Focus Questions

·  In what ways was the Jewish faith` unique in the ancient Near East, & how did it evolve over time?

·  Who were the neighbors of the Israelites, & what was their significance?

·  What methods & instructions did the Assyrians use to amass & maintain their empire?

·  What was the significance of the Neo-Babylonian Empire?

·  What methods & institutions did the Persians use to amass & maintain their empire, & how did these differ from those of the Assyrians?

·  The ______of the Hittite kingdom & the weakening of ______around 1200 B.C. temporarily left a power vacuum in the Near East allowing petty kingdoms & city-states to emerge especially in ______& ______

·  One of these small states, the nation of ______, has played a huge role in Western Civilization even though it is such a ______area of land

·  Their spiritual heritage (Judo-______values) is one of the basic ______of W.C.

Where & How Did It Start?

·  After the ______of the Earth via “the flood” one of Noah’s ______“Abraham” was an old fellow (75 years old) living in ______around 2,000 B.C.

·  It is ______belief that ______was summoned by God "Yahweh" to leave his land, family & household in Mesopotamia in return for a new land, family & inheritance in ______“the promised land” (modern-day Israel/Palestine)---establishment of the “______”

o  If ______& the wealth & ______that they had acquired would follow he “Yahweh” would make of him a great nation, bless him, make his ______great, ______those who blessed him & curse those who ______him so they traveled to Shechem (small city) in Canaan

·  There was a severe ______in the land of Canaan so Abraham & his followers left their households, travelled south to ______until they were forced out by the Egyptian ______

o  Back in Canaan the word of ______” came to Abraham in a vision & repeated the promise of the land & ______as numerous as the ______

o  He was also told of the future ______of Israel or the ______in ______

o  God described to Abraham the land that his ______would claim: "the land of the ______, Amorites & ______”

·  Abraham was ______many times to portray or prove his faith in “Yahweh” until he himself died & the rest of his followers would end up in Egypt due to severe ______& be held captives for the next 600 years

o  While in ______the population of the Israelites ______rapidly & forced the Pharaoh to murder all the infant ______by tossing them off a cliff into the Nile River except for one child who would be ______& raised by the royal family---his name was “______”

·  Moses was ______from Egypt & found himself on ______in the Sinai Desert when he too like Abraham would have a vision (burning bush) telling him to go to Egypt & set his people ______

·  Upon his return he was ______by the Pharaoh (step-brother) where he would demand in the name of “Yahweh” that the Israelites be set free---of course being ______every time

o  He ______of terrible ______---turned the Nile River red, death of the 1st born---all that stuff & was eventually set free

·  While ______out after the death of the Pharaoh’s son he vowed to ______his death & bring the Israelites back to captivity so he followed them to the banks of the Red Sea (parting---all that stuff)

·  Moses & his followers ______through the desert & it was here where Moses got the ______(10 Commandments) from Mt. Sinai where he had his first revelation/vision

·  It was here that he & his ______would ______Abraham’s promise to “Yahweh” to follow his ______in return for being shown the Promised land” or land of milk & honey

The Hebrews “Children Of Israel”

·  The ______were a Semitic-speaking people who had a tradition concerning their origins & history that was eventually ______down as part of the ______Bible (Old Testament)

o  They were ______who organized into clans

o  ______of the patriarch (man who exercised authority over an extended family ) Abraham who had migrated from ______(Sumerian city of Ur)to the land of ______where they became identified as the “Children of Israel”

·  ______caused many Hebrews to migrate to Egypt until being ______by the pharaohs where they remained slaves until Moses led his people out of Egypt ______many years in the desert until they entered Palestine

o  In ______tribes they entered into a conflict with the ______(lived on the coast of Palestine) eventually establishing a united kingdom known as Israel (god wanted them to have the land)

The United Kingdom

·  ______was the 1st king of the Israelites (1020-1000 B.C.)

o  Achieved some ______with the ongoing ______with the Philistines

o  Killed in battle with the enemy & ______(absence of government or lawlessness) ensued

·  ______(one of Saul’s lieutenants) reunited the Israelites & ______the Philistines (1000-970 B.C.) & established ______over Palestine

o  Among his conquests was the city of ______, which he made the capital of a united kingdom

o  He ______Israel’s political organization & accelerated the integration of the Israelites into a ______community based on ______& urban life

·  ______(David’s son) (970-930 B.C.) did even more to strengthen ______power

o  He expanded the political & ______establishments & was especially active in extending the ______activities of the Israelites

o  He is best known for his ______projects (most famous is the ______in Jerusalem)

o  The Israelites viewed the Temple as a ______center of their ______& hence of the kingdom of ______itself

o  Under Solomon, ancient Israel was at the ______of its ______but his efforts to extend royal power throughout his kingdom led to dissatisfaction among some of his ______

The Divided Kingdom

·  After Solomon’s death, tensions between the ______& ______tribes in Israel led to the establishment of two separate ______

o  Kingdom of ______, composed of the northern tribes with its capital in ______

o  Southern kingdom of ______, consisting of two tribes with its capital at ______

o  Israel (under ______leadership) later joined forces with the smaller ______states to stop the onslaught of the ______to the northeast

o  Israel’s power ______after Ahab & by the end of the 9th century the kingdom of Israel was forced to pay tribute to Assyria until the following century when Israel itself was ______

o  The Assyrians ______the kingdom, destroyed the capital of ______in 722 B.C. & ______many Israelites to other parts of the Assyrian Empire

o  These dispersed Israelites (the “ten lost tribes”) merged with neighboring peoples & gradually lost their identity

·  The ______kingdom of Judah was forced to pay tribute to Assyria but managed to ______as an independent state as Assyrian power ______& a new ______appeared

o  The ______first demolished Assyria & then under King Nebuchadnez-zar II conquered ______& completely destroyed ______in 586 B.C.

o  Many ______people from Judah were sent to ______in exile but the captivity did not last

o  Upon the ______of the Chaldean kingdom by the ______, the people of Judah were allowed to ______to Jerusalem & ______their city & the Temple

o  ______remained under ______control until the conquests of Alexander the ______in the fourth century B.C.

o  The people of Judah survived, eventually becoming known as the ______& giving their name to ______, the religion of ______, the Jewish God

The Spiritual Dimensions Of Israel

·  The ______perspective of the Israelites evolved over time with many Israelites worshiping other ______as well as Yahweh

·  Around 1600 BC, one of the nomadic tribes ______into ______

·  They may have been ______in to help the ______beat out the Hyksos & eventually the Egyptians gained control & had no use for the ______

·  Finally, ______- became the leader of the Jews lead them out of ______& on the way out, they picked up a new ______named ______ (pronounced "Yahweh"–In the King James Version of the Bible, he's called "______" by mispronunciation)

·  Moses got the ______Commandments for YAHWH, who was a war ______

·  It was among the ______exiles in the 6th century B.C. that ______(God of Israel) came to be seen as the only ______

·  After the return of these exiles to ______, their point of view eventually became ______, & pure ______(belief that there is only one God for all peoples) came to be the ______tenant of Judaism

o  According the Jewish conception, there is but ______God, whom the Jews called Yahweh (he causes to be)

o  God is the ______of the world & ______in it, he ______the world & was subject to ______

o  All peoples were his ______, whether they knew it or ______

o  The ______, ______, ______, ______, & other natural phenomena were not divinities as other civilizations previously believed, but were God’s ______

o  All of God’s ______could be admired for their awesome beauty but not worshiped as ______

o  People who did not ______his will would be ______even though he was a god of ______& ______

·  The ______message also emphasized that each ______could have a ______relationship with this powerful being

o  The chief source of ______about these conceptions is the ______Bible which is the ______Testament of the Christian ______

o  It’s purpose was to ______the essential ______about the god of Israel after the Babylonian captivity of the Jews which they ______

o  These recording or ______became the ______of the Hebrew Bible

o  The first 5 books (______) which covers the time from the beginning of the ______until the Israelites ______in Palestine make up the “______” (law codes) that govern the lives of worshipers & their ______to one another & to the non-Jewish ______

o  The Hebrew Bible focuses on one basic ______: the necessity for the Jews to ______their God

·  There are ______aspects of the ______religious tradition that has special significance

o  ______ – The Israelites believed that during the Exodus from Egypt, when ______supposedly led his people out of bondage into a ______of plenty promised to them by Yahweh, a special event occurred that ______the Jewish experience for ______time

§  ______entered into a ______(contract) with the tribes of Israel who believed that Yahweh had spoken to them through ______

§  They ______to ______Yahweh & ______his law & in return he promised to take special ______of his people

§  Could only be fulfilled by ______to the ______of God

o  ______ – Became a crucial element of the Jewish world & had a number of different dimensions

§  The ______characteristic of God was his ______so therefore ethical concerns stood at the ______of the law----“You shall ______murder. You shall ______commit adultery. You shall ______steal”

§  These concerns were also ______in relation to economic, social, & political life of the community----God’s laws applied to ______areas of ______

§  These laws made ______class distinctions & emphasized the ______of the poor, widows, ______, & slaves

o  ______ – The Israelites believed that certain religious leaders or ______men (prophets) were sent by ______to serve as his ______to his people

§  They warned of ______retribution that Yahweh would exact from the ______if they did not keep the ______to remain faithful to ______alone & just in their dealings with ______another

§  The ______age of ______began in the mid-eight century & continued during the time when people of Israel & Judah were threatened by Assyrian & Chaldean ______

§  These “men of ______” went through the land ______the Israelites that they had failed to keep God’s ______& would be punished for ______the covenant

§  From the prophets words came ______concepts that enriched the ______tradition & ultimately Western Civilization (______& a yearning for ______justice)

§  Preached that ______nations would someday come to the ______of Israel thus eliminating ______& establishing a ______for all the nations of the ______

§  Prophets condemned the ______for causing the ______to suffer, denounced luxuries as ______, & threatened Israel with prophecies of dire punishments for these _____

§  God’s command was to live ______, ______with one’s neighbors, ______for the poor & the unfortunate, & act with ______

§  To remain ______to their God, they might even have to refuse ______to political leaders

The Social Structure Of The Hebrews

·  The Israelites had a new ______structure or social patterns that had evolved by the time the Israelites ______in towns & villages with “______of the population” evident

o  The “men of ______& influence” formed a special group of considerable importance in Hebrew ______

o  They included officials of the king, ______officers, ______officials, & ______

o  The ______people “people of the land” remained a body of ______people having basic civil ______

o  They were ______& ______who sold their own produce & products ______to buyers in markets in their ______town or village squares----eliminating the ______man

·  ______was the central ______institution in Hebrew life & consisted of individuals connected by common ______& a common living place

o  Husband, wife, married sons & their wives with their children was a ______household or “______l” family

o  The husband or father was ______of his wife & possessed absolute ______over his children, including the power of ______& ______

·  ______was an important aspect of Hebrew ______life

o  In ancient Israel, ______was an accepted form of marriage especially for ______& wealthy ______

o  Hebrew ______limited kings to _____ wives (harem) & citizens to _____

o  Many Hebrews believed that ______was the preferred form of marriage where wives were ______for their faithfulness & ______to their ______

·  ______were valued but their work was ______done

o  The Hebrew Bible (______edited work) reveals a society ______by men also included stories of women who played ______roles in early history of Israel (_____ the norm)

o  In the Hebrew Bible women are ______on men & a married woman was ______to her husband’s ______

o  ______dowry (land) from the bride’s parents (like the Mesopotamians) but the ______parents did pay a ______of money to the brides family for the ______of their daughter

o  A married woman ______her parents home, ______with the husband’s family & became a member of their ______along with the children