Board of CommissionersDecember 2, 2013Page | 1


December 2, 2013 – 7:30 p.m.

The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Colebrookdale Township was held on the above date at the Township Building. President Todd Gamler called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM with all present joining in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

The following Commissioners were present: Todd Gamler (President), William Spade (Vice President), Barry Baus, and Dan Ritter. Commissioner Linwood Bartman was not in attendance. Also present were Township Manager Cindy Conrad, Solicitor Jeffrey Karver, CEO/Zoning Officer Allen Stauffer and Chief David Viola.


No public participation was signed in for this meeting.


The November 18, 2013 Board of Commissioners Meeting minutes were presented to the Board for their review and approval. On amotion by Commissioner Spade, seconded by Commissioner Baus, the November 18, 2013 Board of Commissioners meeting minutes were approved. Motion carried.


President Gamler reported that the following items were presented to the Board of Commissioners for their review.

Customer Balance Summary $17,373.02

Deposit Detail Report – 11/19/13 to 11/29/13

President Gamler reported the totals of the payment of the bills for approval:

General Fund Expenses 11/19/13 thru 12/2/13 $27,053.91

Payroll Fund Expenses 11/22/2013 36,752.90

Recycling Fund Expenses 11/19/13 thru 12/2/13 1,950.02

Street Light Fund 12/2/2013 1,188.37

Health Reimbursement Fund Expenses 11/19/13 thru 12/2/13 727.43

(Highmark Blue Shield Payments – HRA) 937.56

Police Projects Fund 11/19/13 thru 12/2/13 4,200.00

On a motion by Commissioner Ritter and seconded by Commissioner Spade approval to pay the bills was completed. Motion carried.

President Gamler noted the submission of the Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual Statement for the General Fund.


Chief Viola presented the Police Report for the month of November:


Total Criminal Arrests: 0Total Criminal Arrests: 9

Total Vehicle Arrests: 11Total Vehicle Arrests: 61

Total Written Warnings: 3Total Written Warnings: 22

Total Accidents: 0Total Accidents: 15

Total calls for the Month (Becht): 115Total Calls for the Month (Colebr): 547

Total vehicle mileage for the month of November: 4,981

Chief Viola also notified the board that the work being done to update the processing

Room is complete.

The Police Report for the Vehicle Accident involving the Township Police Vehicle and Corporal Babb is available for the Board to review if they are interested in reviewing the report.

The Township Manager reported that a Township resident was at the office regarding parking on North Ironstone Drive near the entrance to the Brookview Development. The Township Manager had her speak with a police officer since she stated that cars were parked on the roadway and it was a dangerous situation. The Police Officer asked if the Board would like to have no parking on that stretch of roadway. The cars appear to be parked on the shoulder of the roadway. The Board of Commissioners discussed the issue and since the road crew is not experiencing any problems with snow removal, the Board is not going to change the street ordinance to include a no parking section on this roadway at this time.


Nothing submitted at this time however,Township Manager Conrad informed the Board that she has been in contact with the Finance Department of Ford to inform them that the Township has a Co-Stars Account and forwarded the previous information for the Ford Vehicle the Township purchased in August. Also, the Township Manager will prepare a check for $75,000 to be placed in the Capital Reserve Fund for the expense for the F450 the Roadmaster is going to purchase.


Allen Stauffer informed the Board that there were no permits for the Board to review.

CEO Stauffer has tried to contact Mr. Presson in regards to the packing house located at 421 W. Philadelphia Avenue. Solicitor Karver also send a letter to the property owner, but, has heard no response from him. The letter was regarding the taxes owed on the property reported by Joan Herb, tax collector, at the last meeting.

President Gamler requested that CEO Stauffercheck the roadway on County Line Road.The construction entrance and County Line Road had dirt on them. CEO Stauffer stated that we did not receive any calls, but he will check the roadway and construction site tomorrow and remind them that no mud is to be on the roadway.


There was nothing to report at this time.


There was nothing to report at this time.


The Township Solicitor informed the Board of Commissioners that he is working on the Quit Claim Deed for the property at Landis Lane. He will also prepare an easement agreement for Mr. Bergan to allow the Township to have the same access to the pipe as currently exists.


Update on the Boyertown Area Senior High School from the Planning Commission Meeting. There was a short discussion in regards to the proposed additions and renovations for the Boyertown Area Senior High School.The main discussion was traffic flow if Monroe Street is extended to Montgomery Avenue. The proposed extension of the street will be gated and be a two way street with will allow student traffic separated from where bus traffic will be for safety purposes. There will be 39 buses with a majority going out to Monroe and Philadelphia Ave and only about 10-15 buses will be exiting through the new back roadway that will be added. A notation was made by Solicitor Karver that a flood plain revision will have to be done prior to the parking project completion. There was mention that Monroe Street is a paper street in the extended portion. CEO Stauffer will check the Township records to see if Monroe Street was a paper street.


Commissioner Baus questioned if anyone attends the BAF&R Directors meeting. Commissioner Ritter is the Township representative who attends the meetings. Commissioner Ritter updated the Board on the BAF&R Directors meetings.


The Township received a letter from The Boyertown Lions requesting fire police assistance to put up

Christmas lights and seasonal banners on November 24 at 7:00am. On a by Commissioner Ritter, seconded by Commissioner Spade, the Fire Police assistance for November 24, 2013 is approved. There was no public comment. Motion carried.

A Proposal from Longacre’s to complete lighting installation at the Township Building was received.This would be for the additional outside lighting. Commissioner Spade stated that our men can do the trenching and he will contact Longacre Electric to revise their proposal.

AProposal from Longacre’s for electrical preparation for the Township Building renovation was received.Commissioner Spade would like to review this proposal prior to approval by the Board. This was tabled with no action taken.

The Township proposed Ordinance #2-2013 has been advertised and is ready for the Board to grant approval. Ordinance 2-2013 is for the 2014 Meeting dates. On a motion by Commissioner Baus, seconded by Commissioner Ritter, Ordinance 2-2013 for establishing the 2014 Meeting dates is approved as presented. There was no public comment. Motion carried.

A letter dated November 19, 2013 was received from the PA Dept. of Environmental Protection for the Act 101 Recycling Grant.The amount of the Performance Grant the Township will receive is $18,571.00 for the calendar year of 2011. The check is expected to be received in the next six to eight weeks.

The Township received an e-mail from PA DEP advising that the Act 537 Special Study for BMMA is approved. A copy of the letter was provided to the Board for their review.

The Township received an email from Cindi Bartholomew of the Boyertown School District in regards to the 2014 Census Enumerator position. The Township Manager contacted Denise Hartman to see if she is will to be the Township Census Enumerator for 2014. Denise Hartman confirmed by e-mail that she is willing to continue to be the Township Census Enumerator for 2014. The School District would like confirmation by December 13, 2014.On a motion by Commissioner Spade, seconded by Commissioner Ritter, Denise Hartman is appointed as 2014 the Census Enumerator for 2014. There was no public comment. Motion carried. This will be listed in the Reorganization Meeting Agenda for January 6, 2014.

The Township Manager completed the second reading of the 2014 Colebrookdale Township Budget. The budget is advertised and will be presented for approval at the December 16, 2013 Board of Commissioners meeting.


The following items were received for the Board of Commissioners review.

The MS4 Steering Committee October 17, 2013 Meeting Minutes were submitted for review.

Ane-mail from Jeff Bealer in regards to decreased funds from Douglass Township for BAF&R, the decrease was less than was requested by BAF&R. BAF&R will not ask the other municipalities to make up the difference. Also received from Jeff Bealer was the BAF&R Board of Directors Meeting Minutes from Thursday November 21, 2013.

The Township received the Berks-Montgomery Municipal Authority October 28, 2013 Meeting Minutes.

The Board of Commissioners also received a draft of theColebrookdale Township Planning Commission November 21, 2013 Meeting Minutes.


There was no old business submitted at this time.


The Township did not receive any subdivision submissions for review.


The Township received a certified letter from Haines & Kibblehouse Inc. informing the township of their renewal application to the PA Dept. of Environmental Protection Bureau of Air Quality for Bechtelsville Asphalt.


The following communications were presented to the Board of Commissioners for their review.

The Township received the December newsletter from Boyertown Multi Service.

The Township received a Berks Conservancy letter requesting a donation and included is an invitation to their annual fundraising dinner.

The Township received aletter from Comcast in regards to price changes for cable service.


There was no public comment at this time.


There being no other business to come before the Board, on a motion by Commissioner Spade, seconded by Commissioner Bausthe meeting of the Board of Commissioners is adjourned. There was no other public comment. Motion carried.

The next meeting of the Board of Commissioners will be held on December 16, 2014 beginning at 7:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Daniann Rohrpasser, Asst. Township Secretary