Reuben Johnson Elementary

Parent Teacher Association

Officer and Chairperson Handbook

Reuben Johnson Elementary (RJE)

3400 Ash Lane

McKinney, TX 75070

Principal: Suzy Woodard ()

Vice Principal: Jennifer Little ()

Phone: 496-742-6500Absentee Line: 469-742-6525Fax: 469-742-6501

Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

President: Celeste Hallstrom ()

Phone: 214-733-8121Fax: 214-733-8135

PTA Website:

Jag Dads Website:

Texas PTA Website:

National PTA Website:


To promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school, community and place of worship.

To raise the standards of home life

To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth.

To bring into closer relation the home and the school, that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of children and youth.

To develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for all children and youth the highest advantages in physical, mental, social, and spiritual education.


The mission of the PTA is three-fold:

To support and speak on behalf of children and youth in the schools, in the community and before governmental agencies and other organizations that make decisions affecting children

To assist parents in developing the skills they need to raise and protect their children

To encourage parent and public involvement in the public schools of this nation.
The following policies and procedures are in place to help organize the activities of the PTA effectively. Please use these as guidelines in planning your PTA work.


All officers and chairs must submit a complete Plan of Work (POW) (IRS Regulation.) Budget line items will not be proposed without the submission of a POW. This document is vital for Budget planning. Without approved POW’s, activities cannot take place nor funds be used.


Board Officers will need to meet with all committee chairs before the September Executive Board meeting. If there isn’t a chair, the Officer will Chair that committee until there is a volunteer. Make sure they all have a Procedure Book, if not put one together for them. There are several activities that start at the very beginning of school if not before so it is imperative that there is a committee chair in place, so the programs are organized properly. Officers will notify chairs in their “command” of upcoming board meetings to determine if any committee reports are pending. Chairs may also notify officers of current reports to be submitted. Chairs may either present the report in person (preferred, should questions arise), or have officers submit report. Officers and chairs of committees should attempt to get as many committee members involved as possible, not just rely on the same group all the time. It is vital to the PTA that the Officers & Chairs follow specific instructions concerning the handling of PTA money.


As a 501(C)(3) not-for-profit organization, there are certain guidelines all PTA’s must follow.

  • All activities planned and/or funds spent must adhere to the PTA objectives and have been board approved and appropriately budgeted. (see “Plan of Work”)
  • Any budget amendments proposed after initial Plan of Work submission and budget approval will need to be submitted on a Budget Amendment form. This should be given to President prior to an executive board meeting for inclusion on the agenda.
  • All income (membership dues, fund-raisers, etc) must be deposited the day it is received. Do not leave PTA money at the school or with school employees. The appropriate form and officer confirmation (count) and signature is required. Please do not keep funds for any period of time. Always have two (2) people, 1 must be an Officer, count money collected, and fill out form and sign.
  • All disbursements (expenses) must have appropriate form filled out completely with attached receipts. Sales tax you may have paid can NOT be reimbursed. A Texas Sales & Use Tax Exemption Certificate is enclosed. Reimbursements will be made at the monthly board meeting and on the 15th of the month. Please plan accordingly
  • No blank checks will be signed or issued. A specific invoice can be submitted with notation of to whom the check should be written.
  • Understand that a budget has limitations. An Officer CANNOT spend more than a budget allows unless the Board has approved a Budget Amendment. A person CANNOT be reimbursed for taxes paid. Always use a tax-exempt form.
  • A tax-exempt form may ONLY be used for PTA items. It is NOT to be used for personal use.
  • All contracts must be signed by the president.


Be sure to accurately record ALL hours spent in volunteer capacities – as PTA representatives or on own (in class, library, field trips, etc.) Be sure to adequately thank all participants in various activities. Verbal appreciation can be followed up with thank you notes available from the Volunteer Chair or President.


All volunteers (including board members) must submit a volunteer application form. This can be completed online at or through the RJE office. This form must be completed and approved prior to volunteer activities. Officers & Chairs need to ensure this is communicated to all volunteers.


  • Attendance: an officer who misses three consecutive meetings may be removed from office.
  • Executive meetings: June, August, September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April & May.
  • General Meetings: August, September, November, January, February, March, & May
  • An officer shall submit a monthly report to the President within two (2) days of executive board meeting if officer is unable to attend.
  • Executive board meetings required attendees & voting members include: 1st VP, 2nd VP, 3rd VP, 4th VP, 5th VP, 6th VP, 7th VP, Parliamentarian, Appropriations, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, Legislative Chair, Council Representative, Jag Dads Rep., Principal or Assistant Principal, Teacher Rep 1, Teacher Rep 2. There are 17 voting positions with the President as an alternate. A quorum consists of 9 voting executive board members.
  • Let President know if a Chairperson will be making a report themselves.
  • All items to be included on the agenda should be submitted to the President 48 hours before the executive board meetings.
  • Officers should contact their chairs before a meeting to see if any reports are pending.
  • Motions should be written out on Motion Form (state: “I move…”)
  • Discussion on motions will be limited to 2 minutes per person.


  • Newsletter articles must be submitted to the Sixth Vice-President by Wednesday (day subject to change per Sixth Vice-President).
  • All flyers & correspondence needs to be sent to President & Principal by Wednesday at noon for inclusion in the JagWire or Monday Folder. Flyers must be initialed by principal and president.
  • Jaguar articles must be submitted to the RJE Office Staff by noon on Wednesday to be included in the following Monday’s “JagWire.”
  • Website updates are given to 6th VP


Please make sure you use the PTA copy code when making copies. (use code 650001 for PTA only) If you would like a specific color besides white, please request this thru the President at least 1 week in advance of your copy date or you may purchase it from your budget and be reimbursed as usual.

PROCEDURE BOOK (all board members AND chairpeople)

Use the guidelines below to keep your procedure book current. Update frequently as events occur so it will be as accurate as possible.

Why it is important:

  • Is vital to the effectiveness of an on-going chairmanship
  • Is a record of a year’s plans and activities
  • Makes the task easier for those that follow you

How to compile a procedure book:

  • Use a loose-leaf folder or notebook
  • Separate sections with tabbed dividers
  • Include table of contents
  • In March, upon election of a new officer to your position, turn over any information that would help the incoming officer begin their planning as long as it doesn’t impact your remaining term. Provide them with a “temporary or training” notebook.

Suggested Table of contents:

  • Position/Program responsibility
  • Procedures for Executive Board & Chairs
  • List of Board members & phone #’s
  • Copy of New Budget (their budget highlighted)
  • Schedule of all General & Executive Meetings
  • Plan of Work form
  • Tax Exemption form
  • Deposit of Funds form
  • Reimbursement form
  • Budget Amendment form
  • Hospitality Request form
  • Publicity Request form
  • Event Evaluation form: To be completed at the conclusion of each activity by the officer or chairperson and placed in procedure books.
  • Materials from training or workshop specific to your position
  • National PTA Handbook
  • Local bylaws
  • Standing rules
  • Back program correspondence and files for at least two years so that each administration can look back on its predecessor’s work as needed. Check on legal requirements for other files. For example, minutes must be kept permanently and secretary and treasurer should keep financial records for seven years, respectively.
  • Agendas, minutes, and reports

PTA Executive Board Positions & Descriptions

President: coordinate the work of the officers and committees of the association in order that the Objects may be promoted; confirm that a quorum is present before conducting any business at any meeting of the association; preside at all meetings of the association; appoint the historian and parliamentarian, subject to approval of the newly elected officers; appoint chairmen of special committees subject to approval of executive board; be authorized to sign on bank accounts (two of three authorized signatures shall be required on all checks); call a meeting of the newly elected officers within thirty (30) days after the election meeting for the purpose of approving appointments of standing committee chairmen and such other business as becomes necessary; represent the local unit as a delegate to council (when local is in membership with council); send the council secretary the names of delegate(s) and alternate(s) no later than October 1. If changes are made after October 1, the president shall submit changes in writing prior to any regular meeting in order to be eligible to vote (when local is in membership with council); confirm that all officers are graduates of the current Texas PTA Leader Orientation or have completed the course by October 15 after the election; send the names and addresses of the officers to the Texas PTA office by May 1 each year; and be a member ex-officio of all committees except the nominating and audit committees.

First Vice-President: Family Programs Chairman shall oversee and coordinate: Family Fun Nights, Red Ribbon Week, Parent Education Program, Holiday Event, and Spring Roughriders Event.

Second Vice-President: Student Programs Chairman shall oversee and coordinate: Student Assemblies, Reflections Art Program, Character Education, After School programs, and student variety show.

Third Vice-President: Membership Chairman shall oversee and coordinate: Fall and Spring Membership drives, PTA directory, and PTA awards.

Fourth Vice-President: Fundraising Programs Chairman shall oversee and coordinate: Labels/Box Tops, Grocery Store Cards, Carnival, Restaurant Nights, & Walk-A-Thon

Fifth Vice-President: Volunteer Coordinator Chairman shall oversee and coordinate: Volunteer Breakfast, Office/Nurse Volunteers, Specials Volunteers, Room Coordinators, Copy Room Volunteers, & Library Volunteers

Sixth Vice-President: Publicity/Communications Chairman shall oversee and coordinate: Newsletter, Marquee, Bulletin Board, Reuben Johnson Elementary PTA Website, Advertising Events in Local Paper, and Yearbook.

Seventh Vice-President: Community Programs VP will oversee and coordinate: Community Service, Spirit Gear, School Supplies and environmental programs.

Legislative Officer: Legislative Committee, Legislative issues, Legislative process, pending legislative action, report the Texas or National PTA positions & Educate members on ways the PTA can participate to promote the best interest of children and youth.

Appropriations Officer: Collaborate with the Finance Committee to develop and propose yearly budget & Collaborate with the President and the Principal on areas of need for the school.

Hospitality Officer: Hospitality Committee, Refreshments for every General PTA Meeting, collaborating with Vice-Presidents, Teacher Appreciation Week, Teacher Take Out, Ice Cream Social/Kindergarten Roundup, Organizations Social Affairs, Special Needs for Board Members and Staff

Council Representative: Represent the Reuben Johnson Elementary PTA in meetings of the McKinney Independent School District (MISD) Council of PTAs, Present a report at the Executive Board meetings, Transact any necessary business regarding the MISD Council of PTAs & Vote on issues at the council meetings on behalf of the RJE PTA.

Historian: Prepare one history book for the year, it will remain the property of the PTA for display at the school, act as custodian of all records and materials pertinent to the history of the association, compile and keep a record of events and activities to be presented as the official history to the general body for adoption at the annual meeting.

Treasurer: Have custody of all the funds of the association, keep books of account and records including bank statements, receipts, budgets, invoices, paid receipts and canceled checks for five years, make disbursements in accordance with the budget adopted by the association, sign on bank accounts, present a financial report, both written and verbal, at every meeting of the unit and as requested by the executive board or the association, make a full report at the annual meeting, be responsible for the maintenance of such books of account and records as conform to the requirements of Article V, Section 6 of these bylaws, submit books to the audit committee as requested, present the books of the association for audit on or before June 15, immediately after the end of the fiscal year, assist the Budget Committee in preparing a proposed budget for next year, be available to consult with the Fundraising Committee, maintain strict adherence to IRS guidelines and comply with all applicable local, state, and federal laws, submitting all necessary paperwork required by deadline, perform other duties as assigned by the president or association.

Secretary: record the minutes of meetings, keep record of attendance at executive board meetings, be responsible for correspondence, have a current copy of the bylaws, maintain a membership list, keep copies of all contracts, present the prior meetings minute for approval, have a copy of the most current membership list at the executive board meetings and general membership meeting for reference of current list of PTA memberships, serve as the corresponding secretary of the association and compile a list of incoming officers and chairmen as soon as possible to be mailed to the state office and the district president and county council.

Parliamentarian: distribute award forms to committee chairmen and submission of these completed awards to Council, District, and State PTA, advise the presiding officer on questions of parliamentary procedure, vote only when the vote is by ballot, be assigned a seat near the presiding officer for convenient consultation, keeping a copy of Robert’s Rule of Order present, maintain a position of impartiality, be responsible for distribution of award forms to committee chairmen and for the submission of these completed awards to Council, District and State PTA & chair the Bylaws Review Committee and submit amendments, if necessary, to the association for adoption.

Jag Dads Representative: Act as chairman of the dads club and oversee all events involving the Jag Dads Club including: First Friday Lunches, Donuts with Dad, Family Movie Nights, and a School Improvement Project.

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