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As we approach the new year for Religious Education, we would like to thank you for your interest in attending our Religious Education Classes here at Saint Johns. We hope that the year will be a prayerful one and continue to keep you in Communion with Jesus Christ, who alone can lead us to the heart of the Father.
We are excited to say that we have several offering’s this year for our students and families:
K-12th Grade 2016/2017 - STUDENTS ONLY
Students can be enrolled in:
K-1st Grade: (This is a 1 year Class with No Sacraments)
God’s Love and Forgiveness through Bible Stories
The Trinity and the Sign of the Cross
Sacraments and what they do for us
Introduction to getting to know the Mass
Introduction to prayers and prayerful life
The First 3 Commandments
2nd Grade: (This is a 1 year Class where they will Receive 1st Reconciliation only.)
Continuation of prayers and prayerful life
Bible Stories
Review of the Sacraments
The 10 Commandments - Examining your Conscience
Sin / Forgiveness / How to make a Good Confession
Going Deeper into the Mass
Introduction to the Eucharist
3rd Grade: (This is a 1 year class where they will receive First Holy Communion))Continuation of Prayers and Prayerful life
Getting to know Jesus’ life on Earth (Bible Stories)
Review of Sacraments
Review of Ten Commandments
The Rosary
The Holy Eucharist (The body & blood of Christ)
Understanding the Mass
4th Grade: (This is a Pre-Confirmation 1st year Class (No Sacraments Received this year)
Continuation of Prayers and Prayerful life / Rosary
Review of Sacraments & 10 Commandments
Understanding the Bible Old vs New Testament - Gospels and Epistles
Introduction to the Holy Spirit
The Mass and our Role / Service
Confirmation: Students with some Parental Participation
5th & 6th Grade: (This Class will receive the Confirmation Sacrament)
Continuation of Prayers and Prayerful life
In dept understanding of the Sacraments & 10 Commandments
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit / The Fruits of the Holy Spirit
The Corporal Works & Spiritual Works of Mercy
Getting to know the History of the Church
Defending our Faith
Understanding the Confirmation Rite / Sponsor’s and Saints
Understanding our Role in Service
Confirmation Retreat to be determined
6th - 8th Grade Middle School – (This Class is for Students who have already received all their Sacraments)
Continuation of Prayers and Prayerful life
Review of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Using the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in your everyday life.
Getting Deeper into the History of the Church
Youth Activities, Missions
9th – 12th Grade High School - (This Class is for Students who have already received all their Sacraments)
Continuation of Prayers and Prayerful life
Review of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Using the Gifts of the Holy Spirit in your everyday life.
Getting Deeper into the History of the Church
Youth Activities, Missions
Family Ministry: Students accompanied by Parents Family Ministry is a new program that we offered last year. This program takes on an RCIA approach to Religious Education. This is a program for students, including parents who have not received any or some of their sacraments. Parents MUST attend every Class with their Child. Students can/will receive
Baptism (If needed) 1st Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Holy Communion at the end of the Year.
Prayers and Prayerful life
Bible Time Line (Stories and Activities) From God’s Story of Creation/Salvation to Jesus sends us his spirit.
The Mission of Jesus and Reconciliation
The Sacrament of Confirmation (ie: Sacraments in General as well)
The Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist
Helping the Family to live their faith in their everyday life
Jan Lucero (Director of Religious Education)