Saint Bede Catholic ChurchMarch 26th, 2015

Pastoral Council Meeting

Conference Room

Present: Monsignor Keeney, Michelle Tomshack, Jeff Lancour, Kristy Plourde, Bill Minich, Henry Chico, Pat Toney

Absent: Earl Anderson, Evan Brankin, Heather Clemens, Todd Ellis, Brittney Kinstetter, Bill Westerman

Opening Prayer: Jeff Lancour

Minutes: Kristy Plourde motioned that the minutes be approved and Pat Toney seconded the motion. The minutes were unanimously approved.

Presentation: National Leadership Roundtable

  1. Jeff Lancour presented a power point presentation overviewing the combined retreat led by Peter Denio. The participants included members of Saint Bede Staff, Pastoral Council, and Finance Council. Some key points included-
  1. Building a cohesive leadership team
  2. Creating clarity
  3. Over communicating Clarity
  4. Reinforcing Clarity
  1. Jeff stated that the Pastoral Council’s role is that of a “discernment body” and a community of disciples called together to work in close consultation with the Pastor, Staff, and Finance Council. Jeff asked the Council members to discern and pray about the “vision” of the Council. In addition, the following best practices were given for Staff, Finance, and Pastoral Council to use-
  1. Pray regularly
  2. Designated formation
  3. Planning day with Pastoral Staff
  4. Meet at least 4 times a year
  5. Complete conflict of interest statement annually
  1. Peter Denio suggested focusing on one thing, a “rallying cry”, which would be the single most overriding theme and goal for a particular time period.
  • For more details please see “Parish Leadership Roles and Planning” power point sent via email by Jeff Lancour.

Old Business:

  1. Outreach Expansion and CCM Chapel/Parish Center renovations: Monsignor stated that discussions are being held concerning Outreach expansion and CCM Chapel/Parish Center renovations. In lieu of the capital campaign and renovations that have already taken place, the operational budget has been tapped out at this time. The following are points that Monsignor covered-

CCM Chapel/Parish Center

  1. Architect John Hopke has worked up a plan for renovating Parish Center space including bathrooms and painting.
  2. Plan is to approach parishioners who worship downtown and ask for financial support to assist with the renovations.


1. Outreach is looking for additional space and may seek a donor for funding.

2.Discussions are taking place with the diocese.

3.Outreach is looking into forming a 501-3 Consortium (Co-operative)

4.Naming ideas include House of Mercy, Mercy House, and Mercy Center.

  1. Big Event: Michelle Tomshack reported that Matt Maher has sent a contract and it is being looked over. The biggest concern is the staging area. The date will be in October and the hope is to sell 1,000 tickets in the $18.00 to $20.00 price range.
  1. Living our Mission Update: Saint Bede is currently $400,000 over goal which includes 2.5 million in cash. Three million is needed in order to break ground. Monsignor projects that cash flow should be at 3 million by September.
  1. Sub-Committee update: Tabled until next meeting.
  1. PAX Care: Grant has been submitted. No further information to report at this time.

New Business

  1. Pastoral Council Elections: Bill Minich stated that a 1 month to 6 week timeline is needed to prepare for discernment weekend. The following are the steps that took place last year-
  1. Flyers in bulletin with nomination forms
  2. Monsignor spoke and nominations were turned in
  3. Discernment committee tallied nominations.
  4. Letters were sent to nominees so that they could RSVP about attending the discernment weekend.
  5. Discernment weekend.

New process would include an orientation. The Council discussed amending the by-laws to change the time frame when the discernment process takes place. Monsignor suggested that the nomination/discernment process be changed to September since the Council seemed in agreement with the idea. This would change the term to run from October- September. A vote will be taken at the next Council meeting on April 23rd.

  1. Ad Hoc meeting: Michelle Tomshack will communicate the date to Pastoral Council once it has been determined.

Open Discussion: None

Pastor’s Notes:Monsignor reported that the additions of the Divine Mercy and Our Lady of Guadalupe to the niches in the nave were moving forward.

Closing Prayer: Night Prayer

Next Meeting: April 23rd, 2015 in the Conference Room

Submitted by: Celeste Prezioso, April 1st, 2015