Saint John Bosco Senior Boys’ School



The Staff of St. John Bosco’s would like to thank the Board of Management,

the Parents’ Committee and all the parents/guardians of the boys in the school for their help, support and co-operation throughout the year. We wish you all a happy and a safe summer break.

It is with regret that we say goodbye to the pupils of sixth classes as they progress to their chosen 2nd level schools. We wish them every success throughout their lives.

Junior Entrepreneur

All Ireland Showcase

On Monday 18th June, the 6th Class boys in Room 6 attended the JEP AllIreland Showcase accompanied by Ms. O’Rourke, Ms. Cronin and Liz. We were one of 140 schools exhibiting at the showcase out of a total 450 schools from around the country who participated in JEP this year. We were thrilled to discover on arrival that we had been shortlisted for an award and while we didn’t win in the end, we are so proud of the boys in Room 6 for their huge commitment and dedication to bring their product T-Foam to this level.

Well done boys!

When we got there it was extremely busy and took a while to get set up, but once we did everyone took part and the other schools loved our product. Then we went to the awards showcase where many radio and news presenters walked onto the stage to announce the prize winners. We didn’t win any prizes but we were shortlisted for the award ‘Financial Wizards’.Overall it was a great day and an excellent ‘prize’ to have been invited.

Derry Schnieder (Room 6)

Farewell to Bosco’s

Farewell to Bosco’s
Adiós agus adieu
Eight years of tuition

Has come to fruition.

Farewell to Bosco’s
To secondary school we must go

New subjects to study

With old friends and new buddies.

Farewell to Bosco’s
Arigato gozaimasu
Go raibh maith agaibh go léir

Go háirithe Mr. Bourke and Mr. Clare.

By Daniel Watkins (Room 11)


School will close for the
summer holidays on Friday 29thJune at 12.00pm.

It will re-open on Thursday 30th
of August at 8.50am.
(9.00am for new 2nd classes).

School Surveys

We did a survey on how children get to Bosco’s school between walking, cycling, scooting, bus or car. We got a round total of 442. We got it done in about an hour. Walking was the most popular way to get to school. It was the first survey in the school. We did everyclass. It was on Taighé Donohoe’s last day. We did it on 14th June 2018 on a Thursday.

Written by Seán O’Toole, Jordan Doyle and Ben Cullen Reddy (Room 10)

Evan and I went to rooms 3,4,5,7 and to
Ms. Tarrant. We couldn’t go to all the classes
so we’re sorry if we didn’t get to you.
We asked the teachers their favourite flower, colour, film or book. Ms. Lally and Mr. Mc Carthy shared the same flower, the tulip.
Ms. Tarrant and Ms. Costello shared their favourite flower, the daffodil.
The movies/ books varied too;

‘To Kill a Mocking Bird’, ‘The Green Mile’ and
‘Good Morning Vietnam’.
Thank you to all the classes.

Jamie King and Evan Joyce Gallagher
(Room 1)

Tongue Twisters

The string section suddenly went on strike sending shockwaves shooting through the symphony.

After the opera, Owen often opted for orange juice.

Stacy baked stinky scones.

Muriel miraculously

made magical music. Actually, Muriel’s miraculously magic music was marvellous.

Trevor Terribly Trumped TillTrixie Trampled Trevor’s Trumpet.

World Meeting of Families

At a special Mass for the World Meeting of Families event his summer, David read aloud this poem which he himself wrote:

Why We Pray
Joseph, Mary and the donkey were strolling,
That was because Augustus was controlling,

He wanted people to go to the place of their birth

So he could count the people that livedat his part of earth,

This wasn’t good because they were having a baby,

It would’ve been better if they stayed at home maybe,

When Jesus was born three kings travelled from afar,

They were guided by a big, bright star,

Then the Holy Family taught us to pray,
And we still do it to this day.

Written by David Mulcahy (Room 10)

Alan Grundy Day

On Friday 22nd June our 6th Classes had a great treat with a visit from guitarist Alan Grundy. Alan is lecturer fromDIT and performed music for our sixth classes, from the Tudor Court to the tunes of Thin Lizzy. The boys were in awe of the performance.

Bravissimo Alan!

Answers to Riddles in May’s Newsletter

What gets wet the more you dry?
A towel.

What sort of ring is always square?

A boxing ring.

What kind of bow can’t be tied?
A rainbow.

What runs all around a pasture but never moves?
A fence.

I am tall when I’m young and short
when I’m old, what am I ?

A candle.

The following boys were deemed to have earned Merit Certificates in June.

2nd Class:

Bobby La For the consistently high standard in his work. For his great attitude and consideration
of others.
Dylan Doyle For super hard work always!
Conor Hughes For completing every task to a very high standard and for being so kind and fair
to others.

3rd Class:
Peter Smyth For constantly progressing through the month of June.
Aidan Carolan For his extraordinary work through the year, in both his school work and homework,
his sense of humour and his great storytelling abilities.

Alan O’Brien For wonderful attitude, dedication and commitment to all subjects in school.
Very high standards of work and great last month in 3rd class.
Rowan O’Connor For listening attentively in class. Trying his best in every subject and for being kind
and friendly to everyone he meets. An absolute Bosco’s Gentleman.

4th Class:

Aleem Aamir For being an enthusiastic student, always willing to help his classmates and being
a true Bosco’s Gentleman!
Saul Dixon For showing incredible maturity in his overall effort in class. A true Bosco’s Gentleman!
Finn Cummins For the great work that he has put into all his subjects this year and for always
being so polite to everyone he meets.

5th Class:

Seán O’Shaughnessy For his excellent work ethic, being focused in class and always being kind to others.
Kai Crosbie For working consistently well from September to June and behaving himself
to an exceptional standard at all times.
Cian Hynes For his exceptional maturity level amongst his peers. He applies himself so diligently
to his work. Cian is ready for 6th Class.

6th Class:

Zafir Ouedraogo For his huge commitment to furthering his education throughout the year
and his excellent behaviour and manners at all times.
Adam Lohan For striving to improve himself and his knowledge.
A shining example of friendship and compassion. Adam wants everyone
to be happy and goes out of his way to help others.
Beinéan Dempsey For working well with others and making a big effort in Gaeilge.

Well done to all the boys!

Parents’ Committee News

Summer Raffle
A big thank you to the boys, their parents, families and friendswho helped make the Summer Raffle such a great success again this year. Also, many thanks to everyone who donated prizes and bought tickets and to the boys themselves who worked very hard at selling them.
We raised a grand total of €4,321 which will help to pay for all the classroom essentials and extras for our boys that are funded by the Parents’ Committee. We hope all of the winning ticket holdersget great enjoyment out of their prizes! Prize winners are listed overleaf.

A big thanks to the following who donated prizes to our Summer Raffle.

  • John Mc Hale Builders for the Ipad.
  • Mark Donovan and Associates for sponsoring our Xbox.
  • Bobby Sinnott for our Ireland v USA tickets.
  • Aura de Paul for their gift cards.
  • Grants for their gift vouchers.
  • Alan Clarke for our Dublin bus vouchers.
  • Easons (Brona Miller) for all their books.
  • Aideen Duffy (AIG) for their Dublin jersey.
  • Plunketts for their jerseys.
  • Ger Cullen for her Lego cake.
  • Captain Americas for food vouchers.
  • Blanchardstown for vouchers.
  • Marks and Spencer for their vouchers.
  • Blush Beauty Rooms for their vouchers.
  • REBA for their vouchers.
  • Maples Pharmacy for their beauty set.
  • O’Briens for their wine.
  • Halfway House for their two carvery dinners.
  • Leisureplex Blanchardstown for their teddy and voucher.
  • Meaghers Pharmacy Kinvara for their big Beauty Set.
  • Beauty Rooms (Deirdre Livesey) for their voucher, hamper and puzzles.

Also a big thanks you to anyone else who gave spot prizes to our raffle.
It is our biggest fundraiser of the year and all monies raised goes back on the school
to buy IT equipment etc.

Our 6th class boys had their Graduation Mass followed by a celebration in the hall organised by the Parents' Committee. It was a lovely event- a big thank you to all of those who did all the preparatory work, baked, made sandwiches, decorated the hall and served tea/coffee - it was a lot of effort but it was greatly appreciated as the boys had a great send off.

Thank You

Thank you so much to all of the parents who have helped out at the various events throughout the year. The Parents' Committee cannot work without volunteers and everything we do is in the interest of our boys. We hope all boys and parents have benefited from the work carried out by the committee this year and we look forward to continuing our role in supporting the school next year.

Have a great summer.

Results of Summer Raffle 2018


1st / (Ipad Mini)Paddy Nolan / Luke Nolan
2nd / Xbox (Trish Kelly) / Jack Mc Grath
3rd / Ireland Jersey and Tickets to Match (Val Saunder) / Jake Saunders
4th / Swimming Lessons & Hair & Beauty Voucher (Yvonne Platt) / Vincent Platt
5th / €50 Grants Voucher (Brody O’Connor) / Brody O’Connor
6th / Basketball Set (Aliza T) / Josiah L’Osunde
7th / Lego Cake (Anita Merton) / Luke Merton
8th / Book Hamper (Olivia Stephens) / Jack Stephens
9th / Toy Hamper (Aleem Aamir) / Aleem Aamir
10th / €50 Grants Voucher (Derek Farrell) / Ethan Smyth
11th / Jam Bluetooth Speaker (Ryan Grace) / Ryan Grace
12th / Dublin Jersey (Anthony Hutchinson) / Seán Byrne
13th / Dublin Bus Tour Glendalough Powerscourt (Vlad Eva) / Vlad Eva
14th / Portable Retro Radio (Zosva Steroste) / Kuba Piatek
15th / Ireland Jersey (Frances Garvey) / Luke Nolan
16th / Bus Tour – Hop on Hop off (David Drew) / David Drew
17th / Bus Tour – Malahide and Howth (Orlaith O’Dea) / Fionn O’Lone
18th / Ireland Jersey (Louise Raftery) / Conor Raftery
19th / Ireland Jersey (Robert Mc Carthy) / Bobby Mc Carthy
20th / Dads and Lads Haircut, Rugby Ball & Wine (Allan Penserga) / Miguel Penserga
21st / Book Hamper (Jamie Byrne) / Séan Byrne
22nd / Dads & Lads Haircut & Rugby Ball (Kenny Connolly) / Kenny Connolly
23rd / Beauty Hamper (Claire Dillon) / Seán Dillon
24th / Blush Beauty Facial and Game (Ben Nolan) / Max Nolan
25th / Halfway House Carvery, Sliotar & Scarf (Emily Carolan) / Aidan Carolan
26th / Plunketts Jersey & Sliotar (Lena Lambert) / Craig Lambert
27th / Plunketts Jersey & Sliotar (Natalie Donegan) / Alex Maguire
28th / Marks and Spencer €25 Voucher (Geraldine O’Brien) / Richie Denton
29th / Beauty Voucher (Conor Corbett) / Conor Corbett
30th / Blanchardstown €20 Voucher (Freya Caffrey) / Cameron Moran
31st / Marks & Spencer €25 Voucher (James Hennessy) / Lucas Hennessy
32nd / Blanchardstown €20 Voucher (Barbara Mc Donagh) / Ryan Redican
33rd / Beauty Hamper & Capt America Voucher (Kate Komorowski) / Jakub Komorowski
34th / Odeon Cinema Voucher (Tom Fitzsimons / Finn Fitzsimons
35th / Odeon Cinema Voucher (Conor Barrett) / Jack Barrett
36th / Lego & Wine (Stephen Raftery) / Stephen Raftery
37th / Blender & Captain America Voucher (Aaron Gibson) / Aaron Gibson
38th / Hamper of Wine, scarf & books (Siddharth Agrawal) / Siddharth Agrawal
39th / Beauty Hamper (Colin Mc Carthy) / Conor Mc Carthy
40th / Beauty Set & Captain America Voucher (Joe Fitzpatrick) / James Fitzpatrick
41st / Cuddly Toy (Samantha Lynch) / Callum Lynch
42nd / Beauty Set & Game (Tonya O’Toole) / Séan O’Toole
43rd / Beauty Set (Therese Kilbride) / Daragh Kilbride