Holy Trinity Finance Council Minutes

Thursday, March 12, 2015

4:00 p.m. Parish Office, Protivin

Term / Member / Office / Sept 11 / Nov 13 / Mar 12 / May 21
2015 / Art Bina / Chair / P / P / P
2015 / Dennis Meirick / V-chair / P / P / A
2015 / Lois Buchheit / Sec / A / A / A
2016 / Janice Bouska / A / A / A

Others in attendance:

Rev. Nick March – Pastor, Austin Wilker – Seminarian, Terra Kuennen – Bookkeeper

Father Nick opened the meeting with a prayer.

Meeting called to order at 4:14 PM.

·  Reviewed the minutes from the November 13, 2014 meeting. The minutes were accepted.

·  The financial statements were reviewed and accepted. $1,500 will be transferred from the Community Center checking account and to the parish account, which had been given as a donation toward the Center renovations last January. This will keep all the donations for the center in one account.

Old Business:

·  The front steps of the church will have to be cut out and replaced with new cement. Art will be in contact with Gary Panos for the project.

·  Art will contact Craig to do the sidewalk touch ups. It was decided to tear out the angled sidewalk in from of the school and replace it with sod instead of repairing it.

New Business

·  The Basement floor in the church outside the cafeteria is peeling up. Art will find a contractor to get this fixed after school is let out for summer break.

·  Center updates: air work in the large room and duct work in the kitchen is completed. Ron or Mark will now be approving any bills. Terra will contact one of them when a bill is received.

·  The Light of Christ subsidy will be $20 per month less for each parish.

·  Ron Novak is awaiting a bid from Fred Jackson for tuck pointing on the church steeple. Art will contact Ron on the status of the bid.

The next council meeting is May 21, 2015 at 6:30pm.

Father Nick closed the meeting with a prayer. Meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.

Terra Kuennen, Bookkeeper