Saint Boniface Minor Hockey Association
Meeting Minutes
August 27, 2013
Jason Thor
Tracey Desloges
David Asselstine
Jeff Peterson
Todd Thornton
Rob Lafreniere
Gerry Gauvin
Kathy O’Flaherty
Dana LaFreniere
Roy Scarlett
Brent Wagner
Mike Dennehy
Mike Espenell
Joyce Webinger
Craig Brennan
Dean Matthews
Jeff Dodgson
Kevin McNeill
Linda Borger
Ken Bauknecht
Richard De La Ronde
Luc Dube
Jarred Buffie
Jeremie Gauvin
Dave Bilyk
Gilles Durupt
Hal Turner
Larry Woo
The meeting was called to order at 8:35pm by Jason Thor
MOTION: Accept the minutes of the meeting held August 13, by Luc Dube.
President’s report
Hockey Winnipeg is promoting Hockey university and will subsidize people to take the courses.
Hockey Winnipeg offices are moving to Waverly.
VP Report
22 coaching applications have been received.
Jeff reported looking into the logistics of doing background checks. 7/10 other area associations already do these checks on coaches. Hockey MB also has a link for area associations <>.
The child abuse registry check is free but it does not have sophisticated search criteria and we’ll probably get a lot of flags.
MOTION: Dana L motioned that all rostered officials are sent through the child abuse registry.
SECOND: Richard
Registrar Report
Less than 50% of kids that played last year have registered. Eight new players have moved into the area. A reminder email regarding registration needs to be sent out, suggested Sept 4th (after the long weekend)
Webadmin Report
Ken wanted confirmation that minutes are to be posted once adopted by the board at the subsequent meeting.
Evaluation Sub –Committee
Roy was wondering whether coaches should compare the evaluation results with WinnPro prior to the last skate. Jarred thought coach interference would create a bias. Jeff D agreed. Jarred suggested that we should track how often the evaluation process breaks down (produces unexpected results)
MOTION: Tracey made a motion for the A chair(s) to take notes of discrepancies at the team formation meetings and report back to the board
MOTION: Jeff D motioned to adopt the two resolutions of the evaluation subcommittee report subject to a change in the following paragraph that would remove the wording “and to take whatever further steps that might be possible”
RESOLUTION:That the Player Evaluation Sub-Committee be authorized to work with WinnPro to enhance their evaluation process to reduce the risk of inadvertent clerical errors, to develop a variance analysis to identify outliers or other possible errors as an oversight tool, and to take whatever further steps that might be possible to enhance the Board’s confidence in a sound and defendable player evaluation process.
PASSED (1 opposed)
A draft Code of conduct for coaches was distributed for discussion.
St. Boniface Minor Hockey Association (“SBMHA”) is committed to the development of all its players, regardless of gender, age, ethnic background, race, or skill level, through the offering of a meaningful minor hockey program that promotes fair play, fun and respect in a cooperative, positive and competitive atmosphere.
Hockey is a very important part of our Canadian culture. Accordingly, the administration of minor hockey will have a significant impact on the lives of the many participants. It is therefore critical that the various participants of SBMHA conduct themselves in accordance with the principles of honesty, integrity, independence, fairness, openness and competence.
This code of conduct (“code”) is binding on the Board, coaches and assistant coaches in respect to their participation in the SBMHA minor hockey program.
Board members shall:
1. Act in good faith and in the best interests of the SBMHA
2. Act with prudence, skill, competence, reasonable care and diligence
3. Deal fairly, objectively and impartially by, among other actions, avoiding
conflicts of interest
4. Adhere to the policies and procedures of SBMHA, Hockey Winnipeg, Hockey
Manitoba and Hockey Canada and abide by the intent and spirit of any other
applicable rules, laws, regulations or policies
5. Refrain from comments or behaviors which could be viewed as disrespectful,
offensive, abusive, racist or sexist
6. Respect the views of other participants of SBMHA
7. Never do or say anything that could reasonably impair or damage the reputation
8. Distribute, publicize, promote and enforce this Code of Conduct
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Revised July 23, 2013
Coaches and assistant coaches shall:
1. Adhere to the ideals, policies and rules of SBMHA, Hockey Winnipeg, Hockey Manitoba and Hockey Canada and abide by the intent and spirit of any other applicable rules, laws, regulations or policies
2. Complete the required coaching levels as mandated by SBMHA, Hockey Winnipeg, Hockey Manitoba and Hockey Canada
3. Follow the principles as prescribed by the Respect in Sport online certification program
4. Act in good faith and deal fairly, objectively and impartially by, among other actions, avoiding conflicts of interest
5. Exercise the authority to select players in a fair and objective manner and base those selections on the abilities of the players, the best interest of player development, and the best interest of the team as a whole. For greater certainty, coaches shall refrain from selecting players based on non-player related factors such as, but not limited to, the desire to have friends, neighbors, or assistant coaches on the same team.
6. Never do or say anything that could reasonably impair or damage the reputation of SBMHA
7. Refrain from comments or behaviors which could be viewed as disrespectful, offensive, abusive, racist or sexist
8. At all times respect the dignity of players, parents and guardians, referees and other officials
9. Develop age appropriate disciplines and refrain from any disciplinary act that could make a player feel less worthy as a person
10. Abstain from and refuse to tolerate in others all forms of harassment, including but not limited to, sexual harassment
11. Keep confidential any information learned about a player or others that is gained through coaching activities and which might be considered as confidential by those persons.
Failure to comply with this Code may result in disciplinary action including, but not limited to, the loss of the privileges that come with being a participant in SBMHA, including the opportunity to participate in SBMHA activities and events, both present and future.
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Revised July 23, 2013
MOTION: Jeff P motioned to adopt the code of conduct subject to removal of the last paragraph under Coaches and assistance coaches, point #5.
For greater certainty, coaches shall refrain from selecting players based on non-player related factors such as, but not limited to, the desire to have friends, neighbors, or assistant coaches on the same team.
AA Director
Sept.3rd is in-person registration. Try outs start Sept. 7th. Coaches are as follows:
MP – Matt Lorenz
PW – Mike Bettens
MB – Alan Girard
B – Corey Waver
MM – Barry Fitzsimmons
M – John Buffie
Try out ice is all online.
New Business
Agenda Item #1
Team Formation
Mike E brought forward a concern over creation if unequal teams if the players of coaches are not selected where they appear in the rankings.
MOTION: Rob L made a motion to adopt Mikes proposal such that all coach kids, will be selected based on the independent evaluator rankings.
DEFEATED (4 for, 9 against)
MOTION: Richard proposed to amend the motion to consider this selection approach only under a three-team scenario.
MOTION: Linda put forward a motion that in a two team scenario and the coaches player is ranked 1st, he forfeits the 1st choice of goalie.
After discussion, Linda withdrew the motion.
Linda brought forward a concern that at 12A1, coaches could not select a rounded team as there was little flexibility beyond what the independent evaluators provide to the coach.
MOTION: Linda motioned that the board change the independent ranking for the age group from the top 70% to the top 50%
MOTION: Rob motioned that at any age if there is only one team per skill level, the evaluators will only pick 50% of the team
Next Meeting Date to be scheduled Sept 11th at Winakwa, 7:30pm.
MOTION: Roy motioned to adjourn
Meeting was adjourned at 10:10pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Tracey Desloges – Secretary