Saint Charles’ Primary
December 2014 Newsletter
1st December
Dear Parent / Guardian,Welcome to the Saint Charles’ Primary Monthly Newsletter.
Preparing our hearts and minds for Christmas will be a priority for us this month.
November Update
- Our November Parents Evening was well attended. All parents should have received an Interim Report for their child even if they were unable to attend.
- Primary 3 parents will be given an opportunity to meet with their teacher this month. A letter with an appointment slip will be sent home this week.
- Ourtwo Dance Groups took part in a special event at Cleveden Secondary School on Thursday 27th November. They may not have reached the finals but they danced very well and we are all proud of them!
- All classes took part in topic work related to Scotland and Primary 6/5 led a very special assembly on Scotland for the whole school and their parents. Well done!
Talented Children
- Ryan Sim and Kyle Bryson demonstrated their football skills and were chosen for Glasgow Schools. Congratulations!
- Congratulations also to Aiden Spence and Liam Gallagher (both P.6/5) who won the recent Book Fair poster competition.
ADVENT – Preparing for Christmas
During Advent, the children will be preparing for Christmas which is a very special time in the Church’s calendar. We will attend Mass on Friday 5th at 10.00am. As part of their preparation, the children in the Infant Department will take part in a Nativity Play and the children in the Upper School will take part in a Christmas Show so that they can help spread the message of Christmas. We will also attend Mass on Friday 19th at 10.00am.which is the last day of term.
Nativity Play
Tuesday 9th December at 1.30pm – P.1-3 Nativity Play
Wednesday 10th December at 1.30pm – P.1-3 Nativity Play
The annual Infant Christmas Fayre will take place after each Nativity Play performance. The play will start at 1.30pm followed by the Infant Christmas Fayre at 2.00 pm. Children will have been busy making goods to sell. Some items are personalised so if you cannot come to the Fayre, speak to your child’s teacher and these items can be kept aside for you.
Christmas Show
Tuesday 16th December at 1.30pm – P.4-7 “Christmas Show”
Wednesday 17th December at 1.30pm – P.4-7 “Christmas Show”
- Thursday 18th – Christmas class parties
- Friday 19th – Last day of term –Mass at 10.00am. School closes at 2.30pm
Global Citizenship
Glasgow It is important that children are aware of the history of Glasgow and are proud to be Glaswegian.
Scotland Children should have an awareness of Scotland and its place in the world. In recent weeks all classes have been learning more about Scotland and Saint Margaret Queen of Scotland and Saint Andrew our patron saint. Our knowledge and understanding of ourselves and the country we live in helps all of us to be more responsible global citizens.
Europe We embarked on an eTwinning project for the first time last session. Senior childrencommunicated and shared work with children fromItaly. Each year Primary 6 pupils study information about Europe as part of Glasgow City Council’s annual Euro Quiz.
The Commonwealth For the 2014 Commonwealth Games we were linked to Samoa and learned some interesting facts about the people and customs in that part of the world. This term, Primary 5/4 children completed work with a sports coach. Together, they explored the culture of some Commonwealth countries as well as experiencing some of the associated sports. The children were awarded certificates for their participation.
Some of our children visit family in India and Pakistan. This is a great opportunity to learn about Asia from them. For the month of November we had Mandarin (China) as our Language of the Month and during December we will look at Urdu (Pakistan).
Africa Saint Charles’ continues to be linked to Malawi in Africa. The Head Teacher is involved in the Malawi Leaders of Learning Project. She has taught in a range of schools in Blantyre in 2012 and again in 2014. In particular the children of Saint Charles’ are linked to Namwiyo Primary. The Head Teacher, Mrs. Chiromo, and the Depute Head Teacher,Mr. Kadakumanja, have both visited Glasgow in recent years and spent time in Saint Charles’. Both schools communicate through letters, cards and emails.
Health News
- The flu immunisation programme was successfully carried out in school by the school nurse and her team.
- Some children have now joined Sapphire Gymnastics Club after enjoying class visits.
- No fizzy drinks, chewing gum or lollipops in school, please.
- Encourage your child to bring a filled bottle of water to school every day.
Road Safety / Car Parking
- During these dark mornings please ensure that the children are visible, e.g. with fluorescents strips on their bags/jackets.
- Please be careful when parking your car at the start and the end of the school day. Everyone should try to avoid parking in front of driveways and on the yellow zigzag lines.
The safety of our children should be foremost in everyone’s thoughts.
Eco News
- Our last “Rag Bag” collection weighed 120kg which raised £48 for school funds. Thank you to all who contributed.
- To support the work of Oxfam, all kinds of used stamps are now being collected in school.
Stamps can be cut from envelopes leaving a border of approximately 3mm around the stamp. The money raised helps Oxfam to help communities in need to access clean water and basic healthcare.
- Recently, we were pleased to be able to recycle 786 used batteries. All sizes of batteries continue to be recycled in school. A collection box is placed in the foyer for easy use. Please care for our environment and recycle used batteries.
- Mobile phones and unused spectacles can also be recycled in school.
- We are starting to see improvements in our school ground thanks to the efforts of our monthly gardening groups who work with Mr. Breckenridge.
Enterprise News
- Primary 7 organised the sale of Poppies within the school during November.
- The Respect Group organised a Shoebox Appeal.We are grateful to the families who kindly made contributions. 18 boxes are now on their way to help children enjoy the spirit of Christmas.
Internet Use
Please remind the children to be safe online. During Advent why not visit a new website, e.g. find out what Pope Francis is saying on his website or through Twitter. You could also visit the following -
Parental Involvement
I would like to say thank you to our Parent Council for organising a Christmas Choir Event at Queen Margaret Drive on Sunday 30th November, another at St. Enoch Centre on Sunday 7th December and a Christmas Fayre which is planned for Sunday 14th December after 12 o’clock in Saint Charles’ Oratory.
Thank you also to the Parent Council sub-committee who are planning a Christmas disco for Friday 12th December to be held in the Maryhill Community Halls (6.30pm -8.30pm).
This small group of parents work very hard throughout the year for the good of the school and I would ask you to support the events that they organise. I would also like to thank all parents who help Saint Charles’ Primary in so many different ways.
Parent Council
This month’s Parent Council meeting takes place on Wednesday 10th December at 6.30pm.
New Intake for 2015 – Registration for children starting school (12th – 16th January)
Enrolment for children starting school in August 2015 took place in November but there will be another opportunity between Monday 12th and Friday 16th January 2015. Parents should bring proof of address, Birth Certificate and Baptismal Certificate (if appropriate). They also need to have contact details for their G.P. and an emergency contact.
School Improvements
- Our computer network is being upgraded this week.
- We still await news of a new roof and new windows as part of the improvement project by Glasgow Education Services.
Saint Charles’ Standards & Quality Report 2013/2014.
Each year a Standard & Quality Report is produced. During 2013/2014 there were improvements in a number of areas. The full document is available on request. Meanwhile, here are some bullet points for your information –
- Staff across the Learning Community worked collaboratively to plan, assess and moderate work related to the Commonwealth Games and specific pieces of written work.
- All teaching and support staff within the school gained knowledge about phonological awareness and became familiar with the Dyslexia Toolkit. Cursive handwriting was also introduced to help children improve the presentation of their work.
- The 8 wellbeing indicators of GIRFEC were discussed fully and staff awareness was raised with a view to improving outcomes for children.
- Global Citizenship / International Education isan area of the curriculum which continues to improve. The International Day of the African Child was celebrated throughout the school.
- During 2013/2014 we were also involved in working with Education Scotland and the British Council to pilot a project developing innovation in teaching and learning through eTwinning. We received an International Award in September, 2014.
- Attainment in Mathematics & Numeracy, English & Literacy and Health & Wellbeing has remained at a high standard across the school.Children’s art work was displayed in the community and at an art exhibition in Bath Street. Our football team, squash team and dance group all achieved success.
- Parents are supportive of the school and appreciate the range of ways they can share their views with staff. Theyare involved in evaluating the work of the school. Annual questionnaires are analysed and discussions at the Parent Council meetings ensure that continuous improvement is on the agenda. Children are given a voice in a variety of settings. They take seriously their involvement in the many pupil committees and groups. They know that their ideas are seriously considered.
- Improvements to the curriculum, our staged intervention model, our programme of classroom visits and use of learning conversations demonstrate a clear commitment to improved learning and teaching.
- Reflecting on and evaluating our work is now well established in Saint Charles’. We ensure that planning and managing change is everyone’s concern. As a result of the ethos of shared responsibility and the support from managers where necessary, children benefit from improved experiences and raised attainment.
Some Events for children in December
Our Advent Wreath and Christmas tree will be set up in the foyer this week.
Before the end of term Primary 4-7 will, hopefully, have the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation from Father Allan in preparation for Christmas.
- 1st – A group of children will take part in the Queen’s Cross Housing Christmas Carol Event at the Macintosh Church at 4.00pm.
- 3rd – Primary 6/5 will be singing carols in Saint Enoch’s Centre.
- 5th – We will all attend Mass at 10.00am. (not 11.00am as in the past).
- 8th – Infant Nativity Play Dress Rehearsal – upper school attending.
- 9th – Infant Nativity Play – parents and grandparents of Infant children welcome.
- 10th – Infant Nativity Play – parents and grandparents of Infant children welcome.
- 11th – Christmas Lunch! The cost is £1.50.
- 11th – The upper school will attend a Pantomime at the King’s Theatre.
- 12th – Parents have organised a Christmas Disco (6.30pm-8.30pm).
- 15th – Christmas Show Dress Rehearsal – infant classes attending.
- 16th – Christmas Show - parents, grandparents of P.4-7 children welcome.
- 17th – Christmas Show - parents, grandparents of P.4-7 children welcome.
- 17th – The Infants will attend a Pantomime at the Arches Theatre.
- 18th – Our Advent Carol Service will take place in the morning.
- 18th – Christmas Parties will take place in the afternoon.
- 19th – Mass will take place at 10.00am in the morning.
- 19th – School closes at 2.30pm.
Please note that for 18th December – party day – children are allowed to wear casual clothes. However for Mass on the 19th I would suggest that children come to school in uniform if possible.
Please Note
School closes for the holidaysFriday 19thDecember at 2.30 pm
School reopens after the holidaysMonday 5th January 2014 at 9.00 am
Mrs. Breckenridge and all atSaint Charles’ Primary wish you