Our PTO Stagette will be held on Friday, November 8th, 2013. There will be great food, great fun, loads of prizes pampering and fabulous entertainment. Certainly, something for everyone!
Reservations are being accepted now! Admission to this fun night is $20 each. All workers and patrons must pay the admission price of $20. The ticket order/reservation form is below. You will not receive a paper ticket. Instead your reservation will be held at the door and your name will be electronically entered for our fabulous door prizes. You will receive a confirmation email once payment has been received. Don’t miss out on a great time reserve a spot for you and some friends now! If you have any questions, please let one of us know. Thank you for your continued support!
2013 Stagette Committee
Amy Hatfield Angela Murphy
& Tracie Orth
Please detach and return to school in an envelope marked:
“Stagette Reservations, Attn: Jennifer Callahan”
Please include the following:
1. Check made payable to St. Joseph PTO
2. This order form
Name/Group Name: ______
Phone: ______Email:______
Number of tickets:______x $20 each
Names to be entered for door prizes: ______
Total enclosed______
Admission is advance purchase only. This is a non-smoking event. No one under age 18 will be admitted.