Safety & Risk Control Committee Minutes

July 20, 2016

8:30 a.m.

King Manor Conference Room

Present: Jill Knutson-Kaske, Carol Schultz,Carla Schneider, Peter Rosholt,Sarah Saucedo, Gregg Arseneau,David Somppi, and Warren Turman

Absent: Jeff Haus

NOTE: The meeting sign-in sheet will be attached to the official file copy of the minutes as required by HAI.


The meeting was called to order at 8:40 a.m., committee members were welcomed, and Carol introduced our guest, Julie Thatcher, Lost Prevention Specialist and our representative, with SFM, our new Workers Comp carrier. There is a new procedure for report of injury - Julie said they have a 1-800 hot line number to use to report when there is not a 9-1-1 medical situation (re: nurse triage) and that SFM wants a report for even minor stuff, like minor cuts, reported as an “incident only” and is not used again our record/rate unless this is a claim. This call automatically files the first report of injury. Julie will get us this special number and Carla said that supervisors would initiate the call. SFM will assign a reference number if we need to call back. Carla reminded all that if an injury happens on weekends and nights to someone on-call, then we would use the old system as no supervisors would be there.

Julie also said she thought we might like to know that the state has a $10,000 grant program that can help match certain safety capital projects. She will get us more information.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the previous meeting of May 18, 2016 were approvedwith the following correction: Page 1, remove Warren Turman as present and show him as absent, and add Jon Jazdzewski as present, sitting in for Warren Turman. Also change date of next meeting on page 3 to July 20, 2016.

Current Incident Report Discussion and Actions

Thecurrent incident report prepared by Carla was reviewed and the discussion included plans for remedy, preventative solutions, and anyneeded follow-up, on each item.

Applicable staff will insure any needed follow-through on the applicable current Incident Report items and the follow up notes will be reviewed at the next meeting. These follow-up notes will becompleted by Carol and attached to the official set of these minutes.

Free Lead Training Opportunity

Warren Turman said that the information and flyer he received on a Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting refresher training opportunity has a fee. Our maintenance staff took this training, but it was too long ago and so they could can take an initial training in this again and that carries no fee. There would be 23 spot available. The group providing the training want to offer one in our area if there are enough people interested. The committee decided that this training opportunity should be referred to the Property Managers. Carol thanked Warren for bringing this training to the committee’s attention.

Other Training Notes

Carol will be working with the training subcommittee to develop training needed yet this calendar year. Amber Haglund-Pagel is available to do Maintenance safety training, our new Worker’s Comp carrier SFM has some trainings, Chelsea Sparrow with Essentia is available for ergonomics trainings and evals, and Sgt. Bob Shene is available to do Violence Prevention in the Workplace training.Amber is also available to do our any new maintenance safety trainings for new hires.

With respect to future training on Violence Prevention in the Workplace, Carla said committee member Jeff Haus’ concern mentioned last meeting with regard to on-call and trespassed folks or those on “the list” was brought to light regarding an incident a while back at TT where one staff member felt threatened and one didn’t. The resident said they had an unwanted guest who was trespassed and wouldn’t leave. Carla has the written details on this and also explained the term “trespassed” as far as property management. She also said that Sarah and Gregg are finalizing an updated policy on this. Since Jeff was off work and not present at today’s safety committee meeting, Carla suggested this discussionbe put on the next committee meeting agenda in case Jeff has further ideas for items to have Sgt. Shene cover in his presentation – and so we could have him stress those things in his presentation. This was also discussed at a recent meeting of maintenance staff. Carol also mentioned that Laura Metcalf with the Duluth PD said they might be able to offer organizations like the HRA some Crisis Intervention Training once that was completed for their Crisis Intervention Team and partner organizations. This was brought up and suggested by Sgt. Shene at his last Violence Prevention in the Workplace training that he did last year. Carol thought that might be available this coming fall or winter. She will contact Laura for an update on the status of that potential.


Sarah asked Carla about having maintenance volunteers to do asbestos work. Volunteers were used in the past when before there were AMPS, by those staff who had asbestos certifications but those had lapsed because the scopes of work got larger. Carla said Management wants a policy change to read that maintenance staff to be assigned to this.

Next Meeting Date

The committee members set the date for their next meeting as Wednesday, September 21, 2016 at 8:30 a.m. in the KM Conference Room.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:45a.m.


Carol Schultz, Duluth HRA Safety & Risk Control Committee Chair