CU Student Government Association

CU Student Government Association

CU Student Government Association

Unapproved Minutes

March 5, 2007

I.Call to Order

a. Meeting was called to order by SGA President Marcos Rivera at 5:18

b. Pledge of Allegiance

II.Roll Call

  1. Absent- Karen Tibbetts, Derik Cadavid, Carl Jackson, Kari Murphy, Allisun Allee, Ashley Burgamy, Brett Barnett, Chris Heath, Debia Brok, Elaine Weinheimen, Greg Daniels, Jennifer Tucker, Randi Harrison, Renee Plata, Sylvia Thompson, Michael Marlin
  2. Excused- Bonnie Page, Krystle McCorgary
  3. Tardy/Left Early- Christina Smith, Ivica Ristovski, John Kirk

III.Approval of Minutes

a.Seantor Carden made a motion to remove her name from the absence list. Seconded by Senator Johnson, and consented by Senator White. Motion carried.

b.Representative Hicks made a motion to have her name removed from the absence list. Seconded by Senator Emmert, and consented by Senator Daoang.

c.Motion to approve the minutes as amended made by Senator Hurley. Seconded by Senator Hidalgo, and consented by Senator Johnson.

V. Presidential Remarks

a. OIL applications are due by March 14th

b. University awards applications

c. CUSGA officer and Senator filing begins March 6th.

d.Rolling with the Aggies is on February 19th. Represent SGA. Meeting Canceled.

e.See Dean Holland for information on the NEW Leadership opportunity

f.Motion made by Treasurer Alley to have Representatice Faucett deliver a one minute

speech about the current Prairie Dog situation. Seconded by Senator Hidalgo, and consented by Senator Daoang.

VI.Old Business

  1. Resolution 107008: Amending the Constitution
  2. Motion made by Senator Johnson to move to previous question on bill. Seconded by Vice President Wozencraft, and consented by Senator Hidalgo. Motion Passed
  3. Legislation Passed

VII.New Business

  1. Resolution 107009: Providing Day Care Services on campus
  2. Motion made by Vice President Wozencraft to extend time for questioning for three minutes. Seconded by Senator Daoang and Consented by Senator Johnson
  3. Motion made by Representative Franks to extend questioning to the end of the list. Seconded by Senator Johnson, and consented by Senator Carden.
  4. Motion made by Senator Johnson to extend time for questioning for three minutes. Objection heard. Motion passed.
  5. Motion made by Vice President to extend questioning to the end of the list. Seconded by Senator Ristoviski and consented by Senator Johnson.
  6. Motion made by Senator Hurley to move the legislation to a committee. Seconded by Senator Johnson, and consented by Representative Franks.
  7. Resolution 107010: Constitution Clarification
  8. Motion made by Senator Kirby to extend questioning for one additional question. Seconded by Senator Hurley, and Consented by Senator Daoang.


a. Election committee needs to meet

b. Finance Committee meet with Treasurer Alley

c. Academic committee needs to meet

d. Wed. March 14, 12:00, Goodyear Room-Spring Break ideas, Free food

e. Thursday, 3-14 from 11-1, Alcohol awareness in the SAB

f. Cook out Monday. $5, hosted by CU expressions

VIII. Adjourn

a. Motion to adjourn made by Sergeant-at-Arms Hubbard, Seconded by Senator Hidalgo, Consent made by Senator Johnson. Meeting Adjourned at 6:10.