brings the ball within the base paths or a fielder throws the ball into the infield breaking the base path lines and a player in the infield has control of the ball and does not attempt or throw the ball toward a base runner, the ball is dead, the runner(s) will advance to the base(s) that they are going to and play will stop when they reach said base.
Exception: If a player located in the infield with the ball throws the ball to a base that a runner is advancing to, the ball is still in play - (see overthrow rules above then play will stop when met) – or the ball will be out of play when the ball is thrown back into the infield and held it will be dead and runners will advance and stop.
Miscellaneous Items
Official protest is not permitted.
If you have any problems with your machine, or with your team, please contact the V.P. of the Rookie Division.